hadoop mapreduce 测试 mock htable


public class MergePcProfileMapper extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> {
 protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)
   throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  if (value.toString().indexOf(DeviceConstant.TAB) > 0) {
   String[] splits = value.toString().split(DeviceConstant.TAB);
   MobileProfileUtil.writeProfile(splits[0], splits[1], context);
  } else {
   MobileProfileUtil.writePhoneRelation(value, context);



public class MergePcProfileMapperTest {
 private MapDriver<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> mapDriver;
 public void testMapTextPro1() {
         mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(1l), new Text("211636519815012420166"));
         mapDriver.withOutput(new Text("116365198"), new Text("215012420166"));
 public void testMapTextPro2() {
  mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(1l), new Text("111636519815012420166"));
        mapDriver.withOutput(new Text("116365198"), new Text("115012420166"));
 public void testMapTextPro3() {
   mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(1l), new Text("315012420166116365198"));
         mapDriver.withOutput(new Text("116365198"), new Text("315012420166"));
 public void testMapResultPro() throws IOException {
//  MockHTable table = MockHTable.with(new String[][] {
//     { "110", "cat:123", "{\"categoryId\":123,\"categoryLevel\":2,\"categoryWeight\":0.818,\"userAttriProfiles\":[{\"attributePref\":0.9585,\"attributeType\":0,\"attributeValue\":9223372036854775806,\"attributeWeight\":0.9585,\"items\":[{\"av\":0.9585,\"id\":931079}]}]}" }});
//  Get get = new Get("110".getBytes());
//  table.get(get);
         mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(1l), new Text("user_profile_mobile110 {\"categoryId\":123,\"categoryLevel\":2,\"categoryWeight\":0.818,\"userAttriProfiles\":[{\"attributePref\":0.9585,\"attributeType\":0,\"attributeValue\":9223372036854775806,\"attributeWeight\":0.9585,\"items\":[{\"av\":0.9585,\"id\":931079}]}]}"));
         mapDriver.withOutput(new Text("110"), new Text("user_profile_mobile{\"categoryId\":123,\"categoryLevel\":2,\"categoryWeight\":0.818,\"userAttriProfiles\":[{\"attributePref\":0.9585,\"attributeType\":0,\"attributeValue\":9223372036854775806,\"attributeWeight\":0.9585,\"itemValue\":0,\"items\":[{\"av\":0.9585,\"id\":931079}]}]}"));
        public void setUp() {
   MergePcProfileMapper lsMapper = new MergePcProfileMapper();
           mapDriver = new MapDriver<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text>();





首先需要mock htable


package com.yhd.processor.mobile.util;

 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Append;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Increment;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowLock;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RowMutations;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.Batch.Call;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.coprocessor.Batch.Callback;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter.ReturnCode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;

 * Mock implementation of HTableInterface. Holds any supplied data in a
 * multi-dimensional NavigableMap which acts as a in-memory database. Useful for
 * testing classes that operate on data using an HTableInterface.
 * <p>
 * Instances should be get using <code>MockHTable.create()</code>. So while a
 * DAO with a saving operation like
 * <pre>
 * public class MyDAO {
 * 	private HTableInterface table;
 * 	public MyDAO(HTableInterface table) {
 * 		this.table = table;
 * 	}
 * 	public void saveData(byte[] id, byte[] data) throws IOException{
 *     Put put = new Put(id)
 *     put.add(family, qualifier, data);
 *     table.put(put);
 *   }
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * is used in production like
 * <pre>
 * MyDAO(new HTable(conf, tableName)).saveData(id, data);
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * can be tested like
 * <pre>
 * &#064;Test
 * public void testSave() {
 * 	MockHTable table = MockHTable.create();
 * 	MyDAO(table).saveData(id, data);
 * 	Get get = new Get(id);
 * 	Result result = table.get(get);
 * 	assertArrayEquals(data, result.getValue(family, qualifier));
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * MockHTable instances can also be initialized with pre-loaded data using one
 * of the String[][] or Map<String, Map<String, String>> data formats. While
 * String[][] parameter lets directly loading data from source code, Map can be
 * generated from a YAML document, using a parser.
 * <pre>
 * // String[][]
 * MockHTable table = MockHTable.with(new String[][] {
 *   { &quot;&lt;rowid&gt;&quot;, &quot;&lt;column&gt;&quot;, &quot;&lt;value&gt;&quot; },
 *   { &quot;id&quot;, &quot;family:qualifier1&quot;, &quot;data1&quot; },
 *   { &quot;id&quot;, &quot;family:qualifier2&quot;, &quot;data2&quot; }
 * });
 * // YAML
 * String database = "id:\n  family:qualifier1: data1\n  family:qualifier2: data2\n";
 * MockHTable table = MockHTable.with((Map<String, Map<String, String>) new Yaml().load(database));
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * If value is not supposed to be a String, but an int, double or anything,
 * <code>MockHTable.toEString()</code> can be used to turn it into a String.
 * <p>
 * In order to simplify assertions for tests that should put anything into
 * database, MockHTable.read() works with two parameters (id and column) and
 * returns anything written to that row/column. So, previous test can be reduced
 * to
 * <pre>
 * &#064;Test
 * public void testSave() {
 * 	MockHTable table = MockHTable.create();
 * 	MyDAO(table).saveData(id, data);
 * 	assertArrayEquals(data, table.read(id, &quot;family:qualifier&quot;));
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * @author erdem
public class MockHTable implements HTableInterface {
	 * This is all the data for a MockHTable instance
	private NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>>> data = new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>>>(

	 * Helper method to convert some data into a list of KeyValue's
	 * @param row
	 *            row value of the KeyValue's
	 * @param rowdata
	 *            data to decode
	 * @param maxVersions
	 *            number of versions to return
	 * @return List of KeyValue's
	private static List<KeyValue> toKeyValue(
			byte[] row,
			NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> rowdata,
			int maxVersions) {
		return toKeyValue(row, rowdata, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, maxVersions);

	 * Helper method to convert some data into a list of KeyValue's with
	 * timestamp constraint
	 * @param row
	 *            row value of the KeyValue's
	 * @param rowdata
	 *            data to decode
	 * @param timestampStart
	 *            start of the timestamp constraint
	 * @param timestampEnd
	 *            end of the timestamp constraint
	 * @param maxVersions
	 *            number of versions to return
	 * @return List of KeyValue's
	private static List<KeyValue> toKeyValue(
			byte[] row,
			NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> rowdata,
			long timestampStart, long timestampEnd, int maxVersions) {
		List<KeyValue> ret = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
		for (byte[] family : rowdata.keySet())
			for (byte[] qualifier : rowdata.get(family).keySet()) {
				int versionsAdded = 0;
				for (Entry<Long, byte[]> tsToVal : rowdata.get(family)
						.get(qualifier).descendingMap().entrySet()) {
					if (versionsAdded++ == maxVersions)
					Long timestamp = tsToVal.getKey();
					if (timestamp < timestampStart)
					if (timestamp > timestampEnd)
					byte[] value = tsToVal.getValue();
					ret.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qualifier, timestamp,
		return ret;

	 * Clients should not rely on table names so this returns null.
	 * @return null
	public byte[] getTableName() {
		return null;

	 * No configuration needed to work so this returns null.
	 * @return null
	public Configuration getConfiguration() {
		return null;

	 * No table descriptor needed so this returns null.
	 * @return null
	public HTableDescriptor getTableDescriptor() {
		return null;

	public boolean exists(Get get) throws IOException {
		if (get.getFamilyMap() == null || get.getFamilyMap().size() == 0) {
			return data.containsKey(get.getRow());
		} else {
			byte[] row = get.getRow();
			if (!data.containsKey(row)) {
				return false;
			for (byte[] family : get.getFamilyMap().keySet()) {
				if (!data.get(row).containsKey(family)) {
					return false;
				} else {
					for (byte[] qualifier : get.getFamilyMap().get(family)) {
						if (!data.get(row).get(family).containsKey(qualifier)) {
							return false;
			return true;

	public Result get(Get get) throws IOException {
		if (!data.containsKey(get.getRow()))
			return new Result();
		byte[] row = get.getRow();
		List<KeyValue> kvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
		if (!get.hasFamilies()) {
			kvs = toKeyValue(row, data.get(row), get.getMaxVersions());
		} else {
			for (byte[] family : get.getFamilyMap().keySet()) {
				if (data.get(row).get(family) == null)
				NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiers = get.getFamilyMap()
				if (qualifiers == null || qualifiers.isEmpty())
					qualifiers = data.get(row).get(family).navigableKeySet();
				for (byte[] qualifier : qualifiers) {
					if (qualifier == null)
						qualifier = "".getBytes();
					if (!data.get(row).containsKey(family)
							|| !data.get(row).get(family)
							|| data.get(row).get(family).get(qualifier)
					Entry<Long, byte[]> timestampAndValue = data.get(row)
					kvs.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qualifier,
							timestampAndValue.getKey(), timestampAndValue
		Filter filter = get.getFilter();
		if (filter != null) {
			List<KeyValue> nkvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(kvs.size());
			for (KeyValue kv : kvs) {
				if (filter.filterAllRemaining()) {
				if (filter.filterRowKey(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getRowOffset(),
						kv.getRowLength())) {
				if (filter.filterKeyValue(kv) == ReturnCode.INCLUDE) {
				// ignoring next key hint which is a optimization to reduce file
				// system IO
			if (filter.hasFilterRow()) {
			kvs = nkvs;

		return new Result(kvs);

	public Result getRowOrBefore(byte[] row, byte[] family) throws IOException {
		// FIXME: implement
		return null;

	public ResultScanner getScanner(Scan scan) throws IOException {
		final List<Result> ret = new ArrayList<Result>();
		byte[] st = scan.getStartRow();
		byte[] sp = scan.getStopRow();
		Filter filter = scan.getFilter();

		for (byte[] row : data.keySet()) {
			// if row is equal to startRow emit it. When startRow (inclusive)
			// and
			// stopRow (exclusive) is the same, it should not be excluded which
			// would
			// happen w/o this control.
			if (st != null && st.length > 0
					&& Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare(st, row) != 0) {
				// if row is before startRow do not emit, pass to next row
				if (st != null && st.length > 0
						&& Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare(st, row) > 0)
				// if row is equal to stopRow or after it do not emit, stop
				// iteration
				if (sp != null && sp.length > 0
						&& Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR.compare(sp, row) <= 0)

			List<KeyValue> kvs = null;
			if (!scan.hasFamilies()) {
				kvs = toKeyValue(row, data.get(row), scan.getTimeRange()
						.getMin(), scan.getTimeRange().getMax(),
			} else {
				kvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
				for (byte[] family : scan.getFamilyMap().keySet()) {
					if (data.get(row).get(family) == null)
					NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiers = scan.getFamilyMap().get(
					if (qualifiers == null || qualifiers.isEmpty())
						qualifiers = data.get(row).get(family)
					for (byte[] qualifier : qualifiers) {
						if (data.get(row).get(family).get(qualifier) == null)
						for (Long timestamp : data.get(row).get(family)
								.get(qualifier).descendingKeySet()) {
							if (timestamp < scan.getTimeRange().getMin())
							if (timestamp > scan.getTimeRange().getMax())
							byte[] value = data.get(row).get(family)
							kvs.add(new KeyValue(row, family, qualifier,
									timestamp, value));
							if (kvs.size() == scan.getMaxVersions()) {
			if (filter != null) {
				List<KeyValue> nkvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(kvs.size());
				for (KeyValue kv : kvs) {
					if (filter.filterAllRemaining()) {
					if (filter.filterRowKey(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getRowOffset(),
							kv.getRowLength())) {
					ReturnCode filterResult = filter.filterKeyValue(kv);
					if (filterResult == ReturnCode.INCLUDE) {
					} else if (filterResult == ReturnCode.NEXT_ROW) {
					// ignoring next key hint which is a optimization to reduce
					// file system IO
				if (filter.hasFilterRow()) {
				kvs = nkvs;
			if (!kvs.isEmpty()) {
				ret.add(new Result(kvs));

		return new ResultScanner() {
			private final Iterator<Result> iterator = ret.iterator();

			public Iterator<Result> iterator() {
				return iterator;

			public Result[] next(int nbRows) throws IOException {
				ArrayList<Result> resultSets = new ArrayList<Result>(nbRows);
				for (int i = 0; i < nbRows; i++) {
					Result next = next();
					if (next != null) {
					} else {
				return resultSets.toArray(new Result[resultSets.size()]);

			public Result next() throws IOException {
				try {
					return iterator().next();
				} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
					return null;

			public void close() {

	public ResultScanner getScanner(byte[] family) throws IOException {
		Scan scan = new Scan();
		return getScanner(scan);

	public ResultScanner getScanner(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier)
			throws IOException {
		Scan scan = new Scan();
		scan.addColumn(family, qualifier);
		return getScanner(scan);

	public void put(Put put) throws IOException {
		byte[] row = put.getRow();
		NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> rowData = forceFind(
				new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>>(
		for (byte[] family : put.getFamilyMap().keySet()) {
			NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> familyData = forceFind(
					rowData, family,
					new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>(
			for (KeyValue kv : put.getFamilyMap().get(family)) {
				byte[] qualifier = kv.getQualifier();
				NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> qualifierData = forceFind(
						familyData, qualifier, new TreeMap<Long, byte[]>());
				qualifierData.put(kv.getTimestamp(), kv.getValue());

	 * Helper method to find a key in a map. If key is not found, newObject is
	 * added to map and returned
	 * @param map
	 *            map to extract value from
	 * @param key
	 *            key to look for
	 * @param newObject
	 *            set key to this if not found
	 * @return found value or newObject if not found
	private <K, V> V forceFind(NavigableMap<K, V> map, K key, V newObject) {
		V data = map.get(key);
		if (data == null) {
			data = newObject;
			map.put(key, data);
		return data;

	public void put(List<Put> puts) throws IOException {
		for (Put put : puts)

	 * Checks if the value with given details exists in database, or is
	 * non-existent in the case of value being null
	 * @param row
	 *            row
	 * @param family
	 *            family
	 * @param qualifier
	 *            qualifier
	 * @param value
	 *            value
	 * @return true if value is not null and exists in db, or value is null and
	 *         not exists in db, false otherwise
	private boolean check(byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier,
			byte[] value) {
		if (value == null || value.length == 0)
			return !data.containsKey(row) || !data.get(row).containsKey(family)
					|| !data.get(row).get(family).containsKey(qualifier);
			return data.containsKey(row)
					&& data.get(row).containsKey(family)
					&& data.get(row).get(family).containsKey(qualifier)
					&& !data.get(row).get(family).get(qualifier).isEmpty()
					&& Arrays.equals(data.get(row).get(family).get(qualifier)
							.lastEntry().getValue(), value);

	public boolean checkAndPut(byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier,
			byte[] value, Put put) throws IOException {
		if (check(row, family, qualifier, value)) {
			return true;
		return false;

	public void delete(Delete delete) throws IOException {
		byte[] row = delete.getRow();
		if (data.get(row) == null)
		if (delete.getFamilyMap().size() == 0) {
		for (byte[] family : delete.getFamilyMap().keySet()) {
			if (data.get(row).get(family) == null)
			if (delete.getFamilyMap().get(family).isEmpty()) {
			for (KeyValue kv : delete.getFamilyMap().get(family)) {
			if (data.get(row).get(family).isEmpty()) {
		if (data.get(row).isEmpty()) {

	public void delete(List<Delete> deletes) throws IOException {
		for (Delete delete : deletes)

	public boolean checkAndDelete(byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier,
			byte[] value, Delete delete) throws IOException {
		if (check(row, family, qualifier, value)) {
			return true;
		return false;

	public long incrementColumnValue(byte[] row, byte[] family,
			byte[] qualifier, long amount) throws IOException {
		return incrementColumnValue(row, family, qualifier, amount, true);

	public long incrementColumnValue(byte[] row, byte[] family,
			byte[] qualifier, long amount, boolean writeToWAL)
			throws IOException {
		if (check(row, family, qualifier, null)) {
			Put put = new Put(row);
			put.add(family, qualifier, Bytes.toBytes(amount));
			return amount;
		long newValue = Bytes.toLong(data.get(row).get(family).get(qualifier)
				+ amount;
				.put(System.currentTimeMillis(), Bytes.toBytes(newValue));
		return newValue;

	public boolean isAutoFlush() {
		return true;

	public void flushCommits() throws IOException {

	public void close() throws IOException {

	public RowLock lockRow(byte[] row) throws IOException {
		return null;

	public void unlockRow(RowLock rl) throws IOException {

	public Object[] batch(List<? extends Row> actions) throws IOException,
			InterruptedException {
		List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
		for (Row r : actions) {
			if (r instanceof Delete) {
				delete((Delete) r);
			if (r instanceof Put) {
				put((Put) r);
			if (r instanceof Get) {
				results.add(get((Get) r));
		return results.toArray();

	public void batch(List<? extends Row> actions, Object[] results) throws IOException,
			InterruptedException {
		results = batch(actions);

	public Result[] get(List<Get> gets) throws IOException {
		List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
		for (Get g : gets) {
		return results.toArray(new Result[results.size()]);

	public Result increment(Increment increment) throws IOException {
		List<KeyValue> kvs = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
		Map<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], Long>> famToVal = increment
		for (Entry<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], Long>> ef : famToVal.entrySet()) {
			byte[] family = ef.getKey();
			NavigableMap<byte[], Long> qToVal = ef.getValue();
			for (Entry<byte[], Long> eq : qToVal.entrySet()) {
				incrementColumnValue(increment.getRow(), family, eq.getKey(),
				kvs.add(new KeyValue(increment.getRow(), family, eq.getKey(),
		return new Result(kvs);

	private MockHTable() {

	 * Default way of constructing a MockHTable
	 * @return a new MockHTable
	public static MockHTable create() {
		return new MockHTable();

	 * Create a MockHTable with some pre-loaded data. Parameter should be a map
	 * of column-to-data mappings of rows. It can be created with a YAML like
	 * <pre>
	 * rowid:
	 *   family1:qualifier1: value1
	 *   family2:qualifier2: value2
	 * </pre>
	 * @param dump
	 *            pre-loaded data
	 * @return a new MockHTable loaded with given data
	public static MockHTable with(Map<String, Map<String, String>> dump) {
		MockHTable ret = new MockHTable();
		for (String row : dump.keySet()) {
			for (String column : dump.get(row).keySet()) {
				String val = dump.get(row).get(column);
				put(ret, row, column, val);
		return ret;

	 * Helper method of pre-loaders, adds parameters to data.
	 * @param ret
	 *            data to load into
	 * @param row
	 *            rowid
	 * @param column
	 *            family:qualifier encoded value
	 * @param val
	 *            value
	private static void put(MockHTable ret, String row, String column,
			String val) {
		String[] fq = split(column);
		byte[] family = Bytes.toBytesBinary(fq[0]);
		byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytesBinary(fq[1]);
		NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> families = ret
						new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>>(
		NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>> qualifiers = ret
				.forceFind(families, family,
						new TreeMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>(
		NavigableMap<Long, byte[]> values = ret.forceFind(qualifiers,
				qualifier, new TreeMap<Long, byte[]>());
		values.put(System.currentTimeMillis(), Bytes.toBytesBinary(val));

	 * Create a MockHTable with some pre-loaded data. Parameter should be an
	 * array of string arrays which define every column value individually.
	 * <pre>
	 * new String[][] {
	 *   { "&lt;rowid&gt;", "&lt;column&gt;", "&lt;value&gt;" },
	 *   { "id", "family:qualifier1", "data1" },
	 *   { "id", "family:qualifier2", "data2" }
	 * });
	 * </pre>
	 * @param dump
	 * @return
	public static MockHTable with(String[][] dump) {
		MockHTable ret = new MockHTable();
		for (String[] row : dump) {
			put(ret, row[0], row[1], row[2]);
		return ret;

	 * Column identification helper
	 * @param column
	 *            column name in the format family:qualifier
	 * @return <code>{"family", "qualifier"}</code>
	private static String[] split(String column) {
		return new String[] { column.substring(0, column.indexOf(':')),
				column.substring(column.indexOf(':') + 1) };

	 * Read a value saved in the object. Useful for making assertions in tests.
	 * @param rowid
	 *            rowid of the data to read
	 * @param column
	 *            family:qualifier of the data to read
	 * @return value or null if row or column of the row does not exist
	public byte[] read(String rowid, String column) {
		NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<byte[], NavigableMap<Long, byte[]>>> row = data
		if (row == null)
			return null;
		String[] fq = split(column);
		byte[] family = Bytes.toBytesBinary(fq[0]);
		byte[] qualifier = Bytes.toBytesBinary(fq[1]);
		if (!row.containsKey(family))
			return null;
		if (!row.get(family).containsKey(qualifier))
			return null;
		return row.get(family).get(qualifier).lastEntry().getValue();

	public static String toEString(boolean val) {
		return Bytes.toStringBinary(Bytes.toBytes(val));

	public static String toEString(double val) {
		return Bytes.toStringBinary(Bytes.toBytes(val));

	public static String toEString(float val) {
		return Bytes.toStringBinary(Bytes.toBytes(val));

	public static String toEString(int val) {
		return Bytes.toStringBinary(Bytes.toBytes(val));

	public static String toEString(long val) {
		return Bytes.toStringBinary(Bytes.toBytes(val));

	public static String toEString(short val) {
		return Bytes.toStringBinary(Bytes.toBytes(val));

	public Result append(Append arg0) throws IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

	public <T extends CoprocessorProtocol, R> Map<byte[], R> coprocessorExec(
			Class<T> arg0, byte[] arg1, byte[] arg2, Call<T, R> arg3)
			throws IOException, Throwable {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

	public <T extends CoprocessorProtocol, R> void coprocessorExec(
			Class<T> arg0, byte[] arg1, byte[] arg2, Call<T, R> arg3,
			Callback<R> arg4) throws IOException, Throwable {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub

	public <T extends CoprocessorProtocol> T coprocessorProxy(Class<T> arg0,
			byte[] arg1) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

	public void mutateRow(RowMutations arg0) throws IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub



	public void testMapResultPro() throws IOException {
//		MockHTable table = MockHTable.with(new String[][] {
//				 { "110", "cat:123", "{\"categoryId\":123,\"categoryLevel\":2,\"categoryWeight\":0.818,\"userAttriProfiles\":[{\"attributePref\":0.9585,\"attributeType\":0,\"attributeValue\":9223372036854775806,\"attributeWeight\":0.9585,\"items\":[{\"av\":0.9585,\"id\":931079}]}]}" }});
//		Get get = new Get("110".getBytes());
//		table.get(get);
         mapDriver.withInput(new LongWritable(1l), new Text("user_profile_mobile110	{\"categoryId\":123,\"categoryLevel\":2,\"categoryWeight\":0.818,\"userAttriProfiles\":[{\"attributePref\":0.9585,\"attributeType\":0,\"attributeValue\":9223372036854775806,\"attributeWeight\":0.9585,\"items\":[{\"av\":0.9585,\"id\":931079}]}]}"));
         mapDriver.withOutput(new Text("110"), new Text("user_profile_mobile{\"categoryId\":123,\"categoryLevel\":2,\"categoryWeight\":0.818,\"userAttriProfiles\":[{\"attributePref\":0.9585,\"attributeType\":0,\"attributeValue\":9223372036854775806,\"attributeWeight\":0.9585,\"itemValue\":0,\"items\":[{\"av\":0.9585,\"id\":931079}]}]}"));

