General Describe the Schema-Compiler.
Describe the Schema-Generator.
Identify the two ways of unmarshalling:
Describe the function of a Binder. Design Describe the three ways of mapping schemas to the data model of an application.
- out to in
- meet in the middle
- in to out
Identify the disadvantages and advantages of each of these ways.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of flexible mapping of a xml document.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of separating the xml processing layer from the business layer.
Identify the advantages of split an XML-Document in multiple messages for further processing.
Binder Identify the abilities of the Binder Component.
Write code that uses the Binder Component to
- updateXML and updateJAXB
- marshal and unmarshals both XMLRootElements and other Elements.
- uses the method getXMLNode and getJAXBNode
JAXBContext Describe the responsibilities of the JAXBContext
Write code that instantiates and uses a JAXBContext correctly.
Identify the fact that a JAXBContext is very expensive to create and therefore thread safe.
JAXBElement<T> Use the methods
- isNil
- isGlobalScope
- isTypeSubstituated
- getName
- getScope
- getDeclaredType
to examine XML content representation at runtime. Marshaller Write code that sets properties on the Marshaller.
Obtain a Marshaller Component.
Write code that marshals POJOS to XML files.
Write code that marshals POJOS to other XML API's.
Use the class JAXBElement to marshal objects which are not top level objects in the JAXBContext. Unmarshaller Obtain a Unmarshaller Component programatically.
Write code to read POJOS from a XML file.
Write code to read POJOS from other XML API's.
Write code to read POJOS from an URL object.
Use the JAXBElement to unmarshal objects from an XML file that uses type substitution.
Unmarshal POJOs that are not XMLRootElements.
Unmarshal only parts of a xml document to POJOS.
Identify the behavior of the Unmarshaller if it uses flexible marshaling.
Validation Use a Schema on both the Marshaller and the Unmarshaller component.
Write code that uses the class ValidationEvent to detect errors and failures.
Write code that defines own ValidationEventHandler classes.
Identify the fact that a FATAL_ERROR should always lead to the cancelation of the processing process.
Write code that uses the Class ValidationEventCollector to collect events.
Callbacks Write code that inherits from the classes Unmarshaller.Listener and Marshaller.Listener
Write code that defines Listeners in the POJO classes that should be represented as XML
ObjectFactory Use the class ObjectFactory to create objects which currently resides in the table of the JAXBContext.
Identify the fact that the class ObjectFactory is created by the Schemacompiler. XML-Schema to Java Identify the two types of scheme bindingconfigurations :
and their advantages and disadvantages
Identify the four scopes:
- global
- scheme
- element
- component
on which binding declarations can be declared.
Identify which binding declaration takes precedence if there are defined more than one on different scopes.
Write code that uses the methods of the class javax.xml.bind.DataTypeConverter for converting types with the javaType binding declaration.
Write code that defines own methods for the attributes parse/print of the javaType binding declaration.
use the binding declarations:
- jaxb:collectionType
- jaxb:package
- jaxb:class
- jaxb:property
- jaxb:javadoc
- fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty
- choiceContentProperty
- typeSafeEnumBase
- typeSafeEnumMemberName
- enableJavaNamingConventions
- generateElementClass
- generateValueClass
- localScoping
- factoryMethod
- elementName
- generateElementProperty
- baseType
- javaType
- typeSafeEnumClass
- typeName
Java to XML-Schema Use the following annotations to define mapping to a scheme from a Java type.
- XmlElement
- XmlAttribute
- XmlValue
- XmlTransient
- XmlAccessorOrder
- XmlAccessorType
- XmlElementRef
- XmlRootElement
- XmlType
- XmlEnum
- XmlEnumValue
- XmlAnyAttribute
- XmlAnyElement
- XmlID
JAXBIntrospector Use the methods of the class to introspect JAXBObjects and be aware of the impact of using a JAXBElement.