安装flash player错误解决与flex运行报flash player not fond解决办法

      今天安装flash player10时,一直处于未响应状态,后来改换flash player9,安装刚开始就报错了,安装失败,adobe?flash?之类的错误。




Adobe Systems cannot be held responsible for damage resulting from your following these instructions.

  1. Make sure you are logged into a Windows Administrator account. If you are not, you will not be able to use SubInACL.
  2. Download SubInACL from the Microsoft Download Center.
  3. Follow the installation instructions. Make sure you install SubInACL (subinacl.exe) to the directory C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools.
  4. Download the reset_fp10.zip file.
  5. Open the fp10.zip file and extract the reset_fp10.cmd file to the directory C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.
    Both this file and SubInACL (subinacl.exe) must be in this directory.
  6. Double-click reset_fp10.cmd. A command window will open, and SubInACL will run.
    Do not use the machine while SubInACL is running.
  7. After SubInACL finishes, you will see a prompt "Press any key to continue".
  8. Install Flash Player from the Flash Player download page.
  9. To confirm that your installation succeeded, visit the About Flash Player page. At the top of the screen, you should see a message that reads "Adobe Flash Player Successfully Installed."

然后就照着上面所说的,下载了subinacl.msi,安装后,下载reset_fp10文件,其实主要是reset_fp10.cmd文件,将这个文件铐到subinacl.msi的安装目录C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools 下,然后双击reset_fp10cmd,这个命令脚本主要是执行同目录下的subinacl.exe,当运行完成后,会出现“按任意键继续”提示,这个时候再下载卸载flash player的工具,卸载没安装成功的flash player,然后再重新安装flash player10,就没问题了。还有,如果是IE6的话,可能还是不行,好象是flash player9以上不支持IE6,不过这只是我的猜测,因为我开始的时候已经按上面的几个步骤操作了还是不行,后来升级到IE8后就完全ok了。


第二个问题,新建立一个flex project,打开一个mxml文件时,切换到desgin模式时,显示的是一个红色的x,忘记具体怎么描述的了,好象是找不到资源,后来了解到,这个错误的原因是SDK资源配置不正确。


工程名右键>Properties>Flex Compiler>flex SDK version处新建一个configure flex SDKs,这里面配置一下你的flex builder里面的SDK的位置,我选择的是D:\Program Files\FlexBuilder3\sdks\3.2.0 然后将这个sdk设置成默认选项就ok。


第三个问题,运行一个mxml文件时,报找不到flash player,当时我用的是360浏览器,然后它指向360里面某个.dll有问题,不过后来找到解决办法,window - perferences -general - web browser -选中firefox或者IE ,不要选"default system web browser" 就可以了。

