今天有个同事问我个问题,他在用C#“Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0”读取EXCEL文件的时候,发现了一个问题,是这样的,他读出来的EXCEL数据在DATAGRID中显示的时候,只有文本的数据能够读出来,比如某一个单元格里面的数据是纯数字的话,那么在DATAGRID里面显示的空的,什么都没有,他让我看看,我找了好半天的原因没有找到,后来实在没有办法,就换个方法读,用COM组件,引用了EXCEL组件之后,Excel.Applicatioin ea=new Excel.ApplicationClass();执行的时候就报错,“访问被拒绝”,发现了这样两个问题,今天晚上找了好半天的方法,终于解决了。
string ConnStr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:/aa.xls;Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1';";
OleDbConnection Conn=new OleDbConnection(ConnStr);
string SQL="select * from [sheet1$]";
OleDbDataAdapter da=new OleDbDataAdapter(SQL,ConnStr);
DataSet ds=new DataSet();
很简单的代码,但是问题就出在连接字符串上面,后面一定要加上Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;IMEX=1',HDR和IMEX也一定要配合使用,哈哈,老实说,我也不知道为什么,这样配合的效果最好,这是我艰苦调试的结果.IMEX=1应该是将所有的列全部视为文本,我也有点忘记了.至于HDR本来只是说是否要出现一行标题头而已,但是结果却会导致某些字段值丢失,所以其实我至今也搞不明白为什么,很可能是驱动的问题...
1. | Log on to the computer as the Administrator and install (or reinstall) Office using a complete install. For system robustness, it is recommended that you copy the contents of the Office CD-ROM to a local drive and install Office from this location. |
2. | Start the Office application that you intend to automate. This forces the application to register itself. |
3. | After the application is running, press ALT+F11 to load the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor. This forces VBA to initialize itself. |
4. | Close the applications, including VBA. |
5. | Click Start, click Run, and then type DCOMCNFG. Select the application that you want to automate. The application names are listed below:
Microsoft Access 97 - Microsoft Access Database
Click Properties to open the property dialog box for this application.Microsoft Access 2000/2002 - Microsoft Access Application Microsoft Excel 97/2000/2002 - Microsoft Excel Application Microsoft Word 97 - Microsoft Word Basic Microsoft Word 2000/2002 - Microsoft Word Document |
6. | Click the Security tab. Verify that Use Default Access Permissions and Use Default Launch Permissions are selected. |
7. | Click the Identity tab and then select The Interactive User. |
8. | Click OK to close the property dialog box and return to the main applications list dialog box. |
9. | In the DCOM Configuration dialog box, click the Default Security tab. |
10. | Click Edit Defaults for access permissions. Verify that the following users are listed in the access permissions, or add the users if they are not listed:
INTERACTIVE Everyone Administrators IUSR_<machinename> * IWAM_<machinename> * * These accounts only exist if Internet Information Server (IIS) is installed on the computer. |
11. | Make sure that each user is allowed access and click OK. |
12. | Click Edit Defaults for launch permissions. Verify that the following users are listed in the launch permissions, or add the users if they are not listed:
INTERACTIVE Everyone Administrators IUSR_<machinename> * IWAM_<machinename> * * These accounts exist only if IIS is installed on the computer. |
13. | Make sure that each user is allowed access, and then click OK. |
14. | Click OK to close DCOMCNFG. |
15. | Start REGEDIT and verify that the following keys and string values exist for the Office application that you want to automate:
Microsoft Access 2000/2002:
If these keys do not exist, you can create them by running the following .reg file on your system: Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\MSACCESS.EXE AppID: {73A4C9C1-D68D-11D0-98BF-00A0C90DC8D9} Microsoft Access 97: Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\MSACCESS.EXE AppID: {8CC49940-3146-11CF-97A1-00AA00424A9F} Microsoft Excel 97/2000/2002: Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\EXCEL.EXE AppID: {00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Microsoft Word 97/2000/2002: Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\WINWORD.EXE AppID: {00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Note The sample .reg file is for Access 2000 or Access 2002. If you are using Access 97, change the AppID key to: |
16. | Restart the system. This is required. |