

1、文件夹的结构:  :存放每个业务模块的ant打包属性文件。
Build         :存放打包后的文件,ant打包时会自动生成。
Doc          :生成的doc文件。
js           :存放jsp的js文件。
jsp          :存放jsp文件。
src          :存放程序的原文件。
CSS          :存放jsp的css文件。
deploy        :打包用的build文件。
ear          :打包时用的配置文件,包括application.xml及manifest文件。
jar          :打包时用的配置文件,包括EJB的配置文件。
war          :打包时用的配置文件,包括web.xml及manifest文件。
WEB-INF     :打包时用的配置文件。


    @echo off

    REM No.1  1.1  Test1 (IHC0100)
    REM echo IHC0100.jar Creating....
    call ant jar -Did=IHC0100

    REM No.2  1.2  test2 (IHC0200)
    REM echo IPAN0200.jar Creating....
    REM call ant jar -Did=IPAN0200

    @echo off

    echo The application is uninstalled from WAS丅
    call %WAS_HOME%\bin\wsadmin -conntype none -c "$AdminApp uninstall %2"

    echo The application is installed in WAS丅
    call %WAS_HOME%\bin\wsadmin -conntype none -c "$AdminApp install %1%2.ear {-usedefaultbindings -defaultbinding.ejbjndi.prefix %2 -defaultbinding.force -useMetaDataFromBinary -deployejb -deployejb.dbtype ORACLE_V9I -server APP_SERVER}"

<project name="MyProject" default="ear" basedir=".">
        QGBIHC example build file
    <!--Mayby should change the following property -->
    <property name="sourceDir"      value="F:/workspace/ihc/test"/>
    <property name="appname"        value="test"/>
    <!--Gobal property -->
    <property name="src"            value="${sourceDir}/src"/>
    <property name="doc"           value="${sourceDir}/doc"/>
    <property name="build"          value="${sourceDir}/build"/>
    <property name="weblib"        value="${sourceDir}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <property name="classes"      value="${sourceDir}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
    <property name="dist"           value="dist"/>
    <property environment="env"/>
    <property name="WAS"          value="${env.WAS_HOME}"/>
    <property file="${sourceDir}/${id}.properties"/>
    <target name="init">
        <!-- Create the time stamp -->
        <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${classes}"/>

    <target name="compile" depends="init" >
        <echo message="${id} Compile"/>
        <javac srcdir="${src}"
            <include name="org/**/*.java"/>

    <!-- Jar-file Make -->
    <target name="jar" depends="compile">
        <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
        <jar jarfile="${build}/${id}.jar" compress="yes"
            <metainf dir="${sourceDir}/Jar/test/${subroot}/${id}/EJB/META-INF">
                <include name="*.xml"/>
            <fileset dir="${classes}/"
    <!-- All Jar-file Make -->
    <target name="jar_project">
        <exec executable="cmd.exe">
            <arg line= "/C createjar.bat"/>
    <!--  War-file Make -->
    <target name="war" depends="jar_project">
        <war warfile="${build}/${appname}.war"
            <fileset dir="${sourceDir}/">
            <include name="CSS/*.css"/>
            <include name="image/*.*"/>
            <include name="js/*.js"/>
            <include name="jsp/*.html"/>
            <include name="jsp/test/**/*.jsp"/>
            <include name="jsp/test/**/*.js"/>
            <include name="jsp/test/**/*.css"/>
            <include name="WEB-INF/*.tld"/>
            <include name="WEB-INF/*.xml"/>
            <include name="WEB-INF/*.dtd"/>
            <exclude name="WEB-INF/web.xml"/>
        <zipfileset dir="${classes}"
                      ,org/ihc/test/**/taglib/**/*.class" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
        <zipfileset dir="${weblib}/"
                      ,poi.jar" prefix="WEB-INF/lib"/>
    <!--  Ear-file Make -->
    <target name="ear" depends="war">
        <ear earfile="${build}/${appname}.ear"
            <fileset dir="${build}/"
    <!-- Application Install -->
    <target name="deploy" depends="ear">
        <copy todir="${WAS}/installableApps" file ="${build}/${appname}.ear" />
        <exec executable="cmd.exe">
            <arg line= "/C deploy.bat"/>
            <arg value= "${build}/"/>
            <arg value= "${appname}"/>

    <target name="clean"
        description="clean up" >
            <fileset dir="${build}" includes="*.jar, *.war, *.ear"/>
        <delete dir="${doc}"/>

    <target name="doc">
        <mkdir dir="${doc}"/>
        <javadoc destdir="${doc}"
            <bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright &#169; 2000 Dummy Corp. All Rights Reserved.</i>]]></bottom>
            <tag name="todo" scope="all" description="To do:" />
            <group title="IPAN Packages" packages="org.ihc.test.IPAN.*"/>
            <group title="MENT Packages" packages="org.ihc.test.MENT.*"/>
    <target name="help">
      -- Necessary Environment Variable--
      WAS_HOME         : WebSphere Application Server's DIR

      -- For function unit (each function ID)--
      ant jar  -Did=[function ID]   : Make jar-file

      -- For the whole --
      ant compile      : Compile java-file
      ant war          : Make war-file
      ant ear          : Make ear-file
      ant deploy       : Make and deploy Application  
      ant doc          : Make javadoc
      ant clean        : Clear class/jar/war/ear
      ant help         : Help message

