
I will never forget the dean at the time, Jim Morris was sitting on the stage right about there. We had to kind of scoot him out of the way. And the energy in the room was like nothing I had ever experienced before. And President Cohen, Jerry Cohen was there, and he sensed the same thing. He later described it as like an Ohio State football pep rally. Except for academics. And he came over and he asked exactly the right question. He said, before you start, he said, where are these people from? He said, the audience, what departments are they from? And we polled them and it was all the departments. And I felt very good because I had just come to campus, he had just come to campus, and my new boss had seen in a very corporal way that this is the university that puts everybody together. And that made me feel just tremendous.

我永远不会忘记那时的莫里斯院长坐在台上,大约是这里。我们不得不把他挪到边上。而室内充斥的能量也是我从未经历过的。科恩校长,杰瑞 . 科恩也在场,他也有同样感受。后来他形容这就像一个俄亥俄州橄榄球赛前动员大会。只是这次是为学术。他走过来,问了个很恰当的问题。他说,在你们开始前,我想知道这些观众都是从那些系来的?我们做了调查,所有的系都有人来。我感觉非常好,因为我是新来的,他也是新来的,而我的新老板以一种很贴身的方式看到这是个能把大家凝聚到一起来的一个大学。这使我感到很了不起。

So we did this campus-wide exhibition. People performed down here. They're in costume, and we project just like this and you can see what's going on. You can see what theyre seeing in the head mount. There's a lot of big props, so there's a guy white water rafting. [shows slides of a BVW show] This is Ben in E.T. And yes, I did tell them if they didn’t do the shot of the kids biking across the moon I would fail him. That is a true story. And I thought I'd show you just one world, and if we can get the lights down if that's at all possible. No, ok, that means no. All right. All right we'll just do our best then. [ShowsHello worldworld] It was an unusual course. With some of the most brilliant, creative students from all across the campus. It just was a joy to be involved. And they took the whole stage performance aspect of this way too seriously. And it became this campus phenomenon every year. People would line up for it. It was very flattering.

所以我们做了全校展览。学生在这里表演。他们穿着戏服,而我们象这样放投影,你可以看是怎么回事。你可以看他们在头盔上所看到的。有很多大道具,象这个人在做漂流。 [ 放建立虚拟世界的展示 ] 这是本在“外星人”,我告诉他们,如果他们做出小孩骑车横跨月亮的场景,我将不会让他们通过。这是真的。我想给你们放只有一个世界,如果我们能把灯光调暗。不能,好的。没关系我们尽力而为。 [ " 你好 . 世界“ ] 这是一个不寻常的课程。有来自各校园一些最聪明的,最负创造力的学生,能参与这个课程真是乐事。他们对舞台表演方面太过认真。每年都有人排队报名上这个课,成为校园一景。真是非常抬举我。

And it gave kids a sense of excitement of putting on a show for people who were excited about it. And I think that that's one of the best things you can give somebody the chance to show them what it feels like to make other people get excited and happy. I mean that's a tremendous gift. We always try to involve the audience. Whether it was people with glow sticks or batting a beach ball aroundor driving. This is really cool. This technology actually got used at the Spiderman 3 premiere in L.A., so the audience was controlling something on the screen, so thats kind of nice. And I dont have a class picture from every year, but I dredged all the ones that I do have, and all I can say is that what a privilege and an honor it was to teach that course for something like ten years.

而且这给同学们一种女为悦己者容的的激动感觉。我认为这是你能给最好的东西之一,让他们知道让别人兴奋和快乐是什么感觉。这是个无以伦比的礼物。我们总是试图让观众参与。无论这节目是持辉光枝或追逐沙滩球… …或开车。这真是酷。这项技术其实被用于蜘蛛侠 3 的首映式上,观众可以控制屏幕的放映,这样挺有意思。我没有全部的历年班级合影,但我找出了我所有的,我所能说的是十年来教这门课对我来说是一种非常的恩典和荣誉。

And all good things come to an end. And I stopped teaching that course about a year ago. People always ask me what was my favorite moment. I don't know if you could have a favorite moment. But boy there is one I'll never forget. This was a world with, I believe a roller skating ninja. And one of the rules was that we perform these things live and they all had to really work. And the moment it stopped working, we went to your backup videotape. And this was very embarrassing. [Shows image of Roller Ninja world presentation]

天下没有不散的宴席。一年前我再教这门课。人们经常问我,什么是我最喜爱的时刻。我不知道你可以只有一个最喜欢的时刻。但有一个我是永远忘不了的。这是一个,我想,有滚轴溜冰忍者的虚拟世界。有一条规则是,我们做现场表演,系统得正常运转,一旦它停止工作,我们切换到备用录像上。这是很窘的事。 [ 放滚轴溜冰忍者的虚拟世界展示 ]

So we have this ninja on stage and he's doing this roller skating thing and the world, it did not crash gently. Whoosh. And I come out, and I believe it was Steve, Audia, wasn't it? Where is he? OK, where is Steve? Ah, my man. Steve Audia. And talk about quick on your feet. I say, Steve, I'm sorry but your world has crashed and we're going to go to videotape. And he pulls out his ninja sword and says, I am dishonored! Whaaa! And just drops! [applause and laughter] And so I think it's very telling that my very favorite moment in ten years of this high technology course was a brilliant ad lib. And then when the videotape is done and the lights come up, he's lying there lifeless and his teammates drag him off! [laughter] It really was a fantastic moment.

所以我们有这个 .......
