C程序设计语言(第二版) 4-14

定义宏swap(t, x, y)以交换t类型的两个参数



#define swap(t,x,y) do{t z=x;x=y;y=z;}while(0) 
int main(void) { 
	int ix, iy; 
	double dx, dy; 
	char *px, *py; 
	ix = 42; 
	iy = 69; 

	printf("integers before swap: %d and %d\n", ix, iy); 
	swap(int, ix, iy);
	printf("integers after swap: %d and %d\n", ix, iy); 
	dx = 123.0; 
	dy = 321.0; 
	printf("doubles before swap: %g and %g\n", dx, dy); 
	swap(double, dx, dy); 
	printf("integers after swap: %g and %g\n", dx, dy); 
	px = "hello"; 
	py = "world"; 
	printf("pointers before swap: %s and %s\n", px, py); 
	swap(char *, px, py); 
	printf("integers after swap: %s and %s\n", px, py); 
	return 0; 



编译器提示 swap(int, ix,iy); 这行有错误时候,要到 #define这行去找!!
