CoffeeScript notes: write less do more

The Little Book on CoffeeScript   official site
   CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles down to JavaScript. The syntax is inspired by Ruby and Python, and implements many features from those two languages. 

  I found some amazing features when using CoffeeScript on my project. Here I have some examples.
  wonderful idioms of array and object
   Array#forEach() Array#map() Array#filter() are latest features introduced in ECMAScript 5, CoffeeScript have compatible idioms to implement them.
# forEach function
myFunction(item) for item in array

# map function
result = ( for item in array)

# filter and map
result = (item for item in array when is "test")

   Demo: convert objects array to values array using coffeescript online demo
# convert object to array in order
	objs = [ {
			sn: "DFJJK"
			project: "fly"
			department: "origin"
			feelings :"well"
			sn: "DFJJK"
			project: "fly"
			department: "origin"
			feelings :"well"
	order = ["project", "sn",  "feelings", "department"]

	result =  
		for obj in objs
			for name in order 
	# or in simple way	
	#result = ((obj[name] for name in order ) for obj in objs)
	console.log result
	for r in result
				$("body").append r + "<br/>"

