闲话Harmony - 开场白

这是年初刚刚正式参与开源Java SE项目Apache Harmony时候发到mailing list的第一封邮件,贴到这里既算是存照,也算是咱家blog开场白吧:).

Hi, everybody

I'm Paulex of China Software Development Lab, IBM, and I'm working with Richard on the nio improvement. I found that the network related channels in java.nio.channels are not implemented in the class library code, so I will raise a JIRA request on this today. and we will start to contribute an implementation of these classes. Hopefully they can be accepted and helpful:).

P.S. As a declaration, I confirm that:
I have read Apache Harmony Contribution Policy and already have a completed questionnaire on file. :-)

Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab
