SAP Java Connector - Excample 1: Simple RFC call

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SAP Java Connector - Excample 1: Simple RFC call


We will call the RFC function module ZNAS_HIE1_GET_MEMBER_FARM.that returns members that have owned a farm. Input to the function is a farm number, and output is a table of members that have owned the farm and Owner number (Sequence number of owners).

  • Class testJCO is excuted and calls class GetMemberFarm method GetMemberFarmFromSap. Input parameters to GetMemberFarm are Farm and Owner number.
  • GetMemberFarmFromSap executes RFC ZNAS_HIE1_GET_MEMBER_FARM, that returns a table of members that have owned the farm from the input parameters.
  • GetMemberFarmFromSap loops through the table and finds the member where ZZCHCODE (Owner numer), is equal owner number from the input-parameters. and returns the member.


Class testJCO

public class testJco
        public static void main(String[] args)
                GetMemberFarm testGetMemberFarm = new GetMemberFarm();
                String memberFarm= testGetMemberFarm.GetMemberFarmFromSap("0111020155","02");
                System.out.println("Memberfarm: " + memberFarm);


Class GetMemberFram

import*;  //The JCO

public class GetMemberFarm {
  public String GetMemberFarmFromSap(String farm, String OwnerNumber)    
  {  String zzmemb ="";
         String memberFarm = "";
     JCO.Repository mRepository;
     JCO.Client mConnection = null;
     JCO.Function myFunction = null;
     //Create Connection to SAP
                mConnection = JCO.createClient("800",           //SAP client
                                           "HFR",       //User ID
                                           "vimmer3",     //Password
                                           "EN",            //Language
                                           "", //Host
                                           "03");           //System
            System.out.println("Connection OK");
          catch (Exception ex)

      // Create function and parameters
        //Create repository
        mRepository = new JCO.Repository( "GetMember", mConnection );
        //Get a function template from the repository
        IFunctionTemplate ftemplate = mRepository.getFunctionTemplate("ZNAS_HIE1_GET_MEMBER_FARM");
        //Create function
        myFunction = new JCO.Function(ftemplate);
        System.out.println("Function created");
        //Set import parameter
        JCO.Field zzfarm = myFunction.getImportParameterList().getField("ZZFARM");
        System.out.println("Parameters ok");
     catch (Exception ex)          
     // Execute function
        System.out.println("RFC Call OK");            
     catch (Exception ex)         
         {  System.out.println(ex); //Exception from function            
     // Handle return table GT_HIERARCHY 
     // Loop over the table and find the record that 
     // has ZZCHCODE = OwnerNumber from the
     // method parameters, and return Member for the 
     // record
     JCO.Table gt_HIERARCHY = null;
        //Loop thhrough table and return the member that has
        // changecode (ZZCHCODE) = 02
        for (int i = 0; i < gt_HIERARCHY.getNumRows(); i++)
        {   gt_HIERARCHY.setRow(i);
            String zzchcode = gt_HIERARCHY.getString("ZZCHCODE");
            if (zzchcode.equals(OwnerNumber))                           
                zzmemb = gt_HIERARCHY.getString("ZZMEMB");                    
     catch (Exception ex)         
         {  System.out.println(ex);              
     // Disconnect from SAP
            System.out.println("Disconnected from SAP");
      catch (Exception ex)
      return zzmemb;
} //public class GetMemberFarm

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