[R] Bind element of List of matrix or data.frame or list

  • Alternative solutions for list of matrix or dataframe
  • Alternative solutions for list of list

1. Alternative solutions for list of matrix or data.frame

If I have a list of matrix or data.frame, we can use the following ways to bind the rows of all elements.

Firstly, I generate toy data

myList1 <- list(matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2),
                matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2),
                matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2),
                matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2))
myList2 <- list(as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2)),
                as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2)),
                as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2)),
                as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(2*3), ncol=2)))

Now I list the alternative solutions

# solution 1
result1.1 <- do.call(rbind, myList1)
result1.2 <- do.call(rbind, myList2)

# solution 2
## plyr: the split-apply-combine paradigm for R
result1.2.1 <- ldply(myList1, rbind)
###Error: All inputs to rbind.fill must be data.frames
result1.2.2 <- rbind.fill(myList1)
result2.2.1 <- ldply(myList2, rbind)
result2.2.2 <- rbind.fill(myList2)

# solution 3
## data.table: Enhanced data.frame
###Error in rbindlist(myList1) : Item 1 of list input is not a data.frame, data.table or list
result1.3 <- rbindlist(myList1)
result2.3 <- rbindlist(myList2)

From the codes, we can see that

  • for matrix, only do.call(rbind, ), ldply can work.
  • for data.frame, all do.call(rbind, ), ldply, rbind.fill, rbindlist can work.

And now benchmark for all solutions

# benchmark
## benchmark: a simple wrapper around system.time
benchmark(do.call(rbind, myList2), ldply(myList2, rbind), rbind.fill(myList2), rbindlist(myList2))

2. Alternative solutions for list of list

#############list of list#############################

# generate list of list
myList3 <- vector("list", 4)
for(i in 1:4){
  myList3[[i]] <- vector("list", 2)
  for(j in 1:2){
    myList3[[i]][[j]] <- rnorm(3)

# bind each element of outer list
tempList <- lapply(myList3, function(z)do.call(rbind,z))
## selection operator "["
bind.ith.rows <- function(i) do.call(rbind, lapply(tempList, "[", i, TRUE))
nr <- nrow(tempList[[1]])
lapply(1:nr, bind.ith.rows)
