上周技术关注:微软推出IronPython 1.0

  • [.NET开发; Python] 微软推出IronPython 1.0 #
    经过JPython作者Jim Hugunin三年的努力,9个Beta之后,.NET平台上的动态语言IronPython 1.0终于发行了!在他的发行说明里,他说他当初写针对CLR的Python时,无非是想臭臭CLR,准备写篇名为'Why the CLR is a terrible platform for dynamic languages'的文章,但在写原型时发现Python在CLR平台上运行性能极佳,居然在很多情形下比C语言的实现CPython还快不少。使用标准的评测benchmark,IronPython居然比CPython快1.7倍!后来他加入了微软,来完成IronPython在CLR上的实现。IronPython是Python的真实实现,与.NET平台之集成天衣无缝。
  • [.NET开发; Atlas; linq] Building a Photo Tagging Site using ASP.NET 2.0, LINQ, and Atlas #
    Over the last few days I’ve spent some spare time playing around with LINQ and LINQ for SQL (aka DLINQ) – both of which are incredibly cool technologies.
  • [.NET开发] ASP.NET 2.0 Tips, Tricks, Recipes and Gotchas #
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  • [人物; 计算机科学] Technology Review: 2006 Young Innovators Under 35 #
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  • [.NET开发; 算法; 游戏] A-star - A* implementation in C# (Path Finding, PathFinder) #
    Some time ago I had to make a project where I need to find the shorted path inside a matrix and I though 'nothing better than use path finding for this'.There is a huge amount of links and explanation about Path Finding, but didn't find a version written in C# that could meet my expectative.So, I decided to make the A-star implementation in C#, this code was really useful for me and I bet it can be useful for many people too.I won’t explain the algorithm implementation too much, because just typing in google “pathfinding algorithm a-star” brings 25000 thousand documents where you can find every single detail about it.
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