hadoop-yarn unmanaged application master

1.what is

  so as the named 'unmanaged application master/UnmanagedAM' ,this masters are not controlled by RM,but client it self !yep,it's easy to test this kind of AMs in local ,and may be no any containers within it.so u can say that this is a 'mini AM' compared to a whole-function one,also,that means the construction of a AM is flexible,and moduled.


2.how to

  look into code UnmanageAM and TestUnmanagedAM#testUMALauncher(),u will know that the former is as a Client same like distributedshell's one,and the later is as the Application Master same like ds's ApplicationMaster.of course ,u can run any shells which u want to run,this is also,same as the common concept of 'ApplicationMaster'
