
Exercise 4-1: Navigate the Windchill Model
● Navigate the Windchill Model
Become familiar with navigation in the Windchill model.
Step 1. Open Rational Rose.
Step 2. Load WT_HOME/src/wt/WTdesigner.mdl.
Step 3. Interrogate the OOTB Windchill class wt.change2.WTChangeOrder2.
a. Navigation in the Windchill model is accomplished by either double-clicking on a package or browsing the Logical View.
b. The root of the core wc functionality is in the “Foundation” module.
c. Browse the Logical View to <<assembly>> wnc > <<module>> Foundation > wt. Under wt, double-click the Main diagram.
wt Package Main Diagram
d. Navigate to the change2 package.
e. Open the diagram C. ChangeOrder2:
f. How many attributes are specified by the wt.change2.WTChangeOrder2 class?
Step 4. Navigate the diagrams associated with the wt.epm package.
Step 5. Find a diagram defining the wt.epm.EPMDocumentMaster class.
a. Is there a way to search for a class, method or attribute?
b. How many attributes are specified by the EPMDocumentMaster class?
c. How many Interfaces and Abstract classes are specialized by the EPMDocumentMaster class?
Take a few minutes to answer the following questions and then review them with your instructor.
1. Question: What is the difference between a class and an interface?
2. Question: What is the full class name associated with Parts?
3. Question: What is special about the composition type of aggregation?
4. Question: What does wt.fc.Persistable represent?
After completing this module, you should be able to:
• Perform tasks in the Engineer Component element of the Application Solution
Development module of the System RVP work stream.
• Read and use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) at a basic level.
• Navigate the Windchill object model at a basic level — packages, interfaces and classes.
