Marriages do not stand or with the crisis

Cantabria record in the first nine months of 2010, a total of 1,151 family breakdown, 105 more than the same period last year.
This represents an increase of 10.04%, the third largest increase passed by behind the experienced and Murcia (11.81%) and Extremadura (10.26%), according to data released Monday by Family Politics Institute (IPF).
According to the report, in La Rioja, Navarra Canarias and the number of, global agenda credits , breaks has decreased compared to last year, 4.05%, 2.57% and 0.51%, respectively.
In the whole of Spain, between January and September there were 92,767 breaches, 86,834 divorces, separations and 120 annulments 5813-which represents more than 2867 idnticos months of 2009, ie a rise of 3 , 2%. The figure translates into 344 to give breaks, equivalent to one every, cheapest wow power leveling , 4.2 minutes.
Cantabria is, in addition, the second community with high divorce rates, namely 95.2% of total separations, and behind the Canary Islands (95.7%) and followed by La Rioja (95.1 %). All three Sitan above the national average is 93.6%.
Meanwhile, Extremadura is the community that has the lowest divorce rate in the marriage breakdown, with 90.1% of cases.
According to, buy wow golds , the report of IPF, is Andalusia, with 17,359 breakdowns in the first nine months of 2010, the autonomous region with the highest number of breaks, followed by Catalonia (16 817) and Madrid (12 896) .
For its part, La Rioja is the autonomous region with the lowest number of breaks, with 474, followed by Navarre (981) and Cantabria (1,151 breaks).
The problem is compounded
According to Facebook spokesperson and vice president of IPF, Mariano Martinez-Aedo, these data confirm that problemtica of family breakdown in Spain has worsened so that neither the economic crisis or the decrease of the number of marriages have managed to contain the number of family breakdown, although Haban been two major factors in the decline in recent years.
Also, he said demonstrating the seriousness of the problem and that is the main problem of family Spaniards, however, "governments are making practically no nothing to help resolve it."
Therefore, the IPF has sealed that the government can not continue to "remain indifferent" to a problemtica as family instability and its continued growth. "No est preserving the right of parents to marital stability," has sealed Martinez-Aedo.
