The Genuine Busniness English

After learning business English I found I did not learn enough as I expected.
I did not feel good but I can not say what I want when I was asked.
As a customer I did not know what I want but I know what I did not want when I was given.
Luckly,I run accross the lesson about the business English .
The puzzle baffling me for many month is resolved by the lesson.
The business English did not want to teach you how to speak English but teach you how to speak English well.
When you say something you should say it in the way that somebody will accept.

There are one word you should remember in Business English,tactful. Tactful is to say some thing in a way that is not offensive but make your point
You should not speak what you want you have to speak tactfully.
There are a lot different way you can do this.
First we can use the negative.That is using the oppsite word for what you want to say but it is still saying what you mean.
For example:
1.You think:The book is too expensive.
But you say: The book is not inexpensive.
Inexpensive mean the object is expensive but the price is inexpensive,
cheap usually suggest the low quality.
Inexpensive imply the good price but high quality.
So we should use them carefully.
3.You think: You do not seem to have much work experence in database.
But you say: You seem to have a lot of experence in other fileds.
Have you found the difference between two sentence?
I will put more result of my learning.
