如何使用Flex RegExpValidator

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<!-- Simple example to demonstrate the RegExpValidator. -->
	如何使用Flex RegExpValidator
	MyShareBook.cn 翻译
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">

			import mx.events.ValidationResultEvent;
			import mx.validators.*;
            // Write the results to the 
			private function handleResult(eventObj:ValidationResultEvent):void {
				if (eventObj.type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID)
					// For valid events, the results Array contains
					// RegExpValidationResult objects.
					var xResult:RegExpValidationResult;
					for (var i:uint = 0; i < eventObj.results.length; i++)
						xResult = eventObj.results[i];
						reResults.text=reResults.text + xResult.matchedIndex + " " +
							xResult.matchedString + "\n";

	<mx:RegExpValidator id="regExpV" 
		source="{regex_text}" property="text" 
		flags="g" expression="{regex.text}" 
		valid="handleResult(event)" invalid="handleResult(event)"
		trigger="{myButton}" triggerEvent="click"/>
   <mx:Panel title="RegExpValidator Example" width="95%" height="95%" 
        paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingBottom="5">
        <mx:Text width="100%" text="Instructions:"/>
        <mx:Text width="100%" text="1. Enter text to search. By default, enter  a string containing the letters ABC in sequence followed by any digit."/>
        <mx:Text width="100%" text="2. Enter the regular expression. By default, enter ABC\d."/>
        <mx:Text width="100%" text="3. Click the Button control to trigger the validation."/>
        <mx:Text width="100%" text="4. The results show the index in the text where the matching pattern begins, and the matching pattern. "/>
            <mx:FormItem label="Enter text: ">
                <mx:TextInput id="regex_text" text="xxxxABC4xxx" width="100%"/>

            <mx:FormItem label="Enter regular expression: ">
                <mx:TextInput id="regex" text="ABC\d" width="100%"/>

            <mx:FormItem label="Results: ">
                <mx:TextInput id="reResults" width="100%"/>

            <mx:FormItem >
                <mx:Button id="myButton" label="Validate"/>
