
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto = create.
   Usually you only leave it turned on in continuous unit testing, but another run of hbm2ddl would drop everything you have stored - the create configuration setting actually translates into "drop all tables from the schema, then re-create all tables, when the SessionFactory is build".

We recommend you declare consistently-named identifier properties on persistent classes. We further recommend that you use a nullable (ie. non-primitive) type.

Properties need not be declared public - Hibernate can persist a property with a default, protected or private get / set pair.

Hibernate will always look for the DTD in its classpath first. If you experience lookups of the DTD using an Internet connection, check your DTD declaration against the contents of your claspath.


It is perfectly acceptable for the named persistent class to be an interface. You would then declare implementing classes of that interface using the <subclass> element. You may persist any static inner class.

The access attribute lets you control how Hibernate will access the property at runtime. By default, Hibernate will call the property get/set pair. If you specify access="field", Hibernate will bypass the get/set pair and access the field directly, using reflection.
