server replied that no ads are available??


控制台上也总是提示:server replied that no ads are available

去admob的google groups搜了一边,看到admob support有一个很模糊的回答:

Hi all,
Please note that it may take up to 5 minutes for your publisher ID to
become active after we receive the first live request (test mode set
to false). Once the publisher ID is active, we will serve an AdMob ad
when one is available depending on the parameters (IP, User Agent, Geo-
data, Headers, etc) in your request.
AdMob Support

仍然不清楚admob显示广告的规则是什么,不过既然android phone在中国还不算正式上市,广告商无视中国市场也算正常。看着iphone上的回报率,悲苦。。。。
