
1. 两个重要的配置文件是:  其权限只能为root所有

2. Postfix uses the database files for access control,address rewriting and other purpose.
     for example: /etc/postfix/ :
               virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual 此例使用的是哈希表格式的数据文件
3. myorigin 参数决定了以@myorigind值为发出邮件,
     mydestination 参数决定了postfix要收下来自哪些域的邮件后传递给local MDA,而不是转发给其他机器
    mynetworks_style 参数决定了postfix forward来自哪些网域的邮件。

    * if you specify mynetworks_style as "host",then Postfix should forward mail from only the local machine

    * if you specify mynetworks_style as "subnet",then Postfix will forward mail from SMTP clients in the same IP subnetworks as the local machine.
    * if you specify this parameter as "class" ,the Postfix will forward mail from SMTP clients in the same IP class A/B/C networks as the local machine

     relay_domains 参数决定了Postfix 可以帮忙传递哪些域的邮件
     relayhost 来决定你的邮件是不是直接传递到internet还是通过其它的主机进行传递
4.  what trouble to report to thepostmaster
       1), 必须为postmaset设置别名,可以使用postconf alias_maps 找到设置别名的文件(记住:更改别名文件后必须执行newaliases命令)
       2), 系统默认的trouble通知级别是resource和software
              bounce: Inform postmater of undeliverable mail, the notification is sent to the address specified with the bounce_notice_address configuration parameter(default is postmaster)
              2bounce: 2bounce_notice_recipient
              delay:  delay_notice_recipient
              policy:  error_notice_recipient
              protocol: error_notice_recipient
              resource: error_notice_recipient
              software: error_notice_recipient
5. Proxy /NAT external network address
6. What you need to know about Postfix logging
7. My own hostname
