Advanced English Note--AD030103

1.chasten ['tʃeisn]v. (通过惩罚而使坏习惯等)改正、磨炼

Age has chastened his violent temper. 随着年龄的增长,他暴躁的脾气变温和了。

2.hold [take] a person hostage 扣留某人作人质

3.ample [am·ple || 'æmpl] adj. 丰富的; 充足的

4.Nothing makes one feel so uesful and needed as a cry for help.

5.impoverish [im·pov·er·ish || ɪm'pɑvərɪʃ /-'pɒv-] v. 使贫穷, 使枯竭

6.All of us can experience greater fulfillment, meaning ,purpose and joy in life by making ourselves necessary to someone.
