Rational ClearCase Multiside 员工培训实验 Windows Platform

Exercise1 Solution
Getting Started
The Lab solutions use the following variables:
Student Login
Student Login Password
Local Administrator Login
Local Administrator Password
Replicas, and their VOB tag directories and storage directories are as follows:
r eplica Name
VOB-tag Directory
VOB Storage Directory

1. Assume that view has been created successfully.
2. Assume that VOB has been created successfully.
3. Assume that the command prompt window has been opened successfully.
4. C:/> Z :
Z:/> cd /GROUP_usa
Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "original"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become
the GROUP_usa replica."
5. Z:/GROUP_usa >multitool mkreplica -export -workdir C:/ms_work -nc
-fship labsys:GROUP_europe
Enabling replication in VOB.
Generating replica creation packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Dumping database...
0 hyperlinks dumped.
string cache probes, hits, hit rate: 1 0 0%
sbrk == 0
string cache probes, hits, hit rate: 1 0 0%
sbrk == 0
1 oplog entries dumped.
33 events dumped.
1 locks dumped.
Dumper done.
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational

6. Z:/GROUP_usa> dir
Volume in drive Z is CCase
Volume Serial Number is 0234-5789
Directory of Z:/GROUP_usa
12/05/9808:40p <DIR> .
12/05/9808:37p <DIR> ..
12/05/9808:40p <DIR> lost+found
3 File(s) 0 bytes
524,288,000 bytes free
7. Z:/GROUP_usa >cleartool checkout .
Checkout comments for ".":
Checked out "." from version "/main/0".
8. Z:/GROUP_usa >cleartool mkelem hello.c
Creation comments for "hello.c":
Created element "hello.c" (type "text_file").
Checked out "hello.c" from version "/main/0".
Z:/GROUP_usa > notepad hello.c
9. Z:/GROUP_usa >cleartool checkin hello.c
Checkin comments for "hello.c":
Checked in "hello.c" version "/main/1".
10. Z:/GROUP_usa >cleartool checkin .
Added file element "hello.c".
Checkin comments for ".":("." to accept default)
Checked in "." version "/main/1".
11. Z:/GROUP_usa >multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "original"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become
the GROUP_usa replica."
12. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool rename replica:original GROUP_usa
Renamed replica from "original" to "GROUP_usa".

13. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become
the GROUP_usa replica."
Note: The original replica has been renamed to GROUP_usa.
14. Assume that view has been created successfully.
15. E:/>cd “/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming”
16. E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming> dir
Volume in drive E has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2734-12FC
Directory of E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> .
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> ..
12/05/9808:49p 18,773 repl_original_05-Dec-
3 File(s) 18,773 bytes
768,360,448 bytes free
17. C:/> multitool mkreplica -import -workdir C:/ms_work -tag /GROUP_europe
-vob //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs -npreserve “E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming /repl_original_05-Dec-”
The packet can only be used to create replica "GROUP_europe"
- VOB family is 0c3a0430.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5
- replica OID is 4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5
Should I create this replica? [no] y
Comments for "GROUP_europe":
Processing packet E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming/repl_original_05-Dec-
Loading database...
Dumped schema version is 53
33 events loaded.
53 pass 2 actions performed.
Loader done.
Registering VOB mount tag "/GROUP_europe"...
VOB replica successfully created.
Host-local path:labsys:E:/ClearCase_Storage/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
Global path: //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
VOB ownership:
owner GROUP
group None
18. C:/> cleartool mount /GROUP_europe
Mounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_europe.
19. C:/> Z:
Z:/> cd /GROUP_europe
Z:/GROUP_europe> dir
Volume in drive Z is CCase
Volume Serial Number is 0234-5789
Directory of Z:/GROUP_europe
12/05/9808:40p <DIR> .
12/05/9809:07p <DIR> ..
12/05/9808:40p <DIR> lost+found
3 File(s) 0 bytes
524,288,000 bytes free
hello.c is not visible because it was created at the GROUP_usareplica after the replica-creation packet for the GROUP_europe replica was generated.It will show up in the next update from GROUP_usa.
20. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool mkbrtype europe_branch
Comments for "europe_branch":
Created branch type "europe_branch".
21. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool edcs
Set config spec for view "GROUP_europe_view"?[yes] y
Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool catcs
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../europe_branch/LATEST
element * /main/LATEST -mkbranch europe_branch
22. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool ls
lost+found@@/main/0 Rule:/main/LATEST -mkbranch europe_branch
23. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational

24. Z:/GROUP_europe> dir “E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase
Volume in drive E has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2734-12FC
Directory of E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> .
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> ..
12/05/9808:49p18,773 repl_original_05-Dec-
12/05/9809:35p 2,854 sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec-
4 File(s) 21,627 bytes
766,263,296 bytes free
The update packet arrived successfully. The replication packet is still in the incoming storage bay.
25. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
Replica creation packets found.Sending notification...
26. Z:/GROUP_europe> dir “E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase
Volume in drive E has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2734-12FC
Directory of E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> .
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> ..
12/05/9808:49p 18,773 repl_original_05-Dec-
3 File(s) 18,773 bytes
766,345,216 bytes free

28. Z:/GROUP_europe> dir
Volume in drive Z is CCase
Volume Serial Number is 0234-5789
Directory of Z:/GROUP_europe
12/05/9808:55p <DIR> .
12/05/9809:07p <DIR> ..
12/05/9808:40p <DIR> lost+found
12/05/9808:57p 70 hello.c
4 File(s) 70 bytes
524,288,000 bytes free
Yes, hello.cis now visible since an update packet has been processed from GROUP_usa.
29. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool checkout hello.c
Checkout comments for "hello.c":
Created branch "europe_branch" from "hello.c" version "/main/1".
Checked out "hello.c" from version "/main/europe_branch/0".
The checked-out version is hello.c@@/main/europe_branch/0 due to the mkbranch rule in the config spec for the current view.
30. Z:/GROUP_europe> notepad hello.c
Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool checkin hello.c
Checkin comments for "hello.c":
Checked in "hello.c" version "/main/europe_branch/1".
31. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
32. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase
/sync_GROUP_europe_05-Dec- to
33. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool lsvtree -graphical hello.c
34. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool ls
hello.c@@/main/1 Rule:/main/LATEST
lost+found@@/main/0 Rule:/main/LATEST
Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool checkout hello.c
Checkout comments for "hello.c":
Checked out "hello.c" from version "/main/1".
35. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool merge -to hello.c -ver /main/europe_branch/LATEST
Trivial merge: "hello.c" is same as base "/GROUP_usa/hello.c@@/main/1".
Copying "/GROUP_usa/hello.c@@/main/europe_branch/1" to output file.
Moved contributor "hello.c" to "hello.c.contrib".
Output of merge is in "hello.c".
Recorded merge of "hello.c".
Z:/GROUP_usa> type hello.c
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Four score and seven years ago...
36. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool checkin hello.c
Checkin comments for "hello.c":
Checked in "hello.c" version "/main/2".
37. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool lsvtree -graphical hello.c
38. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
1. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklbtype LABEL1
Comments for "LABEL1":
Created label type "LABEL1".
2. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool describe -long lbtype:LABEL1
label type "LABEL1"
created 05-Dec-98.22:06:59 by GROUP.None@labsys
master replica: GROUP_usa
instance mastership: unshared
owner: GROUP
group: None
scope: this VOB (ordinary type)
constraint: one version per element
The GROUP_usa replica masters all instances of the label type. The type is unshared, which means that only the GROUP_usa replica can attach the label to an object.
3. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files
4. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked
out versions."
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."

5. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
6. Z:/GROUP_europe >cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked
out versions."
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."
The LABEL1 type appears once the update packet is processed (imported) in Step 5.
7. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool mklabel LABEL1 hello.c
cleartool: Error: Unable to perform operation "make label" in replica "GROUP_europe" of VOB "/GROUP_europe".
cleartool: Error: Master replica of label type "LABEL1" is "GROUP_usa".
cleartool: Error: Trouble applying label to "hello.c".
cleartool: Error: Unable to create label "LABEL1" on "hello.c" version "/main/europe_branch/1".
An error occurs because the current replica does not master the label type.
8. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool chmaster GROUP_europe lbtype:LABEL1
Changed mastership of label type "LABEL1" to "GROUP_europe"
9. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files

10. Z:/GROUP_europe >multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
11. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool describe -long lbtype:LABEL1
label type "LABEL1"
created 05-Dec-98.22:06:59 by GROUP.None@labsys
master replica: GROUP_europe
instance mastership: unshared
owner: GROUP
group: None
scope: this VOB (ordinary type)
constraint: one version per element
Now that the update packet from the GROUP_usa replica has been processed, the label type is mastered at the GROUP_europe replica.
12. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool mklabel LABEL1 hello.c
Created label "LABEL1" on "hello.c" version "/main/europe_branch/1".
Since GROUP_europe now masters the object, users at this site can attach the label (subject to the label type constraints) to versions mastered by the replica.
13. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklbtype -shared -pbranch LABEL2
Comments for "LABEL2":
Created label type "LABEL2".
14. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool describe -long lbtype:LABEL2
label type "LABEL2"
created 05-Dec-98.22:27:28 by GROUP.None@labsys
master replica: GROUP_usa
instance mastership: shared
owner: GROUP
group: None
scope: this VOB (ordinary type)
constraint: one version per branch

15. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files
16. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
17. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked
out versions."
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.22:27 GROUP label type "LABEL2"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."
18. Z:/GROUP_europe >cleartool mklabel LABEL2 hello.c@@ /main/LATEST
cleartool: Error: Unable to perform operation "make label" in replica "GROUP_europe" of VOB "/GROUP_europe".
cleartool: Error: Master replica of branch "/main" is "GROUP_usa".
cleartool: Error: Trouble applying label to "hello.c".
cleartool: Error: Unable to create label "LABEL2" on "hello.c" version "/main/2".
An error occurs because GROUP_usa masters the object, the main branch.
19. Z:/GROUP_europe >cleartool mklabel LABEL2 hello.c@@ /main/europe_branch/LATEST
Created label "LABEL2" on "hello.c" version "/main/europe_branch/1".
The label can be attached because GROUP_europe masters the europe_branch object.
20. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklabel LABEL2 hello.c@@/main/LATEST
Created label "LABEL2" on "hello.c" version "/main/2".
The label can be attached because a) the label type is shared; b) the label type can be used once per branch; and c) the main branch is mastered by the current replica.
21. Z:/GROUP_usa >cleartool lsvtree –graphical
LABEL2 does not appear on the europe_branch because the update packet has not been sent from GROUP_europe.

22. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files
23. Z:/GROUP_usa >multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs

24. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool lsvtree -graphical hello.c
Yes, the label shows up now.
25. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklbtype LABEL3
Comments for "LABEL3":
Created label type "LABEL3".

26. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklabel LABEL3 hello.c@@/main/LATEST
Created label "LABEL3" on "hello.c" version "/main/2".
Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files
27. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool mklbtype LABEL3
Comments for "LABEL3":
Created label type "LABEL3".
28. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool mklabel LABEL3 hello.c@@/main/europe_branch/0
Created label "LABEL3" on "hello.c" version "/main/europe_branch/0".
29. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
multitool: Warning: To avoid name conflict, generated name "GROUP_usa:LABEL3" for label type object.
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
The LABEL3 created at the GROUP_usa replica is renamed to GROUP_usa:LABEL3 to avoid a conflict with the LABEL3 created at the GROUP_europe replica.
30. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked
out versions."
05-Dec.22:48 GROUP label type "GROUP_usa:LABEL3"
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.22:27 GROUP label type "LABEL2"
05-Dec.22:51 GROUP label type "LABEL3"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."

31. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
32. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
multitool: Warning: To avoid name conflict, generated name "GROUP_europe:LABEL3" for label type object.
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_05-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
The LABEL3 created at GROUP_europe is renamed automatically by MultiSite so that it does not conflict with the LABEL3 created at GROUP_usa.
33. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked
out versions."
05-Dec.22:51 GROUP label type "GROUP_europe:LABEL3"
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.22:27 GROUP label type "LABEL2"
05-Dec.22:48 GROUP label type "LABEL3"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."
No, it is not.
34. Z:/GROUP_usa >cleartool rename lbtype:LABEL3 USA_LABEL3
Renamed label type from "LABEL3" to "USA_LABEL3".

35. Z:/GROUP_usa >multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
36. Z:/GROUP_europe >multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_05-Dec- to
37. Z:/GROUP_europe >cleartool lsvtree -graphical hello.c
GROUP _usa:LABEL3 is renamed to USA_LABEL3 now that the update packet has been processed.

Exercise 2 Solution
Store-and-Forward Utility
þ þ þ
1. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklbtype LABEL4
Comments for "LABEL4":
Created label type "LABEL4".
2. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mklabel LABEL4 hello.c@@/main/LATEST
Created label "LABEL4" on "hello.c" version "/main/2".
3. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
4. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs

5. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lsreplica -long
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec-98.20:49:23 by GROUP.None@labsys
replica type: unfiltered
master replica: GROUP_usa
owner: GROUP
group: None
host: "labsys"
replica "GROUP_usa"
05-Dec-98.20:40:40 by GROUP.None@labsys
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
replica type: unfiltered
master replica: GROUP_usa
owner: GROUP
group: None
host: "labsys"
6. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool lshistory replica:GROUP_europe
06-Dec.00:10 GROUP import sync from replica "GROUP_usa" to replica "GROUP_europe"
"Imported synchronization information from replica
Row at import was: GROUP_usa=20 GROUP_europe=9"
05-Dec.23:56 GROUP import sync from replica "GROUP_usa" to replica "GROUP_europe"
"Imported synchronization information from replica
Row at import was: GROUP_usa=19 GROUP_europe=9"
(The rest of the output has been omitted to save space.)

7. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool describe vob:/GROUP_europe
versioned object base "/GROUP_europe"
created 05-Dec-98.20:40:40 by GROUP.None@labsys
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
master replica: GROUP_usa
replica name: GROUP_europe
VOB storage host:pathname "labsys:E:/ClearCase_Storage/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs"
VOB storage global pathname "//labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs"
VOB ownership:
owner GROUP
group None
8. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool describe hello.c
version "hello.c@@/main/europe_branch/1"
created 05-Dec-98.21:50:39 by GROUP.None@GROUP_NT
Element Protection:
User : GROUP : r--
Group: None : r--
Other: : r--
element type: text_file
predecessor version: /main/europe_branch/0
Merge -> /GROUP_europe/hello.c@@/main/2
9. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool mkattype -vtype integer bugnum
Comments for "bugnum":
Created attribute type "bugnum".
10. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -export -out E:/Temp/GROUP_packet GROUP_usa
Generating synchronization packet E:/Temp/GROUP_packet

11. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lspacket –long E:/Temp
Packet is: E:/Temp/GROUP_packet
Packet type: Update
VOB family identifier is: 0c3a0430.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5
Comment supplied at packet creation is:
Packet intended for the following targets:
GROUP_usa [ local to this network ] * tag: /GROUP_usa
Originating replica is: GROUP_europe
The following replicas are referenced by this packet:
first oplog id is 22
incarnation is 0
first oplog id is 9
incarnation is 0
The major packet version is 1, the minor packet version is 2
The packet sequence number is 1
12. Z:/GROUP_europe> mkorder -data E:/Temp/GROUP_packet -copy
-ship labsys
Shipping order "E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var
/shipping/ms_ship/outgoing/sh_o_GROUP_packet" generated.
13. Z:/GROUP_europe> shipping_server “E:/Program Files/Rational
14. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -import
“E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/GROUP_packet to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
15. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool lstype -kind attype
06-Dec.00:19 GROUP attribute type "bugnum"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP attribute type "HlinkFromText"
"Predefined attribute type used to represent "from" text of
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP attribute type "HlinkToText"
"Predefined attribute type used to represent "to" text of
16. Z:/GROUP_usa> notepad E:/Temp/status_report
17. Z:/GROUP_usa> mkorder -data E:/Temp/status_report.txt -copy -fship labsys
18. Z:/GROUP_europe> dir “E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase

Exercise 3 Solution
Recovering Lost Packets
þ þ þ
1. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_europe
VOB operations originating at USA
VOB operations originating at Europe
Europe’s record of its own state
Europe’s estimate of USA's state

2. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_usa
VOB operations
originating at USA
VOB operations
originating at Europe
USA’s record of its own state
USA’s estimate of Europe‘s state
Yes, the epoch table numbers are the same as in Step 1.
3. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool mkbrtype branch_test
Comments for "branch_test":
Created branch type "branch_test".
4. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -out E:/Temp/GROUP_packet2 GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Temp/GROUP_packet2
5. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_usa
VOB operations originating at USA
VOB operations originating at Europe
USA’s record of its own state
USA’s estimate of Europe‘s state
The GROUP_usa replica assumes at the syncreplica export phase that the GROUP_europe replica will receive and successfully process the update packet; therefore, it updates the GROUP_europe replica row to reflect the export.
6. Assume the packet was deleted.
7. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_europe
VOB operations originating at USA
VOB operations originating at Europe
Europe’s record of its own state
Europe’s estimate of USA‘s state
8. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool chepoch GROUP_europe GROUP_usa=22
Change oplog IDs in row "GROUP_europe" [no] y
Epoch row successfully set.
9. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=22 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_usa
VOB operations originating at USA
VOB operations originating at Europe
USA’s record of its own state
USA’s estimate of Europe‘s state

10. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
11. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
12. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool lstype -kind brtype
06-Dec.01:13 GROUP branch type "branch_test"
05-Dec.21:30 GROUP branch type "europe_branch"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP branch type "main"
"Predefined branch type used to represent the main branch
of elements."
13. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_europe
VOB operations originating at USA
VOB operations originating at Europe
Europe’s record of its own state
Europe’s estimate of USA‘s state

14. Z:/GROUP_usa>multitool lsepoch
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_usa" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Oplog IDs for row "GROUP_europe" (@ GROUP_NT):
oid:4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=10 (GROUP_europe)
oid:0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5=23 (GROUP_usa)
Point of View: GROUP_usa
VOB operations originating at USA
VOB operations originating at Europe
USA’s record of its own state
USA’s estimate ofEurope‘s state
Yes, the results are the same as the previous table.

Exercise 4 Solution
Restoring Replicas
þ þ þ
1. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool mkreplica -export -workdir C:/GROUP -fship labsys:GROUP_asia
Comments for "GROUP_asia":
Generating replica creation packet E:/Program Files/Rational
shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Dumping database...
1 hyperlinks dumped.
string cache probes, hits, hit rate: 1 0 0%
sbrk == 0
2 hyperlink arrows dumped.
string cache probes, hits, hit rate: 4 2 50%
sbrk == 0
34 oplog entries dumped.
50 events dumped (thru Saturday 12/05/98 21:53:27)...
string cache probes, hits, hit rate: 280207 73%
sbrk == 0
86 events dumped.
1 locks dumped.
Dumper done.
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational

2. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
3. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
4. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
5. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
Replica creation packets found.Sending notification...
6. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
7. Assume that view was successfully created.

8. C:/ >dir “E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming”
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 2734-12FC
Directory of C:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> .
12/04/9811:19a <DIR> ..
12/06/9801:56a45,457 repl_GROUP_usa_06-Dec-
3 File(s) 45,457 bytes
767,066,112 bytes free
9. C:/> multitool mkreplica -import -workdir C:/ms_work -tag /GROUP_asia -vob //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs -preserve
“E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming
The packet can only be used to create replica "GROUP_asia"
- VOB family is 0c3a0430.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5
- replica OID is 2c6dda40.8ce111d2.95ee.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5
Should I create this replica? [no] y
Comments for "GROUP_asia":
Processing packet E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase/var/shipping/ms_ship/incoming/repl_GROUP_usa_06-Dec-
Loading database...
Dumped schema version is 53
86 events loaded.
134 pass 2 actions performed.
Loader done.
Registering VOB mount tag "/GROUP_asia"...
VOB replica successfully created.
Host-local path: labsys:E:/ClearCase_Storage/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
Global path: //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
VOB ownership:
owner GROUP
group None
10. C:/> cleartool mount /GROUP_asia
Mounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_asia.
11. Assume that the replica-creation packet was deleted.

Locked versioned object base "/GROUP_europe".
13. C:/>cleartool umount /GROUP_europe
Unmounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_europe.

14. Successful administrator login assumed.
15. Select Start>Settings>Control Panel and double-click the ClearCase icon.
17. Keep the window open .

18. 19. Assume copy is okay.

20. Assume startup is okay.
21. C:/>cleartool unlock vob:/GROUP_europe
Unlocked versioned object base "/GROUP_europe".
22. C:/>cleartool mount /GROUP_europe
Mounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_europe.
23. C:/>cleartool startview GROUP_europe_viewC:/>Z:
24. Z:/>cd GROUP_europe
25. Z:/GROUP_europe>cleartool mklbtype POSTBKUP
Comments for "POSTBKUP":
Created label type "POSTBKUP".
26. Z:/GROUP_europe>multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa GROUP_asia
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational

27. Z:/GROUP_usa>multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
28. Z:/GROUP_usa>cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked out
05-Dec.22:51 GROUP label type "GROUP_europe:LABEL3"
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.22:27 GROUP label type "LABEL2"
06-Dec.00:07 GROUP label type "LABEL4"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."
06-Dec.05:40 GROUP label type "POSTBKUP"
05-Dec.22:48 GROUP label type "USA_LABEL3"
29. Z:/GROUP_usa>multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
30. Z:/>cleartool lock vob:/GROUP_europe
Locked versioned object base "/GROUP_europe".
31. Z:/>cleartool umount /GROUP_europe
Unmounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_europe.
32. Login is assumed.
33. See Step 16.
34. See the screen capture for Step 17.
35-36 Shutdown is assumed.
37. Assume copy is okay.

38.Assume copy of backup is okay.

39-40. Assume startup is okay.
41. C:/>cleartool unlock vob:/GROUP_europe
Unlocked versioned object base "/GROUP_europe".
42. C:/>cleartool mount /GROUP_europe
Mounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_europe.
43. C:/>cleartool startview GROUP_europe_view
44. C:/>Z:
45. Z:/>cd /GROUP_europe
46. Z:/GROUP_europe>multitool restorereplica
Are you sure that you want to begin restoration operations for this VOB? [no] y
Comments for "GROUP_europe":
multitool: Warning: The VOB is not currently locked; this may have permitted updates prior to restorereplica
Are you sure that you want to proceed? [no] y
VOB locked and marked for restoration.
VOB set to require a restoration update from replica "GROUP_usa".
VOB set to require a restoration update from replica "GROUP_asia".

47. Z:/GROUP_europe>multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa GROUP_asia
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
This update informs the other replicas that the GROUP_europe replica is in restoration mode and must receive updates in order to contain the latest information.
48. Z:/GROUP_europe>cleartool describe replica:GROUP_europe
replica "GROUP_europe"
created 05-Dec-98.20:49:23 by GROUP.None@labsys
replica type: unfiltered
master replica: GROUP_usa
owner: GROUP
group: None
host: "labsys"
identities: preserved
replica is recovering.
49. Z:/GROUP_europe>cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked out
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.22:27 GROUP label type "LABEL2"
05-Dec.22:51 GROUP label type "LABEL3"
06-Dec.00:07 GROUP label type "LABEL4"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."
05-Dec.22:48 GROUP label type "USA_LABEL3"
The backed-up copy of the VOB's physical storage area was created prior to the branch type and therefore does not appear on the listing.

50. Z:/GROUP_usa>multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
The update packets are applied to the GROUP_usa and GROUP_asiareplicas. The syncreplica
–import –receive
command scans all storage bays and processes everything it finds.
51. Z:/GROUP_usa>multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
52. Z:/GROUP_europe>multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs

53. Z:/GROUP_europe>multitool lsreplica -long
For VOB replica "/GROUP_europe":
replica "GROUP_asia"
06-Dec-98.01:56:29 by GROUP.None@labsys
replica type: unfiltered
master replica: GROUP_usa
owner: GROUP
group: None
host: "labsys"
replica is expected to send recovery update.
replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec-98.20:49:23 by GROUP.None@labsys
replica type: unfiltered
master replica: GROUP_usa
owner: GROUP
group: None
host: "labsys"
replica is recovering.
replica "GROUP_usa"
05-Dec-98.20:40:40 by GROUP.None@labsys
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
replica type: unfiltered
master replica: GROUP_usa
owner: GROUP
group: None
host: "labsys"
The GROUP_asia replica is still expected to send an update packet.
54. Z:/GROUP_asia>multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_europe
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
55. Z:/GROUP_europe>cleartool lslock
06-Dec.07:45 GROUP lock versioned object base "/GROUP_europe" (locked)
"Locked for all users.
Locked for replica dump"

56. Z:/GROUP_europe>multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational/ClearCase
/sync_GROUP_asia_06-Dec- to
VOB //GROUP_NT/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
VOB has completed restoration:
VOB may now be unlocked for general access
57. Z:/GROUP_europe>cleartool unlock vob:/GROUP_europe
Unlocked versioned object base "/GROUP_europe".
58. Z:/GROUP_europe>cleartool lstype -kind lbtype
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "CHECKEDOUT"
"Predefined label type used to represent checked out
05-Dec.22:06 GROUP label type "LABEL1"
05-Dec.22:27 GROUP label type "LABEL2"
05-Dec.22:51 GROUP label type "LABEL3"
06-Dec.00:07 GROUP label type "LABEL4"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP label type "LATEST"
"Predefined label type used to represent the latest version
on a branch."
06-Dec.05:40 GROUP label type "POSTBKUP"
05-Dec.22:48 GROUP label type "USA_LABEL3"

Removing Replicas
1. Z:/GROUP_europe> cleartool lsco –all
No checkouts exist in the current VOB replica.
2. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool chmaster -all GROUP_usa
Changed mastership of all objects
3. Z:/GROUP_europe> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
4. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
5. Z:/GROUP_usa> cleartool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
6. Z:/GROUP_asia> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_europe_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
7. Z:/GROUP_asia> cleartool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_asia":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
8. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool rmreplica GROUP_europe
Deleted replica "GROUP_europe".
9. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
The GROUP_europereplica no longer exists according to the GROUP_usareplica.
10. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_asia
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
11. Z:/GROUP_asia> cleartool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:49 GROUP replica "GROUP_europe"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
The GROUP _europereplica still exists because the update packet from GROUP_usa, (notifying GROUP_asiaof the removal ofthe GROUP_europereplica) has not been processed.
12. Z:/GROUP_asia > multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_usa_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
13. Z:/GROUP_asia> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_asia":
06-Dec.01:56 GROUP replica "GROUP_asia"
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
There should be no surprises. The update packet from GROUP_usa has been applied, informing GROUP_asia of the removal of GROUP_europe.
14. Z:/GROUP_europe> cd ..
Z:/> cleartool umount /GROUP_europe
Unmounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_europe.
15. Z:/> C:
C:/> cleartool rmvob //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs
Remove versioned object base "//GROUP_NT/ccstg_e
/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs"?[no] y
Removed versioned object base "//labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_europe.vbs".
16. C:/> cleartool rmview -tag GROUP_europe_view
cleartool: Error: Unable to get VOB object registry information for replica uuid
"4593e730.8cb611d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5" (GROUP_NT:E:/ClearCase_Storage/VOBs
/GROUP_europe.vbs): ClearCase object not found
Remove view "//GROUP_nt/ccstg_e/views/GROUP_europe_view.vws" anyway? [no] y
17. Z:/GROUP_asia > multitool chmaster -all GROUP_usa
Changed mastership of all objects
18. Z:/GROUP_asia > multitool syncreplica -export -fship GROUP_usa
Generating synchronization packet E:/Program Files/Rational
- shipping order file is E:/Program Files/Rational
Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
-- Forwarded/delivered packet E:/Program Files/Rational
19. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool syncreplica -import -receive
Applied sync. packet E:/Program Files/Rational
/sync_GROUP_asia_06-Dec- to
VOB //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
20. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool rmreplica GROUP_asia
The last remaining replica has been deleted; disabling replication in VOB.
Deleted replica "GROUP_asia".
The oplog is disabled as the VOB is no longer replicated.
21. Z:/GROUP_usa> multitool lsreplica
For VOB replica "/GROUP_usa":
05-Dec.20:40 GROUP replica "GROUP_usa"
"This is the VOB tag directory, which will become the
GROUP_usa replica."
22. Z:/> cleartool umount /GROUP_asia
Unmounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_asia.
23. Z:/> cleartool rmvob //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs
Remove versioned object base "//labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs"?[no] y
Removed versioned object base "//labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs"

24. C:/> cleartool rmview -tag GROUP_asia_view
cleartool: Error: Unable to get VOB object registry information for replica uuid
"2c6dda40.8ce111d2.95ee.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5" (labsys:E:/ClearCase_Storage/VOBs/GROUP_asia.vbs): ClearCase object not found
Remove view "//labsys/ccstg_e/views/GROUP_asia_view.vws" anyway?[no] y
25. Z:/GROUP_usa> C:
C:/> cleartool umount /GROUP_usa
Unmounting MVFS filesystem /GROUP_usa.
26. C:/> cleartool rmvob //labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs
Remove versioned object base "//labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs"?[no] y
Removed versioned object base "//labsys/ccstg_e/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs".
27. C:/> cleartool rmview -tag GROUP_usa_view
cleartool: Error: Unable to get VOB object registry information for replica uuid
"0c3a0431.8cb511d2.95ed.00:80:c7:59:b5:d5" (GROUP_NT:E:/ClearCase_Storage/VOBs/GROUP_usa.vbs): ClearCase object not found
Remove view "//labsys/ccstg_e/views/GROUP_usa_view.vws" anyway?[no] y
