

  1. JAVA后台代码

import com.ourslook.qcure.utils.RRException;
import com.ourslook.qcure.utils.annotation.IgnoreAuth;
import com.ourslook.qcure.utils.result.XaResult;
import com.stripe.Stripe;
import com.stripe.exception.StripeException;
import com.stripe.model.Charge;
import com.stripe.model.Customer;
import com.stripe.model.Refund;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import springfox.documentation.annotations.ApiIgnore;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author dazr
 * @version V1.0

* 美国跨境支付stripe 支付相关接口 * @date 2019年6月10日 下午1:00:00 *

* 卡支付: * api首页: *

* mvn jar 搜索:com.stripe stripe-java 即可 *

* [没有体验过stripe同学,可以使用modao体验]( */ @Api(value = "pay_stripe", description = "美国跨境支付strpe", position = 10) @Controller @CrossOrigin @RequestMapping("/api/stripe") public class ApiStripeController { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); /** * 步骤一:客户端初始化代码 创建Source对象 * 文档路径 * 代码片段 *


* 步骤二 Charge the Source 【为Source支付】 * 2.1:Attaching the Source to a Customer 根据客户端source获取客户的详细信息Customer * 文档路径/代码片段: * 2.2:Making a charge request to finalize the payment 提出收费要求以完成付款 * 文档路径/代码片段: *



* 步骤三 Step 3: Confirm that the charge has succeeded 可以通过自定义回调webhook事件确定是否支付成功 * * EVENT:charge.succeeded * EVENT:charge.failed *


* */ @SuppressWarnings("all") @ApiOperation(value = "信用卡支付", notes = "Charge the Source【为Source支付】 ,具体分为两步【1: 根据客户端创建的source获取顾客信息 Customer 2:支付成功】;针对:Visa、Mastercard和American Express 支付") @ResponseBody @IgnoreAuth @RequestMapping(value = "creditCardCharges", method = RequestMethod.GET) public XaResult creditCardPay( @ApiParam(value = "客户端输入了信用卡账号之后创建的source对象/token对象,详见 文档 【Step 1: Create a Source object】,字段名:stripeSourceId;这里是sourceId或者token都可以; token:tok_KPte7942xySKBKyrBu11yEpf", defaultValue = "src_18eYalAHEMiOZZp1l9ZTjSU0") @RequestParam(value = "stripeSourceId", required = true) String stripeSourceId, @ApiParam(value = "email,字段名:email,请填写自己的email", defaultValue = "[email protected]") @RequestParam(value = "email", required = false) String email, @ApiParam(value = "订单号,字段名:orderNo", defaultValue = "QC1234567890") @RequestParam(value = "orderNo", required = false) String orderNo, HttpServletRequest request ) throws Exception { XaResult xr = new XaResult<>(); // Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production // See your keys here: Stripe.apiKey = StripePayUtil.API_KEY; //1: 根据客户端source获取到customer对象 Map customerParams = new HashMap(); customerParams.put("email", email); customerParams.put("source", stripeSourceId);//soureZZZId: 类似 src_18eYalAHEMiOZZp1l9ZTjSU0 ,必须是客户端输入信用卡账号之后客户端获取的原对象的id Customer customer = null; try { customer = Customer.create(customerParams); } catch (StripeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RRException("stripe获取customer对象调用失败,详看日志:" + e.getMessage(), e); } //2: 根据customer对象进行支付 Map chargeParams = new HashMap(); // 港币:Amount must be at least 400 cents 美分 4港币; 港币目前至少是400 // 人民币:Amount must convert to at least 400 cents. ¥0.01 converts to approximately $0.01.; 人民币:355分 // 美元:最少 58 // 最终都是依港币进行结算的 chargeParams.put("amount", 58);//必须是整数 chargeParams.put("currency", "usd");//USD 美元、CNY 人民币、HKD港币 chargeParams.put("customer", customer.getId());//类似: cus_AFGbOSiITuJVDs chargeParams.put("source", stripeSourceId);//类似:src_18eYalAHEMiOZZp1l9ZTjSU0 //下面是可选参数,这里可以添加可选自定义参数,如自定义:order_no Map metadata = new HashMap<>(); metadata.put("order_id", "dazer:99998888"); chargeParams.put("metadata", metadata); try { Charge charge = Charge.create(chargeParams);"charge对象获取成功,但不一定表示支付成功,虽然大部分情况是支付成功的..."); xr.setObject(charge); // if ("succeeded".equalsIgnoreCase(charge.getStatus())) { //succeeded 支付成功 xr.setMsg("succeeded 支付成功"); } else if ("pending".equalsIgnoreCase(charge.getStatus())) { //pending 支付结果要继续进行等待 xr.setMsg("pending 支付结果要继续进行等待"); } else { //failed 支付失败 xr.setMsg("failed 支付失败"); } } catch (StripeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (StripePayUtil.CODE_AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getCode())) { throw new RRException("stripe支付金额太小,至少1美分,注意实时汇率;详:" + e.getMessage(), e); } else { throw new RRException("stripe调用Charge失败,详看日志:" + e.getMessage(), e); } } return xr; } /** * 退款 * 代码片段/文档: *

* */ @ApiIgnore @SuppressWarnings("all") @ApiOperation(value = "refunds退款", notes = "refunds退款") @ResponseBody @IgnoreAuth @RequestMapping(value = "refunds", method = RequestMethod.GET) public XaResult refunds( @ApiParam(value = "charge对象id,字段名:chargeId,信用卡支付成功获取到的charge对象", defaultValue = "ch_1Elrq4EEsRhJ9o6ldDCqaS36") @RequestParam(value = "chargeId", required = false) String chargeId, HttpServletRequest request ) throws Exception { // Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production // See your keys here: Stripe.apiKey = StripePayUtil.API_KEY; XaResult xr = new XaResult<>(); Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("charge", chargeId);//eg: ch_IGZpZZVn6H47dNUC2VOU //params.put("amount", 1000);//要退还部分费用,请提供一个amount参数,以整数美分(或收费货币的最小货币单位) Refund refund = null; try { refund = Refund.create(params); xr.setObject(refund); if ("succeeded".equalsIgnoreCase(refund.getStatus())) { xr.setMsg("退款成功"); } else { xr.setMsg("退款失败"); } } catch (StripeException e) { if (StripePayUtil.CODE_CHARGE_ALREADY_REFUNDED.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getCode())) { xr.setMsg("退款成功, 您已经退款过了,请不要重复退款!"); } else { throw new RRException("退款申请失败:" + e.getMessage(), e); } e.printStackTrace(); } return xr; } }

  1. stripe信用卡付款html前端代码




stripe 信用卡支付demo - csdn下载地址
