You need version 6 of MSVC to build this library. If you are using VC5 then you may want to look at one of the previous releases of this library
Open up a command prompt, which has the necessary MSVC environment variables defined (for example by using the batch file Vcvars32.bat installed by the Visual Studio installation), and change to the <boost>\libs\regex\build directory.
你需要版本6的msvc去编译这个类库。如果你是使用vc5的拥护,请察看之前发布的版本 library, 打开一个命令行窗口,前提是你的msvc环境变量已经被定义(例如使用Vcvars32.bat安装,Vcvars32.bat这个文件在你的vc安装目录下),然后改变路径到<boost>\libs\regex\build
Select the correct makefile - vc6.mak for "vanilla" Visual C++ 6 or vc6-stlport.mak if you are using STLPort.
选择正确的makefile文件, 例如 你使用的是vc6,请选择vc6.mak,如果是使用STLPort请使用vc6-stlport.mak文件
Invoke the makefile like this:
nmake -fvc6.mak
You will now have a collection of lib and dll files in a "vc6" subdirectory, to install these into your development system use:
nmake -fvc6.mak install
The lib files will be copied to your <VC6>\lib directory and the dll files to <VC6>\bin, where <VC6> is the root of your Visual C++ 6 installation.
You can delete all the temporary files created during the build (excluding lib and dll files) using:
lib文件将会被复制到你的 <VC6>\lib目录下,dll文件会被复制到<VC6>\bin目录下,<VC6>是你的Visual C++ 6.0的安装目录
nmake -fvc6.mak clean
If you want to build with ICU support, then you need to pass the path to your ICU directory to the makefile, for example with:
nmake ICU_PATH=c:\open-source\icu -fvc71.mak install
Finally when you use regex++ it is only necessary for you to add the <boost> root directory to your list of include directories for that project. It is not necessary for you to manually add a .lib file to the project; the headers will automatically select the correct .lib file for your build mode and tell the linker to include it.
Note that if you want to dynamically link to the regex library when using the dynamic C++ runtime, define BOOST_REGEX_DYN_LINK when building your project.
If you want to add the source directly to your project then define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to disable automatic library selection.
如果你想直接添加源代码到你的项目中,请定义:BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB 来禁止自动选择类库。
There are several important caveats to remember when using boost.regex with Microsoft's Compiler:
对于使用Microsoft 产品的编译者,这里有几条重要的警告: