poi BigGridDemo

import java.io.*;  
import java.util.*;  
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;  
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;  
import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream;  
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DateUtil;  
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.IndexedColors;  
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;  
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*;  
 * Demonstrates a workaround you can use to generate large workbooks and avoid OutOfMemory exception. 
 * The trick is as follows: 
 * 1. create a template workbook, create sheets and global objects such as cell styles, number formats, etc. 
 * 2. create an application that streams data in a text file 
 * 3. Substitute the sheet in the template with the generated data 
 * <p> 
 *      Since 3.8-beta3 POI provides a low-memory footprint SXSSF API which implementing the "BigGridDemo" strategy. 
 *      XSSF is an API-compatible streaming extension of XSSF to be used when 
 *      very large spreadsheets have to be produced, and heap space is limited. 
 *      SXSSF achieves its low memory footprint by limiting access to the rows that 
 *      are within a sliding window, while XSSF gives access to all rows in the 
 *      document. Older rows that are no longer in the window become inaccessible, 
 *      as they are written to the disk. 
 * </p> 
 * See <a "http://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/how-to.html#sxssf"> 
 *     http://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/how-to.html#sxssf</a>. 
 * @author Yegor Kozlov 
public class BigGridDemo {  
    private static final String XML_ENCODING = "UTF-8";  
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
        // Step 1. Create a template file. Setup sheets and workbook-level objects such as  
        // cell styles, number formats, etc.  
        XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook();  
        XSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Big Grid");  
        Map<String, XSSFCellStyle> styles = createStyles(wb);  
        //name of the zip entry holding sheet data, e.g. /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml  
        String sheetRef = sheet.getPackagePart().getPartName().getName();  
        //save the template  
        FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("template.xlsx");  
        //Step 2. Generate XML file.  
        File tmp = File.createTempFile("sheet", ".xml");  
        Writer fw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tmp), XML_ENCODING);  
        generate(fw, styles);  
        //Step 3. Substitute the template entry with the generated data  
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("big-grid.xlsx");  
        substitute(new File("template.xlsx"), tmp, sheetRef.substring(1), out);  
     * Create a library of cell styles. 
    private static Map<String, XSSFCellStyle> createStyles(XSSFWorkbook wb){  
        Map<String, XSSFCellStyle> styles = new HashMap<String, XSSFCellStyle>();  
        XSSFDataFormat fmt = wb.createDataFormat();  
        XSSFCellStyle style1 = wb.createCellStyle();  
        styles.put("percent", style1);  
        XSSFCellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle();  
        styles.put("coeff", style2);  
        XSSFCellStyle style3 = wb.createCellStyle();  
        styles.put("currency", style3);  
        XSSFCellStyle style4 = wb.createCellStyle();  
        style4.setDataFormat(fmt.getFormat("mmm dd"));  
        styles.put("date", style4);  
        XSSFCellStyle style5 = wb.createCellStyle();  
        XSSFFont headerFont = wb.createFont();  
        styles.put("header", style5);  
        return styles;  
    private static void generate(Writer out, Map<String, XSSFCellStyle> styles) throws Exception {  
        Random rnd = new Random();  
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();  
        SpreadsheetWriter sw = new SpreadsheetWriter(out);  
        //insert header row  
        int styleIndex = styles.get("header").getIndex();  
        sw.createCell(0, "Title", styleIndex);  
        sw.createCell(1, "% Change", styleIndex);  
        sw.createCell(2, "Ratio", styleIndex);  
        sw.createCell(3, "Expenses", styleIndex);  
        sw.createCell(4, "Date", styleIndex);  
        //write data rows  
        for (int rownum = 1; rownum < 100000; rownum++) {  
            sw.createCell(0, "Hello, " + rownum + "!");  
            sw.createCell(1, (double)rnd.nextInt(100)/100, styles.get("percent").getIndex());  
            sw.createCell(2, (double)rnd.nextInt(10)/10, styles.get("coeff").getIndex());  
            sw.createCell(3, rnd.nextInt(10000), styles.get("currency").getIndex());  
            sw.createCell(4, calendar, styles.get("date").getIndex());  
            calendar.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);  
     * @param zipfile the template file 
     * @param tmpfile the XML file with the sheet data 
     * @param entry the name of the sheet entry to substitute, e.g. xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml 
     * @param out the stream to write the result to 
    private static void substitute(File zipfile, File tmpfile, String entry, OutputStream out) throws IOException {  
        ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipfile);  
        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(out);  
        Enumeration<ZipEntry> en = (Enumeration<ZipEntry>) zip.entries();  
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {  
            ZipEntry ze = en.nextElement();  
                zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(ze.getName()));  
                InputStream is = zip.getInputStream(ze);  
                copyStream(is, zos);  
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(entry));  
        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(tmpfile);  
        copyStream(is, zos);  
    private static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {  
        byte[] chunk = new byte[1024];  
        int count;  
        while ((count = in.read(chunk)) >=0 ) {  
     * Writes spreadsheet data in a Writer. 
     * (YK: in future it may evolve in a full-featured API for streaming data in Excel) 
    public static class SpreadsheetWriter {  
        private final Writer _out;  
        private int _rownum;  
        public SpreadsheetWriter(Writer out){  
            _out = out;  
        public void beginSheet() throws IOException {  
            _out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\""+XML_ENCODING+"\"?>" +  
                    "<worksheet xmlns=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main\">" );  
        public void endSheet() throws IOException {  
         * Insert a new row 
         * @param rownum 0-based row number 
        public void insertRow(int rownum) throws IOException {  
            _out.write("<row r=\""+(rownum+1)+"\">\n");  
            this._rownum = rownum;  
         * Insert row end marker 
        public void endRow() throws IOException {  
        public void createCell(int columnIndex, String value, int styleIndex) throws IOException {  
            String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString();  
            _out.write("<c r=\""+ref+"\" t=\"inlineStr\"");  
            if(styleIndex != -1) _out.write(" s=\""+styleIndex+"\"");  
        public void createCell(int columnIndex, String value) throws IOException {  
            createCell(columnIndex, value, -1);  
        public void createCell(int columnIndex, double value, int styleIndex) throws IOException {  
            String ref = new CellReference(_rownum, columnIndex).formatAsString();  
            _out.write("<c r=\""+ref+"\" t=\"n\"");  
            if(styleIndex != -1) _out.write(" s=\""+styleIndex+"\"");  
        public void createCell(int columnIndex, double value) throws IOException {  
            createCell(columnIndex, value, -1);  
        public void createCell(int columnIndex, Calendar value, int styleIndex) throws IOException {  
            createCell(columnIndex, DateUtil.getExcelDate(value, false), styleIndex);  

