* CtoHTML.cpp
* Created on: 2011/08/30
* Author: art
标识符 用户定义的常量、类型、变量、过程名
常量 12, 1997, 4.14, ‘A’, 等
运算符 +,-,*,/,>,<>,!=,#等
界限符 ; , ( ) 等
using namespace std;
void CtoHTML( string &s );
bool Lighten_Comment( string &s );
void Lighten_Operator ( string &s);
void replacechar( string &s );
void Lighten_Keyword( string &s );
bool string_replace(string & strBig, const string & strsrc,
const string & strdst );
string keyword[] = {
"auto ", "bool ", "break ", "string "
"case ", "catch ","char ", "const ", "continue ",
"define ","delete ","do ","double ", "else ",
"enum ", "extern ", "false ", "finally ", "float ",
"for ", "goto ", "if ", "include " ,"inline ", "int ", "long ",
"namespace ","new ","printf ","pi ","register","return ", "short ",
"signed ", "sizeof ", "static ", "struct ","switch ",
"template ", "this ", "throw ", "true ", "try ","typedef ",
"typeid ", "typename ", "union ", "unsigned ", "using ", "virtual ","void ","while "
string Operator[] = {
"++", "--", "!=", "==", "#", "(", ")", "\\", ",", "[", "]"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
while ( --argc != 0 ) {
string oldname = *++argv; // get file's name
ifstream fin( oldname.c_str() );
// assuer(fin, name);
string newfile = oldname + ".html";
ofstream fout( newfile.c_str() );
string str = "\"\">
\"Content-Type\\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" />\
fout << str << "
while ( getline( fin, str ) ) {
// cpp to html ...
CtoHTML( str );
fout << "
fout << "
system(newfile.c_str()); // open *.html by browser
return 0;
void CtoHTML( string &s ) {
// < &alt >
replacechar( s );
Lighten_Operator( s );
// int float
Lighten_Keyword( s );
// function
void Lighten_Operator( string &s ) {
if ( !Lighten_Comment( s ) ) { // be sure operator isn't in comment
int num = sizeof(Operator)/sizeof(string);
for ( int i = 0; i != num; ++i ) {
string tmp = "\"OPERATOR\">" + Operator[i] + "";
string_replace( s, Operator[i], tmp );
bool Lighten_Comment ( string &s ) {
// // /*...*/
// 76 150 108
// 4c 96 6C
static bool comment_flag = 0;
if ( 1 == comment_flag ) {
if ( string_replace( s, "*/", "\"COMMENT\">*/" ) ) {
s += "";
comment_flag = 0;
} else {
s.insert(0, "\"COMMENT\">");
s += "";
} else {
if ( string_replace( s, "//", "\"COMMENT\">//" ) ) {
s += "";
} else if ( string_replace( s, "/*", "\"COMMENT\">/*" ) ) {
s += "";
comment_flag = 1;
return comment_flag;
void Lighten_Keyword( string &s ) {
int num = sizeof(keyword)/sizeof(string);
for ( int i = 0; i != num; ++i ) {
string tmp = "\"KEYWORD\">" + keyword[i] + "";
string_replace( s, keyword[i], tmp );
void replacechar( string &s ) {
string_replace(s, "<", "<" );
string_replace(s, ">", ">" );
string_replace(s, "\t", " ");
// 键盘的Tab键
bool string_replace(string & strBig, const string & strsrc,
const string & strdst ) {
bool flag = 0;
string::size_type pos=0;
string::size_type srclen = strsrc.size();
string::size_type dstlen = strdst.size();
while ( ( ( pos = strBig.find(strsrc, pos ) ) != string::npos ) ) {
if ( ( strsrc == "/*" || strsrc == "//" )
&& ( strBig[strBig.find( strsrc, pos ) - 1] == '"' )
|| ( strBig[strBig.find( strsrc, pos ) + 2] == '"' )) {
} else {
strBig.replace( pos, srclen, strdst );
flag = 1;
pos += dstlen;
return flag;