
Short cuircuiting and validator flavours

A FieldValidator that gets shortcircuited will only prevent other FieldValidators for the same field
from being evaluated. Note that this "same field" behavior applies regardless of whether the or syntax
was used to declare the validation rule. By way of example, given this validation.xml file:

  You must enter a value for bar.

  foo gt bar
  foo must be great than bar.

both validators will be run, even if the "required" validator shortcircuits. "required" validators are
FieldValidator's and will not shortcircuit the plain ExpressionValidator because FieldValidators only
shortcircuit other checks on that same field. Since the plain Validator is not field specific, it is notshort-circuited.



  1. 所有非字段校验风格的校验器优先于字段校验风格的校验器;
  2. 所有非字段校验风格的校验器中,排在前面的会先执行;
  3. 所有字段校验风格的校验器,排在前面的会先执行;


  1. 所有非字段检验器时最优先执行的,如果某个非字段校验器校验失败了,则该字段上的所有字段校验器都不会获得校验机会;
  2. 非字段校验校验失败,不会阻止其他非字段校验执行;
  3. 如果一个字段校验器校验失败后,则该字段下且排在该校验失败后的检验器之后的其他字段校验器不会获得校验机会;
  4. 字段校验器永远不会阻止非字段校验器的执行!


