javascript 笔记

javascript window object

1.the window object is the gloabl object in client-side programming. and the window object has two self-referential properties ,window and self .

2.client-side object hierarchy

the curent window-- self,window,parent,top(various Window objects)

-- navigator (Navigator object)

-- frames[](array of window objects)

-- location(Location object)

-- history(History object)

-- screen(Screen object)

--doument(Document object)---applets[](array of applets)

---images[](array of Image objects)

---links[](array of Link objects)

---anchors[](array of Anchor objects)

---forms[](array of form objects)--...

Embedding scripts in HTML

1.between a pair of <script> and </script>, form an external file specified by src the attribute of a <script>, in a URL that uses the special javascript: protocol.

Event Handlers in HTML

1.if anonclick handler returns false,the browser does not perform any default action associated with the button or link.
