AspectJ - Basic

AspectJ Basics Covers the understanding of AspectJ basic concepts:
  • Know what a Cross Cutting Concern (CCC) is
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using aspect oriented programming
  • Differentiate and identify basic join points, namely call, execution, get and set
  • Understanding that CCCs can appear in other programming languages, modelling languages and use cases (or just about any structured document).
Programming AspectJ theory Covers theoretical basic knowledge of AspectJ :
  • Understand what an advice does, and how to use before, after and around advice in various scenarios
  • Understand the weaving process :
    • Define load time and compile time weaving
    • Explain why the classes exposed to be weaved must be exposed to the weaver
  • Know that aspects can be declared using a specific grammar or in common Java using annotations
Basic AspectJ grammar Covers basic knowledge of AspectJ grammar :
  • Write code that defines an aspect
  • Write code that defines simple pointcuts
    • Using call, execution, get and set
    • Using class and member patterns
  • Define and use a named pointcut
  • Detect the differences between call and execution join points, one of the most common beginner problems.
  • Write code that defines an advice, using either before, after or around
More about AspectJ aspects Covers more advanced topics about aspects in general :
  • Write code using aspect libraries
  • Write and aspect extending an abstract aspect
  • Write code using AspectJ API and Java extension, namely proceed() and thisJoinPoint
  • Write a pointcut combining different pointcuts and understand how to use && and || in pointcuts.
Parameters Covers extraction of parameters from pointcuts and usage of parameters in advice :
  • Use the args() pointcut to extract parameters
  • Use this() and target()
  • Declare an advice with parameters and bind them to those declared in a pointcut
Basic intertype declarations Covers how AspectJ can be used to define a member of an existing class that conceptually belongs to a crosscutting concern (i.e., an aspect)
  • Define a new field on an existing class
  • Define a new method on an existing class
  • Define an annotation on an existing class or class member
  • Define a new interface on an existing class
  • Explain how the access modifiers (private, protected etc..) present in Java have different semantics when applied to intertype declared members. Especially, how a private field will be private to the aspect, and not the target class.
@AspectJ style Covers how to use annotations to define aspects
  • Know that @AspectJ style only allows compilable Java code
  • Write code style aspects translating from @AspectJ style aspects
