learning long-term dependencies with gradient descent is difcult in neural network language model because of the vanishing gradients problem
In our experiments, ConvLstm exploit LSTM as a substitute of pooling layer in CNN to reduce the loss of detailed local information and capture long term dependencies in sequence of sentences.
在我们的实验中,ConvLstm 利用 LSTM 作为 CNN中池化层(pooling layer)的替代品,以减少详细局部信息的丢失并捕获句子序列中的长期依赖关系。
IMDB, Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SSTb)
Empirical results show that ConvLstm achieved comparable performances with less parameters on sentiment analysis tasks
Recent work by [10] consists of multi layers of CNN and max pooling, similar to the architecture proposed by [11] in computer vision.
multi layers of CNN max pooling
flattened to form a vector, which feeds into a small number of fully connected layers followed by a classifcation layer
We observed that employing convolutional to capture long term dependencies requires many layers, because of the locality of the convolutional and pooling.
As the length of the input grows, this become crucial;
it confrmed that RNN is able to capture long-term dependencies even in the case of a single layer.
Our work is also inspired fom the fact that recurent layers are able to capture long-term dependences with one single layer [14].
In our model, we utilize a recurent layer LSTM as substitutes for the pooling layer in order to reduce the loss of detailed local information and capture longterm dependencies. Surprisingly, our model achieved comparable results on two sentiment analysis benchmarks with less number of parameters. We show that it is possibly to use a much smaller model to achieve the same level of classifcation performance when recurent layer combined with convolutional layer.
在我们的模型中,我们利用recurent层LSTM作为池层的替代品,以减少详细的局部信息丢失并捕获长期依赖性。 令人惊讶的是,我们的模型在两个情绪分析基准上获得了可比较的结果,而参数数量较少。 我们表明,当recurrent层与卷积层结合时,可能使用更小的模型来达到相同级别的分类性能。
The convolutional layer can extract high-level features fom input sequence efficiently.
The recurent layer LSTM has the ability to remember important information across long stretches of time and also is able to capture long-term dependences.
Our work is inspired by [3, 10, 12]
Then we employ a recurent layer as an alterative for pooling layers to efficiently capture long-term dependencies for the text
classifcation tasks. Our model achieved a competitive results on multiple benchmarks with less number of parameters.
用 CNN 形成 feature map
然后接一层 LSTM
We devoted extra time tuning the learing rate, dropout and the number of units in the convolutional layer,
since these hyper-parameters has a large impact on the prediction performance.
花了时间去调整 learning rate,dropout,和 卷积层的 units 数目
The number of epochs varies between (5, 10) for both dataset
We believe that by adding a recurrent layer as a substitute to the pooling layer it can effectively reduce the number of the convolutional layers needed in the model in order to capture long-term dependencies.
Therefore, we consider emerging a convolutional and a recurent layers in one single model ConvLstm, with multiple filters width (3, 4, 5), feature maps = 256, for activation fnctions in the convolutional layer we used rectifed linear (ReLus) for nonlinearity, padding was set to zero.
All elements that would fall outside the matrix are taken to be zero.
To reduce overfitting we applied dropout 0.5 only before the recurent layer
The main contibution in our work, exploits recurent layers as substitutes for the pooling layer;
a key aspect of CNNs are pooling layers, which are typically applied after the convolutional layers to subsample their input, a max operation is the most common way to do pooling operation.
Our LSTM has input, forget, and outut gates, hidden state dimension is set to 128
In our model we set the number of filters in the convolutional layers to be the 2x as the dimension of the hidden states in the recurrent layer, which add 3%-6% relative perforance.
Dropout is an effective way to regularize deep neural networks [3].
We observe applying dropout before and after the recurent layer that decrease the performance of the model 2%-5%, therefore, we only apply dropout afer the recurrent layer, we set the dropout to 0.5.
Dropout prevent co-adaptation of hidden units by randomly dropping out
加一层 Dropout
We train the model by minimizing the negative log-likelihood or cross entropy loss.
The gradient of the cost fnction is computed with backpropagation through time (BPTT).
The accuracy of the model does not increase with incensement in the number of the convolutional layers, one layer enough to peak the model [3], more pooling layers mostly lead to the loss of long term-dependencies [12].
Thus, in our model we ignored the pooling layer in the convolutional network and replaced it with single LSTM layer to reduce the loss in local information, single recurent layer is enough to capture long-term dependencies in the model.
模型的准确性不会随着卷积层数的增加而增加,一层足以使模型达到峰值[3],more pooling layers 大多会导致长期依赖性的丧失 [12] 。
We perform several experiments to offer fair comparison to recent presented deep learning and traditional methods, as shown in Table II and III. For IMDB dataset the previous baseline is bag-of-words [41] and Paragraph Vectors [39].
Our ConvLstm model archives comparable performances with significantly less parameters. We achieved better results compared to convolutional only models;
it likely loses detailed local features because of the number of the pooling layers.
We assumed that the proposed model is more compact because of the small number of parameters and less disposed to overftting.
Hence, it generalizes better when the training size is limited.
It is possible to use more filters in the convolutional layer without changing the dimensional in the recurrent layer, which potentially increases the performance 2%-4% without sacrifice of the number of the parameters.
We observed that many factors affect the performance of the deep learing methods, such as the dataset size, vanishing and exploding of the gradient, choosing the best feature extractors and classifiers is still an open research area.
However, there is no specifc model fit for all types of datasets.
In this paper, we proposed a neural language model to overcome the shortcomings in traditional and deep learing methods.
We propose to combine the convolutional and recurrent layer into a single model on top of pre-trained word vectors; to capture long-term dependencies in short texts more efficiently.
We validated the proposed model on SSTb and IMDB Datasets.
We achieved comparable results with less number of convolutional layers compared to the convolutional only architecture, and our results confirm that unsupervised pre-trained of word vectors is a significant feature in deep learing for NLP. Also using LSTM as an alterative for the pooling layers in CNN gives the model enhancement to capture long-term dependencies.
It will be remarkable for future research to apply the architecture on other NLP applications such as spam filtering and web search. Using other variants of recurrent neural network as substitutes for pooling layers is also area worth exploring
我们建议在预先训练的单词向量之上将卷积和复发层合并成一个模型; 在短文本中更有效地捕获长期依赖关系。
我们使用卷积层数量较少的卷积层实现了可比较的结果,并且我们的结果证实,无监督预先训练的单词向量是深度学习NLP的重要特征。 同样使用LSTM作为CNN中汇集层的替代方案,可以增强模型以捕获长期相关性。
未来的研究将该架构应用于其他NLP应用程序(如垃圾邮件过滤和网络搜索)将是非常值得关注的。 使用循环神经网络的其他变体作为合并层的替代品也是值得探索的领域