2.Commons Collections中的算子
算子成为Commons Collections 3.1中的有趣的部分有两个原因:它们没有得到应得的重视并且它们有改变你编程的方式的潜力。算子只是一个奇特的名字,它代表了一个包装了函数的对象—一个“函数对象”。当然,它们不是一回事。如果你曾经使用过C和C++的方法指针,你就会理解算子的威力。
一个算子是一个对象—一个Predicate,一个Closure, 一个Transformer。
成绩为A的学生会被加到honorRollStudents(光荣榜)中,得D和F的学生被加到problemStudents (问题学生)list中。学生分开以后,系统将会遍历每个list,给加入到光荣榜中学生一个奖励,并安排与问题学生的家长谈话的时间表。下面的代码不使用算子实现了这个过程:
List allStudents = getAllStudents();
// 创建两个ArrayList来存放荣誉学生和问题学生
List honorRollStudents = new ArrayList();
List problemStudents = new ArrayList();
// 遍历所有学生,将荣誉学生放入一个List,问题学生放入另一个
Iterator allStudentsIter = allStudents.iterator();
while( allStudentsIter.hasNext() ) {
Student s = (Student) allStudentsIter.next();
if( s.getGrade().equals( "A" ) ) {
honorRollStudents.add( s );
} else if( s.getGrade().equals( "B" ) &&
s.getAttendance() == PERFECT) {
honorRollStudents.add( s );
} else if( s.getGrade().equals( "D" ) ||
s.getGrade().equals( "F" ) ) {
problemStudents.add( s );
} else if( s.getStatus() == SUSPENDED ) {
problemStudents.add( s );
// 对于的有荣誉学生,增加一个奖励并存储到数据库中
Iterator honorRollIter =
while( honorRollIter.hasNext() ) {
Student s = (Student) honorRollIter.next();
// 给学生记录增加一个奖励
s.addAward( "honor roll", 2005 );
Database.saveStudent( s );
// 对所有问题学生,增加一个注释并存储到数据库中
Iterator problemIter = problemStudents.iterator();
while( problemIter.hasNext() ) {
Student s = (Student) problemIter.next();
// 将学生标记为需特殊注意
s.addNote( "talk to student", 2005 );
s.addNote( "meeting with parents", 2005 );
Database.saveStudent( s );
import org.apache.commons.collections.Closure;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
// 匿名的Predicate决定一个学生是否加入荣誉榜
Predicate isHonorRoll = new Predicate() {
public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
Student s = (Student) object;
return( ( s.getGrade().equals( "A" ) ) ||
( s.getGrade().equals( "B" ) &&
s.getAttendance() == PERFECT ) );
Predicate isProblem = new Predicate() {
public boolean evaluate(Object object) {
Student s = (Student) object;
return ( ( s.getGrade().equals( "D" ) ||
s.getGrade().equals( "F" ) ) ||
s.getStatus() == SUSPENDED );
Closure addToHonorRoll = new Closure() {
public void execute(Object object) {
Student s = (Student) object;
// 对学生增加一个荣誉记录
s.addAward( "honor roll", 2005 );
Database.saveStudent( s );
// 匿名的Closure将学生标记为需特殊注意
Closure flagForAttention = new Closure() {
public void execute(Object object) {
Student s = (Student) object;
// 标记学生为需特殊注意
s.addNote( "talk to student", 2005 );
s.addNote( "meeting with parents", 2005 );
Database.saveStudent( s );
import org.apache.commons.collections.ClosureUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.functors.NOPClosure;
Map predicateMap = new HashMap();
predicateMap.put( isHonorRoll, addToHonorRoll );
predicateMap.put( isProblem, flagForAttention );
predicateMap.put( null, ClosureUtils.nopClosure() );
Closure processStudents =
ClosureUtils.switchClosure( predicateMap );
CollectionUtils.forAllDo( allStudents, processStudents );