Advanced English Note--AD030401

1.Something is going to see more technological changes in the next five years than it's seen in the past 95 years.

A,B,and C will contribute to these monumental changes.

2.All told, .... 总之

3.These developments will have dramatic direct and indirect results, many of them unforseen .

4.instantaneous [in·stan·ta·ne·ous || ‚ɪnstən'teɪnɪəs ] adj. 即时的, 同时发生的, 瞬间的

5. mind-boggling 形容词 a. 令人极为惊讶的

e.g ~ rates of network speed are removing time as a barrier to human capabilities.

6.the blink of an eye 一眨眼间 比喻时间短暂

e.g faster than you can blink
