# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
Function: 解析.bz2格式语料包,得到.txt
import requests
from gensim.corpora.wikicorpus import extract_pages, filter_wiki
import bz2file
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
import codecs
wikipath = extract_pages('zhwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2')) # 待处理语料
wikioutpath = 'wiki.txt'
url = '' # 繁体转简体接口
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"}
# 去多余符号和繁体转简体子函数'''
def wiki_replace(d):
s = d[1]
s = re.sub(':*{\|[\s\S]*?\|}', '', s)
s = re.sub('[\s\S]*? ', '', s)
s = re.sub('(.){{([^{}\n]*?\|[^{}\n]*?)}}', '\\1[[\\2]]', s)
s = filter_wiki(s)
s = re.sub('\* *\n|\'{2,}', '', s)
s = re.sub('\n+', '\n', s)
s = re.sub('\n[:;]|\n +', '\n', s)
s = re.sub('\n==', '\n\n==', s)
s = u'【' + d[0] + u'】\n' + s
ans = []
with open('wikis.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f1:
with open('wikis.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f2:
lines = f2.readlines()
for line in lines:
print('原文:' + line)
properties = {'text': line.encode("utf-8"), 'access_token': '123456', 'conversion': 'tw2s'} # 接口输入
resp = requests.get(url, params=properties, headers=headers) # 接口输出
print('译文:' + resp.text)
return ans
# 可执行语句
i = 0 # 标志位
f =, 'w', encoding='utf-8') # 生成结果存储文件
w = tqdm(wikipath, desc=u'已获取0篇文章') # 进度条
for d in w: # 按文章处理
if not re.findall('^[a-zA-Z]+:', d[0]) and d[0] and not re.findall(u'^#', d[1]):
s = wiki_replace(d) # 处理
for line in s: # 按行写入
i += 1
if i % 100 == 0:
w.set_description(u'已获取%s篇文章' % i) # 100篇文章显示一次
# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
Function: 预处理(分句、分词和去停用词)语料
import jieba
stopwordpath = 'stopword.txt'
wikipath = "wiki.txt"
wikioutpath = "wiki_seg.txt"
# 句子切分子函数
def cut_sentences(sentence):
puns = frozenset(u'。!?') # 创建不可变集合{'。', '!', '?'}
tmp = []
for ch in sentence: # 每个字符
tmp.append(ch) # 加入tmp末尾
if puns.__contains__(ch): # 如果某个字是。!?
yield ''.join(tmp) # 完成一次迭代也即一句话为一个元素
tmp = [] # 重置tmp
yield ''.join(tmp) # 返回一个generator
# 创建停用词列表子函数
def stopwordslist(filepath):
stopwords = [line.strip() for line in open(filepath, 'r', encoding='UTF-8').readlines()]
return stopwords
# 分词和去停用词子函数
def seg_sentence(sentence):
sentence_seged = jieba.cut(sentence.strip()) # 先去空格再分词
stopwords = stopwordslist(stopwordpath) # 加载停用词
outstr = '' #初始输出
for word in sentence_seged: # 循环,所有在文本中的词
if word not in stopwords: # 如果不是停用词
if word != '\t': # 如果不是缩进
outstr += word # 记入输出
outstr += " " # 加空格
return outstr
# 可执行语句
with open(wikipath, "r", encoding='utf-8') as myfile: # 加载待处理语料
text ='\n', '') # 读取为一行
print('原文:' + text)
token = cut_sentences(text) # 切分为句子
output = open(wikioutpath, "w", encoding='utf-8') # 生成结果文件
for sentence in token: # 按句处理
line_seg = seg_sentence(sentence) # 分词与去停用词
output.write(line_seg) # 按句写入
# encoding=utf-8
Function: 模型训练
Algorithm: word2vec
import logging
from gensim.models import word2vec
wikipath = u"/data01/chennan/wiki_chs.txt"
modeloutpath = '/data01/chennan/modelcn'
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
sentences = word2vec.Text8Corpus(wikipath) # 加载语料
model = word2vec.Word2Vec(sentences, size=200, min_count=2) # 训练 # 模型存储
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interface: ExtractiveCN(text, summarizenum=4, stoppath='stopword.txt')
SupportFile: stopword.txt model
Function: 中文抽取式自动摘要
Algorithm: word2vec + Textrank
import jieba
import math
from heapq import nlargest
from itertools import product, count
import numpy as np
from gensim.models import word2vec
# 按句切分并返回一个generator
# note:切分方法很重要,可以有效避免同一句话中间转折,从而导致被断句。这种方法先replace('\n',''),再检测。!?'''
def cut_sentences(sentence):
puns = frozenset(u'。!?') # 创建不可变集合{'。', '!', '?'}
tmp = []
for ch in sentence: # 每个字符
tmp.append(ch) # 加入tmp末尾
if puns.__contains__(ch): # 如果某个字是。!?
yield ''.join(tmp) # 完成一次迭代也即一句话为一个元素
tmp = [] # 重置tmp
yield ''.join(tmp) # 返回一个generator
# 创建停用词表
def create_stopwords(stoppath):
stop_list = [line.strip() for line in open(stoppath, 'r', encoding='utf-8').readlines()]
return stop_list
# 计算两个句子的相似性
def two_sentences_similarity(sents_1, sents_2):
counter = 0
for sent in sents_1:
if sent in sents_2:
counter += 1
return counter / (math.log(len(sents_1) + len(sents_2)))
# 传入句子链表 返回句子之间相似度的图
def create_graph(model, word_sent):
num = len(word_sent)
board = [[0.0 for _ in range(num)] for _ in range(num)]
for i, j in product(range(num), repeat=2): # range(num)未0-15的整数
if i != j:
board[i][j] = compute_similarity_by_avg(model, word_sent[i], word_sent[j])
return board
# 计算两个向量之间的余弦相似度
def cosine_similarity(vec1, vec2):
tx = np.array(vec1)
ty = np.array(vec2)
cos1 = np.sum(tx * ty)
cos21 = np.sqrt(sum(tx ** 2))
cos22 = np.sqrt(sum(ty ** 2))
cosine_value = cos1 / float(cos21 * cos22)
return cosine_value
# 对两个句子求平均词向量
def compute_similarity_by_avg(model, sents_1, sents_2):
if len(sents_1) == 0 or len(sents_2) == 0:
return 0.0
vec1 = model[sents_1[0]]
for word1 in sents_1[1:]:
vec1 = vec1 + model[word1]
vec2 = model[sents_2[0]]
for word2 in sents_2[1:]:
vec2 = vec2 + model[word2]
similarity = cosine_similarity(vec1 / len(sents_1), vec2 / len(sents_2))
return similarity
# 计算句子在图中的分数
def calculate_score(weight_graph, scores, i):
length = len(weight_graph)
d = 0.85
added_score = 0.0
for j in range(length):
fraction = 0.0
denominator = 0.0
# 计算分子
fraction = weight_graph[j][i] * scores[j]
# 计算分母
for k in range(length):
denominator += weight_graph[j][k]
if denominator == 0:
denominator = 1
added_score += fraction / denominator
# 算出最终的分数
weighted_score = (1 - d) + d * added_score
return weighted_score
# 输入相似度的图(矩阵),返回各个句子的分数
def weight_sentences_rank(weight_graph):
# 初始分数设置为0.5
scores = [0.5 for _ in range(len(weight_graph))]
old_scores = [0.0 for _ in range(len(weight_graph))]
# 开始迭代
while different(scores, old_scores):
for i in range(len(weight_graph)):
old_scores[i] = scores[i]
for i in range(len(weight_graph)):
scores[i] = calculate_score(weight_graph, scores, i)
return scores
# 判断前后分数有无变化
def different(scores, old_scores):
flag = False
for i in range(len(scores)):
if math.fabs(scores[i] - old_scores[i]) >= 0.0001:
flag = True
return flag
# 过滤符号
def filter_symbols(sents, stoppath):
stopwords = create_stopwords(stoppath) + ['。', ' ', '.']
_sents = []
for sentence in sents:
for word in sentence:
if word in stopwords:
if sentence:
return _sents
# 过滤掉模型外未训练到的字
def filter_model(model, sents):
_sents = []
for sentence in sents:
for word in sentence:
if word not in model.wv.vocab:
# print('remove' + word)
sentence.remove(word) # 剔除没有在训练模型中的字
if sentence:
_sents.append(sentence) # 剔除后加入_sent并返回
return _sents
# 冒泡排序
def bubble_sort(array):
for i in range(len(array)):
for j in range(i, len(array)):
if array[i] > array[j]:
array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i]
return array
# 生成摘要
def summarize(model, text, n, stoppath):
tokens = cut_sentences(text) # 按句切分,这是一个generator
sentences = []
sents = []
for sent in tokens: # 每句话
sentences.append(sent) # 把每句话一次加入sentences,也即把原来的generator变成数组,每个元素是一个句子。
sents.append([word for word in jieba.cut(sent) if word]) # 把分词后的每个词加入sents,也即把原来的generator变成j矩阵,每行是一句,单个字成列。
sents = filter_symbols(sents, stoppath)
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词
sents = filter_model(model, sents) # 去除模型外的词,一次并不成功
graph = create_graph(model, sents) # 传入句子链表 返回句子之间相似度的图
scores = weight_sentences_rank(graph) # 输入相似度的图(矩阵),返回各个句子的分数
sent_selected = nlargest(n, zip(scores, count())) # 选择出得分最大的n个句子的值和编号
sent_index = []
if len(sent_selected) < n:
return None
for i in range(n):
sent_index = bubble_sort(sent_index) # 按文中顺序排序
return [sentences[i] for i in sent_index]
def Model(modelpath):
model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load(modelpath) # 加载训练好的模型
return model
def ExtractiveCN(text, model, summarizenum=4, stoppath='stopword.txt'):
# model = Model(modelpath)
summarize(model, text, summarizenum, stoppath)
summary = summarize(model, text, summarizenum, stoppath) # 摘要summarizenum句
if summary is None:
return text
summarystr = ""
for sum in summary:
summarystr = summarystr + sum
return summarystr