关于say_controller无法正常显示hello world

I'm start to roll on ruby!
Now I'm reading <Agile web development>, but the first demo case "hello world" has stopped me in the way.
My enviroment: ruby 1.8.6, rails 2.3.3

Done as the book tells, creating say_controller, hello method, hello.rhtml... Everything seems ok, but when I opened http://localhost:3000/say/hello in the brower, error shows up.

Google is obviously helpful, the first cause I found is splite3, which is default database drive on rails. Replacing it with Mysql, it still didn't work.

After one hour torture, the problem finally was founded. When using rails gererator, the database.yml contains 3 database config, but I haven't created them yet! I replaced this file with the one in "depot" project which is shipped with NB IDE. Then "Hello World"!
