Velocity - Basic

  • Argue why Velocity may be an attractive alternative to JSP.
  • Describe what is MVC pattern.
  • Identify what exactly is Model, View and Controller in the Velocity.
Engine and context
  • Provide basic information concerning Velocity engine, Velocity templates classes and Velocity Context.
  • Please note that detailed information regarding the issues mentioned above aren't in the scope of this exam.
Comments and literals
  • Show examples of both type of comments.
  • Understand what and how can be escaped in the Velocity template.
  • Describe how to deal with the whitespaces in the templates.
References Arithmetic, relations and logic
  • Know the arithmetical, relational and logical operators available in the Velocity.
  • Demonstrate how to use them.
  • Understand how Velocity evaluates Java expressions returning null.
  • Identify the formal notation of the directives.
  • Demonstrate how to use the following directives:
    • if
    • else
    • end
    • elseif
    • foreach
    • include
    • parse
    • stop
    • evaluate
    • literal
  • Describe how to access foreach loop counter.
  • Demonstrate how to create a macro.
  • Show how to pass arguments (variable, properties, methods) to the macro.
  • Understand limits of the velocimacros.
  • Create your own macro library.
  • Know that you cannot 'include' the macro library.
