
没时间详细写 都写在注释里面了,有空细说


zzvar _ = require('./util')
var patch = require('./patch')
var listDiff = require('list-diff2')

function diff (oldTree, newTree) {
  var index = 0
  var patches = {}
  dfsWalk(oldTree, newTree, index, patches)
  return patches

function dfsWalk (oldNode, newNode, index, patches) {
  var currentPatch = []

  // 节点被移除Node is removed.
  if (newNode === null) {
  // Real DOM node will be removed when perform reordering, 
  // so has no needs to do anthings in here
  //节点为文本 内容改变TextNode content replacing
  } else if (_.isString(oldNode) && _.isString(newNode)) {
    if (newNode !== oldNode) {
      currentPatch.push({ type: patch.TEXT, content: newNode })

  //节点类型相同 遍历属性和孩子
  // Nodes are the same, diff old node's props and children
  } else if (
      oldNode.tagName === newNode.tagName &&
      oldNode.key === newNode.key
    ) {

    // Diff props 遍历属性
    var propsPatches = diffProps(oldNode, newNode)
    if (propsPatches) {
      currentPatch.push({ type: patch.PROPS, props: propsPatches })

    // Diff children. If the node has a `ignore` property, do not diff children
    // 遍历孩子
    if (!isIgnoreChildren(newNode)) {

  // 节点类型不同 新节点直接替换旧节点Nodes are not the same, replace the old node with new node
  } else {
    currentPatch.push({ type: patch.REPLACE, node: newNode })

  //index是每个节点都有的一个索引 每个!
  if (currentPatch.length) {
    patches[index] = currentPatch

//为什么这里要把子节点的递归单独写出来 而不直接写在dfswalk函数里面呢?
function diffChildren (oldChildren, newChildren, index, patches, currentPatch) {
  var diffs = listDiff(oldChildren, newChildren, 'key')
  newChildren = diffs.children

  if (diffs.moves.length) {
    var reorderPatch = { type: patch.REORDER, moves: diffs.moves }

  var leftNode = null
  var currentNodeIndex = index
  _.each(oldChildren, function (child, i) {
    var newChild = newChildren[i]
    currentNodeIndex = (leftNode && leftNode.count)
    //为什么这里是+leftNode.count, 因为每次diffChildren是遍历该节点的子节点按照顺序来
      ? currentNodeIndex + leftNode.count + 1
      : currentNodeIndex + 1
    dfsWalk(child, newChild, currentNodeIndex, patches)
    leftNode = child

function diffProps (oldNode, newNode) {
  var count = 0
  var oldProps = oldNode.props
  var newProps = newNode.props

  var key, value
  var propsPatches = {}

  // Find out different properties
  for (key in oldProps) {
    value = oldProps[key]
    if (newProps[key] !== value) {
      propsPatches[key] = newProps[key]

  // Find out new property
  for (key in newProps) {
    value = newProps[key]
    if (!oldProps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      propsPatches[key] = newProps[key]
  // If properties all are identical
  if (count === 0) {
    return null
  return propsPatches

function isIgnoreChildren (node) {
  return (node.props && node.props.hasOwnProperty('ignore'))

module.exports = diff

list-diff.js 用于比对同一层的节点

 * Diff two list in O(N).
 * @param {Array} oldList - Original List
 * @param {Array} newList - List After certain insertions, removes, or moves
 * @return {Object} - {moves: }
 *                  - moves is a list of actions that telling how to remove and insert
function diff (oldList, newList, key) {
  var oldMap = makeKeyIndexAndFree(oldList, key)
  var newMap = makeKeyIndexAndFree(newList, key)

  var newFree =

  var oldKeyIndex = oldMap.keyIndex
  var newKeyIndex = newMap.keyIndex

  var moves = []

  // a simulate list to manipulate
  var children = []
  var i = 0
  var item
  var itemKey
  var freeIndex = 0

  // first pass to check item in old list: if it's removed or not
  while (i < oldList.length) {
    item = oldList[i]
    itemKey = getItemKey(item, key)
    if (itemKey) {
      //如果该旧节点的key值 在新节点中不存在 push null
      if (!newKeyIndex.hasOwnProperty(itemKey)) {
      } else {
        var newItemIndex = newKeyIndex[itemKey]
    } else {
      var freeItem = newFree[freeIndex++]
      children.push(freeItem || null)

  var simulateList = children.slice(0)

  // remove items no longer exist
  i = 0
  while (i < simulateList.length) {
    if (simulateList[i] === null) {
    } else {

  // i is cursor pointing to a item in new list
  // j is cursor pointing to a item in simulateList
  var j = i = 0
  while (i < newList.length) {
    item = newList[i]
    itemKey = getItemKey(item, key)

    var simulateItem = simulateList[j]
    var simulateItemKey = getItemKey(simulateItem, key)

    if (simulateItem) {
      if (itemKey === simulateItemKey) {

      else {
        // new item, just inesrt it
        if (!oldKeyIndex.hasOwnProperty(itemKey)) {
          insert(i, item)

        else {
          //if remove current simulateItem make item in right place
          //then just remove it
          //simulateList[1,2,3,4,5] newList[2,3,4,5,1]
          var nextItemKey = getItemKey(simulateList[j + 1], key)
          if (nextItemKey === itemKey) {
            j++ // after removing, current j is right, just jump to next one
          else {
            // else insert item
            // 情况2.2当前及之后的多个节点被移动 or 后面的节点移动到了前面
            // simulateList[1,2,3,4,5] newList[3,4,5,1,2]
            // or simulateList[1,2,3,4,5] newList[5,1,2,3,4]
            insert(i, item)
    //只能说明在新树末尾增加了一个新节点 直接insert
    else {
      insert(i, item)


  //if j is not remove to the end, remove all the rest item
  var k = simulateList.length - j
  while (j++ < simulateList.length) {
    remove(k + i)

  function remove (index) {
    var move = {index: index, type: 0}

  function insert (index, item) {
    var move = {index: index, item: item, type: 1}

  function removeSimulate (index) {
    simulateList.splice(index, 1)

  return {
    moves: moves,
    children: children

 * Convert list to key-item keyIndex object.
 * @param {Array} list
 * @param {String|Function} key
function makeKeyIndexAndFree (list, key) {
  var keyIndex = {}
  var free = []
  for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
    var item = list[i]
    var itemKey = getItemKey(item, key)
    if (itemKey) {
      keyIndex[itemKey] = i
    } else {
  return {
    keyIndex: keyIndex,
    free: free

function getItemKey (item, key) {
  //void 666 = undefined 666纯属开玩笑
  if (!item || !key) return void 666
  return typeof key === 'string'
    ? item[key]
    : key(item)

exports.makeKeyIndexAndFree = makeKeyIndexAndFree // exports for test
exports.diff = diff

