[译] GLSL 中的视差遮蔽映射(Parallax Occlusion Mapping in GLSL)


我在学习Parallax Mapping的时候无意间找到这篇文章,图文并茂,并且把Bump Mapping系列中的各种技术由简单到复杂逐一介绍给了读者。开心之下就决定把它翻译成中文,以飨后人。

虽说简单,但是它也不是从零开始的。本文要求读者具备了理解最基本的Normal Mapping的知识,理解切空间。Normal Mapping的文章网上大把抓,切空间的话可以读这篇文章。


这一课讲如何用GLSL和OpenGL实现各种视差映射技术(同样的技术亦可用DirectX实现)。主要会涵盖如下几种技术:视差映射(Parallax Mapping),带偏移上限的视差映射(Parallax Mapping with Offset Limiting),陡峭视差映射(Steep Parallax Mapping),浮雕视差映射(Relief Parallax Mapping)和视差遮蔽映射(Parallax Occlusion Mapping)。另外本文还会介绍如何实现在视差映射中的自阴影(软阴影)。下面的几个图片展示了几种视差映射技术和简单光照或者法线映射的效果对比。






视差映射技术的主要任务是修改纹理坐标,让平面看起来像是立体的。主要计算都是在Fragment Shader中进行。看看下面的图片。水平线0.0表示完全没有凹陷的深度,水平线1.0表示凹陷的最大深度。实际的几何体并没改变,其实一直都在0.0水平线上。图中的曲线代表了高度图中存储的高度数据。






// Basic vertex shader for parallax mapping
#version 330

// attributes
layout(location = 0) in vec3    i_position;    // xyz - position
layout(location = 1) in vec3    i_normal;    // xyz - normal
layout(location = 2) in vec2    i_texcoord0;    // xy - texture coords
layout(location = 3) in vec4 i_tangent; // xyz - tangent, w - handedness

// uniforms
uniform mat4 u_model_mat;
uniform mat4 u_view_mat;
uniform mat4 u_proj_mat;
uniform mat3 u_normal_mat;
uniform vec3 u_light_position;
uniform vec3 u_camera_position;

// data for fragment shader
out vec2    o_texcoords;
out vec3 o_toLightInTangentSpace;
out vec3 o_toCameraInTangentSpace;


void main(void)
   // transform to world space
   vec4 worldPosition    = u_model_mat * vec4(i_position, 1);
   vec3 worldNormal    = normalize(u_normal_mat * i_normal);
   vec3 worldTangent    = normalize(u_normal_mat * i_tangent.xyz);

   // calculate vectors to the camera and to the light
   vec3 worldDirectionToLight    = normalize(u_light_position - worldPosition.xyz);
   vec3 worldDirectionToCamera    = normalize(u_camera_position - worldPosition.xyz);

   // calculate bitangent from normal and tangent
   vec3 worldBitangnent    = cross(worldNormal, worldTangent) * i_tangent.w;

   // transform direction to the light to tangent space
   o_toLightInTangentSpace = vec3(
         dot(worldDirectionToLight, worldTangent),
         dot(worldDirectionToLight, worldBitangnent),
         dot(worldDirectionToLight, worldNormal)

   // transform direction to the camera to tangent space
   o_toCameraInTangentSpace= vec3(
         dot(worldDirectionToCamera, worldTangent),
         dot(worldDirectionToCamera, worldBitangnent),
         dot(worldDirectionToCamera, worldNormal)

   // pass texture coordinates to fragment shader
   o_texcoords    = i_texcoord0;

   // calculate screen space position of the vertex
   gl_Position    = u_proj_mat * u_view_mat * worldPosition;
// basic fragment shader for Parallax Mapping
#version 330

// data from vertex shader
in vec2    o_texcoords;
in vec3    o_toLightInTangentSpace;
in vec3    o_toCameraInTangentSpace;

// textures
layout(location = 0) uniform sampler2D u_diffuseTexture;
layout(location = 1) uniform sampler2D u_heightTexture;
layout(location = 2) uniform sampler2D u_normalTexture;

// color output to the framebuffer
out vec4    resultingColor;


// scale for size of Parallax Mapping effect
uniform float    parallaxScale; // ~0.1

// Implements Parallax Mapping technique
// Returns modified texture coordinates, and last used depth
vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight)
   // ...

// Implements self-shadowing technique - hard or soft shadows
// Returns shadow factor
float parallaxSoftShadowMultiplier(in vec3 L, in vec2 initialTexCoord,
                                       in float initialHeight)
   // ...

// Calculates lighting by Blinn-Phong model and Normal Mapping
// Returns color of the fragment
vec4 normalMappingLighting(in vec2 T, in vec3 L, in vec3 V, float shadowMultiplier)
   // restore normal from normal map
   vec3 N = normalize(texture(u_normalTexture, T).xyz * 2 - 1);
   vec3 D = texture(u_diffuseTexture, T).rgb;

   // ambient lighting
   float iamb = 0.2;
   // diffuse lighting
   float idiff = clamp(dot(N, L), 0, 1);
   // specular lighting
   float ispec = 0;
   if(dot(N, L) > 0.2)
      vec3 R = reflect(-L, N);
      ispec = pow(dot(R, V), 32) / 1.5;

   vec4 resColor;
   resColor.rgb = D * (ambientLighting + (idiff + ispec) * pow(shadowMultiplier, 4));
   resColor.a = 1;

   return resColor;

// Entry point for Parallax Mapping shader
void main(void)
   // normalize vectors after vertex shader
   vec3 V = normalize(o_toCameraInTangentSpace);
   vec3 L = normalize(o_toLightInTangentSpace);

   // get new texture coordinates from Parallax Mapping
   float parallaxHeight;
   vec2 T = parallaxMapping(V, o_texcoords, parallaxHeight);

   // get self-shadowing factor for elements of parallax
   float shadowMultiplier = parallaxSoftShadowMultiplier(L, T, parallaxHeight - 0.05);

   // calculate lighting
   resultingColor = normalMappingLighting(T, L, V, shadowMultiplier);



  • 从高度图读取纹理坐标T0位置的高度H(T0)

  • 根据H(T0)和摄像机向量V,在初始的纹理坐标基础上进行偏移。







vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight)
   // get depth for this fragment
   float initialHeight = texture(u_heightTexture, o_texcoords).r;

   // calculate amount of offset for Parallax Mapping
   vec2 texCoordOffset = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z * initialHeight;

   // calculate amount of offset for Parallax Mapping With Offset Limiting
   texCoordOffset = parallaxScale * V.xy * initialHeight;

   // retunr modified texture coordinates
   return o_texcoords - texCoordOffset;



陡峭视差映射的工作方式在下面的图片上举例。深度被分割成8个层,每层的高度值是0.125。每层的纹理坐标偏移是V.xy/V.z * scale/numLayers。从顶层黄色方块的位置开始检查,下面是手动计算步骤:

  • 层的深度为0,高度图深度H(T0)大约为0.75。采样到的深度大于层的深度,所以开始下一次迭代。

  • 沿着V方向偏移纹理坐标,选定下一层。层深度为0.125,高度图深度H(T1)大约为0.625。采样到的深度大于层的深度,所以开始下一次迭代。

  • 沿着V方向偏移纹理坐标,选定下一层。层深度为0.25,高度图深度H(T2)大约为0.4。采样到的深度大于层的深度,所以开始下一次迭代。

  • 沿着V方向偏移纹理坐标,选定下一层。层深度为0.375,高度图深度H(T3)大约为0.2。采样到的深度小于层的深度,所以向量V上的当前点在表面之下。我们找到了纹理坐标Tp=T3是实际交点的近似点。




vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight)
   // determine number of layers from angle between V and N
   const float minLayers = 5;
   const float maxLayers = 15;
   float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), V)));

   // height of each layer
   float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers;
   // depth of current layer
   float currentLayerHeight = 0;
   // shift of texture coordinates for each iteration
   vec2 dtex = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z / numLayers;

   // current texture coordinates
   vec2 currentTextureCoords = T;

   // get first depth from heightmap
   float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;

   // while point is above surface
   while(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) 
      // to the next layer
      currentLayerHeight += layerHeight;
      // shift texture coordinates along vector V
      currentTextureCoords -= dtex;
      // get new depth from heightmap
      heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;

   // return results
   parallaxHeight = currentLayerHeight;
   return currentTextureCoords;




  • 在陡峭视差映射之后,我们知道交点肯定在T2和T3之间。真实的交点在图上用绿点标出来了。

  • 设每次迭代时的纹理坐标变化量ST,它的初始值等于向量V在穿过一个层的深度时的XY分量。

  • 设每次迭代时的深度值变化量SH,它的初始值等于一个层的深度。

  • 把ST和SH都除以2。

  • 把纹理坐标T3沿着反方向偏移ST,把层深度沿反方向偏移SH,得到此次迭代的纹理坐标T4和层深度H(T4)。

  • (*)采样高度图,把ST和SH都除以2。

  • 如果高度图中的深度值大于当前迭代层的深度H(T4),则将当前迭代层的深度增加SH,迭代的纹理坐标沿着V的方向增加ST。

  • 如果高度图中的深度值小于当前迭代层的深度H(T4),则将当前迭代层的深度减少SH,迭代的纹理坐标沿着V的相反方向增加ST。

  • 从(*)处循环,继续二分搜索,直到规定的次数。

  • 最后一步得到的纹理坐标就是浮雕视差映射的结果。


vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight)
   // determine required number of layers
   const float minLayers = 10;
   const float maxLayers = 15;
   float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), V)));

   // height of each layer
   float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers;
   // depth of current layer
   float currentLayerHeight = 0;
   // shift of texture coordinates for each iteration
   vec2 dtex = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z / numLayers;

   // current texture coordinates
   vec2 currentTextureCoords = T;

   // depth from heightmap
   float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;

   // while point is above surface
   while(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) 
      // go to the next layer
      currentLayerHeight += layerHeight; 
      // shift texture coordinates along V
      currentTextureCoords -= dtex;
      // new depth from heightmap
      heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;

   // Start of Relief Parallax Mapping

   // decrease shift and height of layer by half
   vec2 deltaTexCoord = dtex / 2;
   float deltaHeight = layerHeight / 2;

   // return to the mid point of previous layer
   currentTextureCoords += deltaTexCoord;
   currentLayerHeight -= deltaHeight;

   // binary search to increase precision of Steep Paralax Mapping
   const int numSearches = 5;
   for(int i=0; i currentLayerHeight) // below the surface
         currentTextureCoords -= deltaTexCoord;
         currentLayerHeight += deltaHeight;
      else // above the surface
         currentTextureCoords += deltaTexCoord;
         currentLayerHeight -= deltaHeight;

   // return results
   parallaxHeight = currentLayerHeight;    return currentTextureCoords;





  • nextHeight = H(T3) - currentLayerHeight

  • prevHeight = H(T2) - (currentLayerHeight - layerHeight)

  • weight = nextHeight / (nextHeight - prevHeight)

  • Tp = T(T2) weight + T(T3) (1.0 - weight)



vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight)
   // determine optimal number of layers
   const float minLayers = 10;
   const float maxLayers = 15;
   float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), V)));

   // height of each layer
   float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers;
   // current depth of the layer
   float curLayerHeight = 0;
   // shift of texture coordinates for each layer
   vec2 dtex = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z / numLayers;

   // current texture coordinates
   vec2 currentTextureCoords = T;

   // depth from heightmap
   float heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;

   // while point is above the surface
   while(heightFromTexture > curLayerHeight) 
      // to the next layer
      curLayerHeight += layerHeight; 
      // shift of texture coordinates
      currentTextureCoords -= dtex;
      // new depth from heightmap
      heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;


   // previous texture coordinates
   vec2 prevTCoords = currentTextureCoords + texStep;

   // heights for linear interpolation
   float nextH    = heightFromTexture - curLayerHeight;
   float prevH    = texture(u_heightTexture, prevTCoords).r
                           - curLayerHeight + layerHeight;

   // proportions for linear interpolation
   float weight = nextH / (nextH - prevH);

   // interpolation of texture coordinates
   vec2 finalTexCoords = prevTCoords * weight + currentTextureCoords * (1.0-weight);

   // interpolation of depth values
   parallaxHeight = curLayerHeight + prevH * weight + nextH * (1.0 - weight);

   // return result
   return finalTexCoords;


你可以通过和陡峭视差映射很接近的算法来确定一个点是否处于阴影之中。你要向外搜索,而不是向里。同时纹理坐标的偏移应该从点沿着光的方向,而不是沿着摄像机方向。光源向量L应该在切空间中,跟V一样,它可以直接被用作偏移纹理坐标。自阴影计算的结果是一个阴影系数 - 在[0,1]之间的值。这个数值可以在后面用来调节漫反射和镜面反射的光照强度。

要计算硬边缘的阴影(硬阴影)你要沿着L找到第一个在表面之下的点。如果点在表面之下则阴影系数是0, 否则就是1。比如,在下面的图片上,高度值H(TL1)小于层的高度值Ha,所以这个点在表面以下,阴影系数是0。如果光向量直到水平面0.0也没有找到任何点在表面以下,那我们的片元就应该是在光照中,阴影系数则为1。阴影的质量极大程度上受到分层数量、scale参数和光向量L和多边形的法向量N之间的角度的影响。如果设置不恰当,阴影会出现锯齿或者更糟。

软阴影会计算沿着光源向量L的多个值,只有在表面以下的点才会包含进来。半阴影的系数根据当前层深度和当前点高度图深度之间的差异来得出。你还得把点到片元的举例计算在内。所以半阴影系数要被乘以(1.0 - stepIndex/numberOfSteps)。要计算最终的阴影系数,你得选出那个最大的半阴影系数。由此得到计算软阴影系数的公式:


  • 设置shadow factor为0,迭代步数为4。

  • 沿着L向前步进到Ha。Ha小于H(TL1),所以该点在表面之下。计算半阴影系数为Ha-H(TL1)。这是第一次检查,总共的检查次数为4,计算距离影响,将半阴影系数乘以(1.0 - 1.0/4.0)。保存这个半阴影系数。

  • 沿着L向前步进到Hb。Hb小于H(TL2),所以该点在表面之下。计算半阴影系数为Hb-H(TL2)。这事第二次检查,总共的检查次数为4,计算距离影响,将半阴影系数乘以(1.0 - 2.0/4.0)。保存这个半阴影系数。

  • 沿着L向前步进,这个点在表面之上。

  • 最后一次沿着L向前步进,这个点也在表面之上。

  • 迭代的点已经高于了水平线0.0,结束迭代。

  • 选取最大的半阴影系数作为最终的阴影系数值。


float parallaxSoftShadowMultiplier(in vec3 L, in vec2 initialTexCoord,
                                       in float initialHeight)
   float shadowMultiplier = 1;

   const float minLayers = 15;
   const float maxLayers = 30;

   // calculate lighting only for surface oriented to the light source
   if(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), L) > 0)
      // calculate initial parameters
      float numSamplesUnderSurface    = 0;
      shadowMultiplier    = 0;
      float numLayers    = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), L)));
      float layerHeight    = initialHeight / numLayers;
      vec2 texStep    = parallaxScale * L.xy / L.z / numLayers;

      // current parameters
      float currentLayerHeight    = initialHeight - layerHeight;
      vec2 currentTextureCoords    = initialTexCoord + texStep;
      float heightFromTexture    = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;
      int stepIndex    = 1;

      // while point is below depth 0.0 )
      while(currentLayerHeight > 0)
         // if point is under the surface
         if(heightFromTexture < currentLayerHeight)
            // calculate partial shadowing factor
            numSamplesUnderSurface    += 1;
            float newShadowMultiplier    = (currentLayerHeight - heightFromTexture) *
                                             (1.0 - stepIndex / numLayers);
            shadowMultiplier    = max(shadowMultiplier, newShadowMultiplier);

         // offset to the next layer
         stepIndex    += 1;
         currentLayerHeight    -= layerHeight;
         currentTextureCoords    += texStep;
         heightFromTexture    = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;

      // Shadowing factor should be 1 if there were no points under the surface
      if(numSamplesUnderSurface < 1)
         shadowMultiplier = 1;
         shadowMultiplier = 1.0 - shadowMultiplier;
   return shadowMultiplier;
