# Housekeeping script for YPS tables and logfiles
# ======================================
# Housekeeping of $YPSFILES directory
# Run on first day of the month on 5 am - 6 am
# ======================================
# (a) remove any records in /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/archive if it is more than 6 months old
# (b) remove any records in /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/tmp (except statistic, static, arhive)
# if it is more than 1 month old
# (c) housekeep log files in /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/data and admin directory
# up to four generations only
0 5 1 * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/archive -mtime +180 -exec rm {} \;
30 5 1 * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/tmp -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \;
0 6 1 * * /opt/dct/rel/yps/scripts/arch.data.admin.cron > /dev/null
# ======================================
# Housekeeping of all YPS tables
# (except yx_imp_cntr, yx_voy, yx_cntr_yd_range)
# Run on 7:00 am every day
# ======================================
0 7 * * * echo "/opt/dct/rel/yps/scripts/arch.all.tab.cron"|/bin/csh >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/crontab.log
# ======================================
# Housekeeping of other YPS tables
# (i.e. yx_imp_cntr, yx_voy, yx_cntr_yd_range)
# Run on 7:30 am every day
# ======================================
30 7 * * * echo "/opt/dct/rel/yps/scripts/arch.import.vsl.cron"|/bin/csh >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/crontab.log
# ======================================
# Housekeeping of YPS tables
# ======================================
# Run on 8:00 am every day
0 8 * * * echo "/opt/dct/rel/yps/scripts/arch.unknown.vsl.cron"|/bin/csh >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/crontab.log
# HouseKeeping yx_actual_cntr every day
0 2 * * * /opt/dct/rel/yps/scripts/clearyx_actual_cntr.sc
# ======================================
# Housekeeping of DCMS Monitor
# ======================================
0,15,30,45 * * * * /opt/dct/rel/dcms/monitor/monitorall.sc /opt/dct/relfiles/dcms/monitor/monitor.log
0 0 * * * /export/home/ctadmin/bin/clearrelfiles.sc
0 1 * * * echo "/opt/envy/client/bin/visualworks /opt/dct/rel/ops/bin/reconcileyardstack.im ALL" | /bin/csh >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/reconcileyardstack.log
#0 1 * * * /opt/envy/client/bin/visualworks /opt/dct/rel/ops/bin/reconcileyardstack.im ALL >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/reconcileyardstack.log
0 4 * * * /opt/dct/rel/dcms/monitor/housekeepmonitorlog.sc
# ======================================
# Housekeeping citos_evt_log
# ======================================
30 2 * * * /opt/dct/rel/system/bin/housekeepeventlog.sc
# Housekeeping script for BPS tables and logfiles
# Housekeeping of BPS tables
# Run on first day of the month on 6 am
# ======================================
# disable until housekeeping duration is confirmed
#0 6 1 * * /opt/dct/rel/bps/baes/bin/cron_hkp_baesDB.sc >/dev/null
# Housekeeping of program log file
# Run on 7 am every Sunday=0 .
# ==============================
0 7 * * 0 /opt/dct/rel/bps/baes/bin/housekpFiles.sc > /dev/null
# ======================================
# Housekeeping of reconcilling yardstack
# ======================================
0 1 * * * csh -c '/opt/envy/client/bin/visualworks /opt/dct/rel/ops/bin/reconcileyardstack.im ALL' >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/reconcileyardstack.log
#0 3 * * * csh -c '/opt/envy/client/bin/visualworks /opt/dct/rel/ops/bin/reconcileyardstack.im ALL' >> /opt/dct/relfiles/yps/admin/reconcileyardstack.log
# ======================================
# Restart Application Server every week
# ======================================
#0 1 * * 0 /home/ctadmin/bin/killcitos_process.sh;/home/ctadmin/bin/resetandresyncpo.sc;/home/ctadmin/bin/startall
# ======================================================================
# Housekeeping BPS and SYSTEM directory after EDI&Portnet Upgrade 200103
# ======================================================================
0 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/basender/xml_file -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
1 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/basender/log_file -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
2 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/codes_rcvr -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
3 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/bth_appln_rcvr -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
4 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/dcms2mq_dispatcher/logfiles -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
5 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/dcms2mq_dispatcher/xml/sent -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
6 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/opern_jobs_rcvr/log -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
7 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/vsl_particulars_rcvr -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
8 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/vsl_reacvn_rcvr -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
9 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/bps/baes/data/vsl_schd_rcvr -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
10 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/system/cntr/PlngCntrDtlAdapter/Log -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
11 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/system/mqc -mtime +6 -exec rm {} \;
12 5 * * * find /opt/dct/relfiles/edi/logs -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \;