The difference between Chinese and American

Actually, this is an Email from my friends who is doing her study in United States now, hope you can find some interesting things from this piece of words.
1. There is always toilet paper in the toilet. In china, we usually furnish own toilet paper. Also, the Americans sit on the toilets; while we squat a lot, especially in the public toilet s.
2. There are many churches in the US, while we don't have many in China . The majority of Chinese don't have religion, while many Americans sincerely believe there is a Heavenly Father or God and some of them spend money on a mission for 1+1/2 years without getting any paid.
3. American people say "thank you, I love you" and "please" to their family all the time, while we Chinese people seldom use those words. By the way, they love hugs.  
4. MacDonald's, Ky. Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut in China are much more popular than those in the US.
5. I haven't seen any beggars or street venders on the street here, while we have many in China .
6. There are classes in the noon in Southern Virginia University, but when I was in Shandong Normal University, we didn't have any classes from 12-2pm – that was usually for our noon naps!
7. Here are many families that have more than one child. I even saw some families that have more than six children! In china, we usually can have only one child since 1970's.
8. Car is the main transportation in the US. We now have more and more cars in China, but most people still mainly use buses, taxis, trains, or bicycles. Another thing is that I think we Chinese honked horns a lot when we are driving, while the Americans seldom do it.
9. I saw some young married students and their babies on campus, though I seldom saw those things happened in China. Two years ago in China, university students were not allowed to marry.
10. I think our Chinese are more conscious about our weight control. The Americans eat a lot of food that are easy for them to gain weight. They also like to eat raw vegetables and green salads, which is good for them; while we usually COOK vegetables in China. I am also getting used to eat with fork and knife.  
