创建spring web application项目的流程步骤

Below are the ordered steps you will perform:
1.Download Struts and Spring.
2.Create project directories and an Ant build file.
3.Create a unit test for the persistence layer.
4.Configure Hibernate and Spring.
5.Create Hibernate DAO implementation.
6.Run the unit test and verify CRUD with DAO.
7.Create a Manager and Declare Transactions.
8.Create a unit test for the Struts Action.
9.Create an Action and model (DynaActionForm) for the web layer.
10.Run the unit test and verify CRUD with Action.
11.Create JSPs to allow CRUD through a web browser.
12.Verify the JSPs’ functionality through your browser.
13.Replace the JSPs with Velocity templates.
14.Add Validation using Commons Validator.

CRUD是一个数据库技术中的缩写词,它代表创建(Create)、读取(Read)更新(Update)和删除(Delete)操作。CRUD 定义了用于处理数据的基本原子操作。之所以将CRUD 提升到一个技术难题的高度是因为完成一个涉及在多个数据库系统中进行CRUD操作的汇总相关的活动,其性能可能会随数据关系的变化而有非常大的差异。
