
#include "gdal_priv.h"

using namespace std;
int main()
	CPLSetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8", "NO");  //supporting for chinese

	const char* pszFile1 = "E:\\data\\tifimg\\tiftest1.TIF";
	const char* pszFile2 = "E:\\data\\tifimg\\tiftest2.TIF";
	const char* pszFile3 = "E:\\data\\tifimg\\tiftest3.TIF";

	GDALDataset *poDataset = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(pszFile1, GA_ReadOnly);
	GDALDataset *poDataset2 = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(pszFile2, GA_ReadOnly);
	GDALDataset *poDataset3 = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(pszFile3, GA_ReadOnly);

	if (poDataset == NULL )
		cout << "File:" << pszFile1 <<"Can not open!"<< endl;
		return 0;

	int imgWidth = poDataset->GetRasterXSize();   //图像宽度
	int imgHeight = poDataset->GetRasterYSize();  //图像高度
	int bandNum = poDataset->GetRasterCount();    //波段数
	int depth = GDALGetDataTypeSize(poDataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType()) / 8;    //图像深度

	cout << "Driver: " << poDataset->GetDriver()->GetDescription()<< "  "<< poDataset->GetDriver()->GetMetadataItem(GDAL_DMD_LONGNAME)<GetRasterXSize() << "  " << poDataset->GetRasterYSize() << " " << poDataset->GetRasterCount() << endl;

	if (poDataset->GetProjectionRef()!=NULL)
		cout << "Projection is: " << poDataset->GetProjectionRef() << endl;

	double adfGeoTransform[6];
	if (poDataset->GetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform) == CE_None)
		cout << "Origin = (" << adfGeoTransform[0] << "," << adfGeoTransform[3] << ")" << endl;
		cout << "PixelSize = (" << adfGeoTransform[1] << "," << adfGeoTransform[5] << ")" << endl;

	//read a block of the img,  starting from (2000,2000), size of 1000*1000
	int bufWidth = 1000;
	int bufHeight = 1000;
	int left_up_x = 2000;
	int left_up_y = 2000;
	size_t imgBufNum = (size_t)bufWidth * bufHeight * bandNum * depth;
	GByte *imgBuf = new GByte[imgBufNum];

	poDataset->RasterIO(GF_Read, left_up_x, left_up_y, bufWidth, bufHeight, imgBuf, bufWidth, bufHeight, GDT_Byte, bandNum, nullptr,bandNum*depth, bufWidth*bandNum*depth, depth);

	//save the block as an img 
	GDALDriver *pDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName("GTIFF"); //图像驱动

	char** ppszOptions = NULL;
	ppszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(ppszOptions, "BIGTIFF", "IF_NEEDED"); //配置图像信息
	const char* blockPath = "E:\\data\\block.tif";

	GDALDataset* block = pDriver->Create(blockPath, bufWidth, bufHeight, 1, GDT_Byte, ppszOptions);
	if (block == nullptr)
		printf("Can't Write Image!");
		return false;

	block->RasterIO(GF_Write, 0, 0, bufWidth, bufHeight, imgBuf, bufWidth, bufHeight, GDT_Byte, bandNum, nullptr, bandNum*depth, bufWidth*bandNum*depth, depth);

	delete []imgBuf;
	imgBuf = nullptr;

	//close the img

	return 0;

