C# Lazy Loading

In some Senario, may only need to init the object when using ,so lazyLoading will be a good choice.

Sample Class:

public class Product
        public Product()
            //do many things here ,will take long time
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string TypeCode { get; set; }

Sample class test lazy loading:

public class LazyLoadingTest
        public Product GetProduct(int id, string name, string typecode)
            return new Product()
                    Id = id,
                    Name = name,
                    TypeCode = typecode

        public Lazy<Product> GetLazyProduct(int id, string name, string typecode)
            return new Lazy<Product>(() =>
                                     new Product() {Id = id, Name = name, TypeCode = typecode});

Test code:

 var llt = new LazyLoadingTest();
            var p1 = llt.GetProduct(1, "tablet", "x101");
//As Product is not lazy loading obj , so here constructure will be created.

            var p2 = llt.GetLazyProduct(2, "computer", "y202");

            var productName1 = p1.Name;
            var productName2 = p2.Value.Name;
// As P2 is a lazy product object , only when P2 object is using , there is a construction here .
