

Darwin Streaming Server

This article was for the following Ubuntu versions tested:
Feisty Fawn 7.04 Gutsy Fawn 7.04
Dapper Drake 6.06 (Long Term Support)
Darwin Streaming Server is the free version of QuickTime commercial server from Apple. Here are some of it's features:
Support for open standards: MP3, MPEG-4, H.264/AVC, RTP, RTSP
Open Source pursuant to Apple Public Source License
No term, no user restrictions, etc.
In addition, the server through a Web interface, a simple configuration, even from another computer.

The Darwin server is suited for on-demand streaming, where the audio / video data is already in coded form as a file and available on demand by a user of each other. In connection with the Live encoder mp4live from mpeg4ip project, but it can also live streaming applications (eg Internet-TV).

The following instructions should assist in the installation and configuration of the Darwin server.


For the installation of the Darwin Streaming Server, the following two packages need to be installed:

Libstdc + +5 (is already installed by default)
Checkinstall (Dapper)

To the Darwin streaming server after installation test can also be a good player for playback. This can be either locally on the server, or even better on a second computer to the server network is installed. It is proposed to take this opportunity to install the VLC media player with MPEG-4 support, but there are certainly other players to use.

The Darwin Streaming Server is not as a finished package for Ubuntu or Debian available, but must via Web browser as tar file from Apple's Web Download (registration required). The installation is described here the package Official Release - DSS 5.5.5 -> Linux -> streaming server is required, which the Linux binaries. The file is then downloaded and unpacked in the home directory.


After unpacking a terminal is opened and executed the following commands:

cd DarwinStreamingSrvrlinux Linux
sudo addgroup --system qtss
sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --ingroup qtss qtss

Gutsy Fawn

Under Ubuntu 7.04 Dapper Fawn the command is:
sudo. / Install

Dapper Drake

Under Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake is the call warrant against:
sudo checkinstall - pkgname = darwin-server - pkgversion = 5.5.5. / Install

Here is a brief explanation of what the different commands effect:
Change in the scale when unpacking subdirectory
Creating a user group "qtss" (otherwise the installation doesn't work)
Creating a user "qtss" (as before, but strangely ubuntu not necessary?)
Calling the installation routine
After entering the last command line, the installation routine automatically and directed all the necessary directories and so spontaneous. It will also name and password for the administrator of the Darwin server queried. After completing the installation, the Darwin server automatically.

The installation of the server software is closed and the terminal can be closed.


The following table presents an overview of the most important files and directories of the Darwin server:

/usr/local/sbin/Darwin Streaming Server ---- Server Software
/usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl ---- Web Frontend
/etc/streaming ---- Configuration Dir
/etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml ---- Configuration File Server
/var/streaming/logs ---- Logs
/usr/local/movies ---- Default directory for video files

Then, the file /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml must be given write privledges, otherwise no configuration can be saved:
sudo chmod 755 /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml

Configuration and Test

The configuration of the Darwin server via a web interface and the following link called:


After signing up as an administrator using the software installation previously elected login information can now be made more settings. When you first call up the site initially queried following information:
MP3 Broadcast Password
Secure Administration
Media Folder: /usr/local/movies
Streaming on Port 80 Streaming on Port 80
It is important here first is that the path to the video files (Media Folder) correctly specified, all other issues can safely with the "Next" button skipped.In the specified directory /usr/local/movies are already some demo videos, for the first function tests can be used. It is therefore appropriate that this requirement to make changes at any time are on the configuration menu. After defining these four points will eventually configuration mask for the Darwin server, in other settings can be made. Leave the configuration screen by clicking on "Sign Out" (left column bottom).

Now you can test whether the Darwin server works as desired. This is the VLC media player opened and the menu "File -> Open Network Stream" stream following address:


If everything is installed correctly, you should now be a player in the supplied sample videos will be shown. Congratulations!

Start Server

During power of the computer is not of the Darwin server automatically, but servers and web interface must either in a terminal on the following two lines of command

sudo /usr/local/sbin/DarwinStreamingServer

Or by corresponding entries in the Start menu manually invoked. As servers and web interface can also start automatically, is contributing startup. In addition, there are init scripts for the Darwin server and the admin interface.

MPEG-4 video streaming

In order to use the server as streaming video-on-demand server videos must be in MPEG-4 format (file extension .mp4). Using the under video editing or DVD rippin tools. Videos in Quicktime format (. Mov) could also be used, but are probably less interesting.

However, before an MPEG-4 video with the Darwin server can be streamed must have known in advance hint tracks in the data stream added. They are required to fast forward and rewind the video. For inserting the hint tracks use Tool MP4Box in the package:
gpac (multiverse, [2])
The syntax for the command call for inserting the hint tracks reads:

MP4Box -hint dateiname.mp4

With the option-unhint can be inserted information may also be removed.

Alternatively, can the hint tracks with the tool mp4creator from the MPEG4IP project.

After inserting the hint tracks, the video file only in the video directory of the Darwin server will be copied or moved, immediately thereafter, the video for the call may be accessed via the web interface also includes a playlist can be created.

MP3 audio streaming

With the Darwin server can not only MPEG-4 videos, but also MP3 audio files stream. As you can create MP3 files, for example, in the contribution rip CDs. To existing MP3 files on stream, must first play lists, which, thanks to the existing web interfaces but made relatively quickly. (Guide in German, not included)

The MP3 player, the create play lists at the address:
