Sample applications:
Note: All sample file names begins with prefix "OverbyteIcs". Some samples listed
below maybe missing from distribution because the are from version 5 and not yet
ported to V6. If you need those samples, download V5.
BASFTP Basic FTP client program
CLIDEMO Example of client for SRVDEMO
CLIENT5 Basic client GUI applications
CONCLI1 Basic client/server console applications
CONCLI2 Basic client/server console applications with thread
CONFTP Basic console mode FTP client
CONHTTP Basic console mode HTTP client
CONPING Basic console mode demo of ping component
CONPOP3 Basic console mode demo for POP3 (mail receive)
CONSMTP Basic console mode demo for SMTP (mail send)
CONSRV1 Basic server application in console mode
DLLTST1 Test program using ICSDLL
DNSLOOK Example of name resolution, see also NSLOOKUP sample
DYNCLI Basic client creatin TWSocket dynamically
DYNCLI Demo of dynamically created TWSocket components
FINGER Example of TFingerCli component
FTPASY Example of asychronous FTP client
FTPSERV General purpose FTP server
FTPTHRD Demo of multithreaded FTP client, see also FTPASY
FTPTST Basic graphical FTP client
HTTPASP Example of THttpCli component with cookie (POST to an ASP page)
HTTPASY Example of THttpCli component with multiple async requests (GET)
HTTPCHK Example of THttpCli to check for valid URL
HTTPDMO Yet another HTTP client demo
HTTPGET Example of THttpCli component (GET into a file)
HTTPPG Example of THttpCli component (POST)
HTTPPOST Example of THttpCli component (POST), work with WebServ sample
HTTPTHRD Example of THttpCli component (multi-threaded GET)
HTTPTST Example of THttpCli component (GET), show many features
ICSDLL1 Example of TWSocket component within a DLL, use with TcpSrv demo
ICSDLL2 Example of HTTP client component within a DLL
ICSISAPI Example of FTP client component within an ISAPI extension
MAILHTML Example of HTML formatted EMail sending, including embedded images
MAILRCV Internet EMail access using POP3 protocol
MAILSND Example of EMail sending, including file attach
MAILSNDASYNC Example of simultaneous EMail sending
MD5FILE Example of MD5 unit: computer MD5 checksum for files
MD5TEST Test program for MD5 unit
MIMEDEMO Example of EMail decoding (attached files are extracted)
MIMETST Example of EMail sending with attached files
MTSRV Basic server, multi-threaded, see THRDSRV for better code
NEWSHTML Example of NNTP component to send HTML messages
NEWSRDR Example of TNntpCli component (Send/receive newsgroups)
NSLOOKUP Demo for the DNS query component
PINGTST Demo for the ping component
POP3MIME Example of MIME decoding, for example of EMails received with POP3 component
RECV Simple file receive (server), use with SENDER demo (client)
SENDER Simple file send (client), use with RECV demo (server)
SERVER5 Basic server GUI applications
SHATEST Test program for SHA unit
SOCKSTST How to use TWSocket with SOCKS protocol (firewall traversing)
SRVDEMO Example of server using a TTable
SRVTCP Basic server without client forms, event-driven
SVCTCP Same as SRVTCP but as an NT/2K/XP service
TCPSRV Basic server without client forms, event-driven
THRDSRV Basic multithreaded TCP server
TNCLIENT Telnet client using a TnEmulVT
TNDEMO Telnet client using a TMemo
TNSRV Basic TCP server with client forms, event-driven
TWSCHAT Chat program (both client and server in a single program)
UDPLSTN UDP listen demo
UDPSEND UDP send demo
WEBSERV HTTP server demo. Show static and dynamic pages. Use template for HTML.
Note 1: Many samples are similar. When searching for something, always look at the date
the demos where created. The most recent is always the best code !
Note 2: Not all samples have been rewritten in C++ for BCB. And those rewritten are
frequently much simpler. So BCB user: have a look at the Delphi sample too !
Note 3: Follow "UserMade" link on ICS website to find more sample programs written by
ICS users.
Note 4: See folder SslInternet for SSL-enabled versions of the samples.
As explained in the component installation, you may encounter an error loading
a sample application or running it. This may be because the last time I
loaded the form, I was using another Delphi or BCB version which has new properties.
You can safely ignore messages related to those new properties. They are not used
in the samples. (The properties are CharSet, OldCreateOrder and others).
You can also encounter error about duplicate resources. You can ignore them
safely. If you have those errors, open each form in the IDE, ignore the error
then recompile. If you don't open the form in the IDE, you'll get the errors
at runtime and your program will abort.