

The Windows ® Open Perspective ® Other ® J2EE perspective is open.


Creating the EJB Module Project

You develop the EJB 3.0 classes in an EJB 3.0 project in the J2EE perspective.


1. Choose File ® New ® Project from the main menu.

2. Select the EJB Project 3.0 wizard by choosing EJB ® EJB Project 3.0 on the New Project screen.

3. Choose Next to proceed to the Create an EJB 3.0 Project screen.

4. Enter ConverterEJB in the Project Name field.

5. Leave the Create project in the workspace for the Location of the project.

6. To assign the EJB project to an Enterprise Application project, choose Add project to an EAR and enter ConverterEAR in EAR Project Name field.

The ConverterEAR project is created automatically when you complete the wizard.

7. Choose Finish to create your EJB 3.0 project.

Creating the Stateless Session Bean


1. From the context menu of the ejbModule node of the ConverterEJB project choose New ® Other.

2. Choose EJB ® EJB Session Bean 3.0 on the New screen.

3. Choose Next.

4. Enter ConverterBean in the EJB Name field and com.sap.tutorial.javaee in the Default EJBPackage field.

5. Select the Stateless radio button for Session Type.

6. Deselect the Remote checkbox for Create Interface.

7. Choose Finish.

8. Implement the business logic of ConverterBean by entering the following code in its body:

private BigDecimal dollarRate = new BigDecimal("1.2");

private BigDecimal euroRate = new BigDecimal("0.83");

public BigDecimal dollarToEuro(BigDecimal dollars) {

BigDecimal result = dollars.multiply(euroRate);

return result.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);


public BigDecimal euroToDollar(BigDecimal euros) {

BigDecimal result = euros.multiply(dollarRate);

return result.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);


9. To import the additional classes that you refer in your code, choose Source ® Organize Imports from the main menu.

10. To add the dollarToEuro business method to the bean’s local interface, locate the Outline view and from the context menu of the method choose EJB Methods ® Add to Local Interfaces.

Repeat the same step to add the euroToDollar method to the local interface as well.

11. Choose File ® Save from the main menu to save the bean.
