cuda 并行计算 | GPU 编程模型




  1. 程序编译后分别在CPU和GPU上运行;
  2. CPU是主机(host),GPU是从机(device);
  3. 各自有各自的存储位置,不能相互访问。
  4. GPU不能发起运算,只能相应运算


  1. CPU在GPU上申请空间
  2. CPU将数据从内存拷贝到显存
  3. CPU启动GPU上的内核进行计算
    kernel_name <<>>(函数参数)
  4. CPU将处理结果从显存拷贝到内存

kernel 函数

_global_ void square(float *d_in, float *d_out)
    int idx = threadIdx.x;
    float f = d_in[idx];
    d_out[idx] = f * f;


Block 与 Thread

在CPU启动GPU上的内核进行计算时,使用的是kernel_name <<>>,定义了blocks,threads的大小。这两者可以是1、2或是3D的结构,代表使用多少块,每块线程数目。

  • threadIdx
  • blockDim
  • blockIdx



Map(Elements, Function)


这是lesson 1的homework,不是很难。

// Homework 1
// Color to Greyscale Conversion

//A common way to represent color images is known as RGBA - the color
//is specified by how much Red, Green, and Blue is in it.
//The 'A' stands for Alpha and is used for transparency; it will be
//ignored in this homework.

//Each channel Red, Blue, Green, and Alpha is represented by one byte.
//Since we are using one byte for each color there are 256 different
//possible values for each color.  This means we use 4 bytes per pixel.

//Greyscale images are represented by a single intensity value per pixel
//which is one byte in size.

//To convert an image from color to grayscale one simple method is to
//set the intensity to the average of the RGB channels.  But we will
//use a more sophisticated method that takes into account how the eye 
//perceives color and weights the channels unequally.

//The eye responds most strongly to green followed by red and then blue.
//The NTSC (National Television System Committee) recommends the following
//formula for color to greyscale conversion:

//I = .299f * R + .587f * G + .114f * B

//Notice the trailing f's on the numbers which indicate that they are 
//single precision floating point constants and not double precision

//You should fill in the kernel as well as set the block and grid sizes
//so that the entire image is processed.

#include "reference_calc.cpp"
#include "utils.h"

void rgba_to_greyscale(const uchar4* const rgbaImage,
                       unsigned char* const greyImage,
                       int numRows, int numCols)
  //Fill in the kernel to convert from color to greyscale
  //the mapping from components of a uchar4 to RGBA is:
  // .x -> R ; .y -> G ; .z -> B ; .w -> A
  //The output (greyImage) at each pixel should be the result of
  //applying the formula: output = .299f * R + .587f * G + .114f * B;
  //Note: We will be ignoring the alpha channel for this conversion
  int ind_x = blockIdx.x;
  int ind_y = blockIdx.y;
  uchar4 pixel_in = rgbaImage[ind_x * numCols +ind_y];
  unsigned char R = pixel_in.x;
  unsigned char G = pixel_in.y;
  unsigned char B = pixel_in.z;
  unsigned char output = .299f * R + .587f * G + .114f * B;
  greyImage[ind_x * numCols +ind_y] = output;
  //First create a mapping from the 2D block and grid locations
  //to an absolute 2D location in the image, then use that to
  //calculate a 1D offset

void your_rgba_to_greyscale(const uchar4 * const h_rgbaImage, uchar4 * const d_rgbaImage,
                            unsigned char* const d_greyImage, size_t numRows, size_t numCols)
  //You must fill in the correct sizes for the blockSize and gridSize
  //currently only one block with one thread is being launched
  const dim3 blockSize(1, 1, 1);  //TODO
  const dim3 gridSize( numRows, numCols, 1);  //TODO
  rgba_to_greyscale<<>>(d_rgbaImage, d_greyImage, numRows, numCols);

  cudaDeviceSynchronize(); checkCudaErrors(cudaGetLastError());

Intro to Parallel Programming
