传送门:UVA 11992
最多有20行, 可以建20棵线段树, 然后更新查询时按维数维护
线段树区间合并, 两个lazy有主次之分(set比add优先)
/* adrui's submission Language : C++ Result : Accepted Love : ll Favorite : Dragon Balls Standing in the Hall of Fame */
using namespace std;
#define debug 0
#define inf 0x7f7f7f7f
#define mid ((l + r) >> 1)
#define ls rt << 1, l, mid
#define rs rt << 1|1, mid + 1, r
#define M(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof(a))
int row, col, q;
const int maxn(1e6 + 5);
int mx, mn, sum, addLayz, setLazy;
}node[21][maxn << 2];
void pushUp(int i, int rt) {
node[i][rt].sum = node[i][rt << 1].sum + node[i][rt << 1 | 1].sum;
node[i][rt].mx = max(node[i][rt << 1].mx, node[i][rt << 1 | 1].mx);
node[i][rt].mn = min(node[i][rt << 1].mn, node[i][rt << 1 | 1].mn);
void build(int i, int rt, int l, int r) {
node[i][rt].setLazy = -1;
if (l == r) {
build(i, ls);
build(i, rs);
//pushUp(i, rt);
void pushDown(int i, int rt, int m) {
if (node[i][rt].setLazy != -1) {
node[i][rt << 1].sum = (m - (m >> 1)) * node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].sum = (m >> 1) * node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1].mx = node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].mx = node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1].mn = node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].mn = node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1].addLayz = node[i][rt << 1 | 1].addLayz = 0;//set优先, 孩子节点的addLazy设为0
node[i][rt << 1].setLazy = node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].setLazy = node[i][rt].setLazy;
node[i][rt].setLazy = -1;
if (node[i][rt].addLayz != 0) {
node[i][rt << 1].sum += (m - (m >> 1)) * node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].sum += (m >> 1) * node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1].mx += node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].mx += node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1].mn += node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].mn += node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1].addLayz += node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt << 1 | 1].addLayz += node[i][rt].addLayz;
node[i][rt].addLayz = 0;
void addVal(int i, int rt, int l, int r, int ul, int ur, int add) { //add
if (ul <= l && ur >= r) {
node[i][rt].sum += (r - l + 1) * add;
node[i][rt].mx += add;
node[i][rt].mn += add;
//if (node[i][rt].setLazy != -1) node[i][rt].setLazy += add;
node[i][rt].addLayz += add;
pushDown(i, rt, r - l + 1);
if(ul <= mid) addVal(i, ls, ul, ur, add);
if (ur > mid) addVal(i, rs, ul, ur, add);
pushUp(i, rt);
void setVal(int i, int rt, int l, int r, int ul, int ur, int v) { //set
if (ul <= l && ur >= r) {
node[i][rt].sum = (r - l + 1) * v;
node[i][rt].mx = v;
node[i][rt].mn = v;
node[i][rt].setLazy = v;
node[i][rt].addLayz = 0;//优先
pushDown(i, rt, r - l + 1);
if (ul <= mid) setVal(i, ls, ul, ur, v);
if (ur > mid) setVal(i, rs, ul, ur, v);
pushUp(i, rt);
void query(int i, int rt, int l, int r, int ql, int qr, int &sum, int &mn, int &mx) {//query
if (ql <= l && qr >= r) {
sum += node[i][rt].sum;
mx = max(mx, node[i][rt].mx);
mn = min(mn, node[i][rt].mn);
pushDown(i, rt, r - l + 1);
if (ql <= mid) query(i, ls, ql, qr, sum, mn, mx);
if (qr > mid) query(i, rs, ql, qr, sum, mn, mx);
pushUp(i, rt);
int main() {
#if debug
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
#endif //debug
int k, x1, y1, x2, y2, v;
while (cin >> row >> col >> q) {
M(node, 0);
for (int i = 1; i <= row; i++) //建树
build(i, 1, 1, col);
while (q--) {
cin >> k;
if (k == 3) {
cin >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2;
int sum = 0;
int mn = inf, mx = -inf;
for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++) {
query(i, 1, 1, col, y1, y2, sum, mn, mx);
cout << sum << " " << mn << " " << mx << endl;
else {
cin >> x1 >> y1 >> x2 >> y2 >> v;
if (k == 1) {
for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++)
addVal(i, 1, 1, col, y1, y2, v);
else {
for (int i = x1; i <= x2; i++)
setVal(i, 1, 1, col, y1, y2, v);
return 0;