有时候我们要对比两份配置文件是不是一样,或者比较两个文本是否异样,可以使用linux命令行工具diff a_file b_file,但是输出的结果读起来不是很友好。这时候使用python的标准库difflib就能满足我们的需求。
#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 20180430 import difflib import sys import argparse # 读取建表语句或配置文件 def read_file(file_name): try: file_desc = open(file_name, 'r') # 读取后按行分割 text = file_desc.read().splitlines() file_desc.close() return text except IOError as error: print 'Read input file Error: {0}'.format(error) sys.exit() # 比较两个文件并把结果生成一份html文本 def compare_file(file1, file2): if file1 == "" or file2 == "": print '文件路径不能为空:第一个文件的路径:{0}, 第二个文件的路径:{1} .'.format(file1, file2) sys.exit() else: print "正在比较文件{0} 和 {1}".format(file1, file2) text1_lines = read_file(file1) text2_lines = read_file(file2) diff = difflib.HtmlDiff() # 创建HtmlDiff 对象 result = diff.make_file(text1_lines, text2_lines) # 通过make_file 方法输出 html 格式的对比结果 # 将结果写入到result_comparation.html文件中 try: with open('result_comparation.html', 'w') as result_file: result_file.write(result) print "0==}==========> Successfully Finished\n" except IOError as error: print '写入html文件错误:{0}'.format(error) if __name__ == "__main__": # To define two arguments should be passed in, and usage: -f1 fname1 -f2 fname2 my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="传入两个文件参数") my_parser.add_argument('-f1', action='store', dest='fname1', required=True) my_parser.add_argument('-f2', action='store', dest='fname2', required=True) # retrieve all input arguments given_args = my_parser.parse_args() file1 = given_args.fname1 file2 = given_args.fname2 compare_file(file1, file2)
两份文件分别是old_ddl_file和new_ddl_file,内容分别是―― old_ddl_file文件内容 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE raw_tags( p0 string COMMENT ‘uid', p3 string COMMENT ‘tag name, e.g. news, games, fairs, shoopingURL', p4 string COMMENT ‘e.g. 0, Games', p11 int COMMENT ‘gender', dt string COMMENT ‘date, like 26/6/2017', action string COMMENT ‘clickmodule, click_taghead_link, clicklink') CLUSTERED BY ( dt) INTO 4 BUCKETS ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT ‘org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' LOCATION ‘hdfs://hdfs-ha/apps/hive/warehouse/ksai.db/raw_tags' TBLPROPERTIES ( ‘numFiles'='1', ‘numRows'='0', ‘rawDataSize'='0', ‘totalSize'='70575510', ‘transient_lastDdlTime'='1500469448') new_ddl_file文件内容 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE raw_tags( p0 string COMMENT ‘uid', p3 string COMMENT ‘tag name, e.g. news, games, fairs, shoopingURL', p4 string COMMENT ‘e.g. 0, Games', p11 int COMMENT ‘gender', dt string COMMENT ‘date, like 26/6/2017', action string COMMENT ‘clickmodule, click_taghead_link, clicklink') ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT ‘org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat' LOCATION ‘hdfs://hdfs-ha/apps/hive/warehouse/ksai.db/raw_tags' TBLPROPERTIES ( ‘COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE'='{\”BASIC_STATS\”:\”true\”}', ‘numFiles'='0', ‘numRows'='0', ‘rawDataSize'='0', ‘totalSize'='0', ‘transient_lastDdlTime'='1521546069')
那么就使用上面的脚本来比较,在linux命令行的使用方法 python -f1 file1 -f2 file2 也就是:
python compare_two_files.py -f1 old_ddl_file -f2 new_ddl_file