The Go Text Protocol

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19. The Go Text Protocol

19.1 The Go Text Protocol

GNU Go 3.0 introduced a new interface, the Go Text Protocol, abbreviated GTP. The intention was to make an interface that is better suited for machine-machine communication than the ascii interface and simpler, more powerful, and more flexible than the Go Modem Protocol.

There are two versions of the protocol. Version 1 was used with GNU Go 3.0 and 3.2. GNU Go 3.4 and later versions use protocol version 2. The specification of GTP version 2 is available at GNU Go 3.4 is the reference implementation for GTP version 2, but all but the most common commands are to be regarded as private extensions of the protocol.

The GTP has a variety of applications. For GNU Go the first use was in regression testing (see section Regression testing), followed by communication with the NNGS go server and for automated test games against itself and other programs. Now there are also many graphical user interfaces available supporting GTP, as well as bridges to other Go servers than NNGS.

19.2 Running GNU Go in GTP mode

To start GNU Go in GTP mode, simply invoke it with the option ‘--mode gtp’. You will not get a prompt or any other output to start with but GNU Go is silently waiting for GTP commands.

A sample GTP session may look as follows:

virihaure 462% ./gnugo --mode gtp
1 boardsize 7

2 clear_board

3 play black D5

4 genmove white
=4 C3

5 play black C3
?5 illegal move

6 play black E3

7 showboard
   A B C D E F G
 7 . . . . . . . 7
 6 . . . . . . . 6
 5 . . + X + . . 5
 4 . . . + . . . 4
 3 . . O . X . . 3
 2 . . . . . . . 2     WHITE (O) has captured 0 stones
 1 . . . . . . . 1     BLACK (X) has captured 0 stones
   A B C D E F G

8 quit

Commands are given on a single line, starting by an optional identity number, followed by the command name and its arguments.

If the command is successful, the response starts by an equals sign (‘=’), followed by the identity number of the command (if any) and then the result. In this example all results were empty strings except for command 4 where the answer was the white move at C3, and command 7 where the result was a diagram of the current board position. The response ends by two consecutive newlines.

Failing commands are signified by a question mark (‘?’) instead of an equals sign, as in the response to command 5.

The detailed specification of the protocol can be found at The available commands in GNU Go may always be listed using the command list_commands. They are also documented in See section GTP command reference.

19.3 GTP applications

GTP is an asymmetric protocol involving two parties which we call controller and engine. The controller sends all commands and the engine only responds to these commands. GNU Go implements the engine end of the protocol.

With the source code of GNU Go is also distributed a number of applications implementing the controller end. Among the most interesting of these are:

  • regression/regress.awk

    Script to run regressions. The script sends GTP commands to set up and evaluate positions to the engine and then analyzes the responses from the engine. More information about GTP based regression testing can be found in the regression chapter (see sectionRegression testing).

  • regression/

    Perl script to run regressions, giving output which together with the CGI script ‘regression/regress.plx’ generates HTML views of the regressions.

  • regression/regress.pike

    Pike script to run regressions. More feature-rich and powerful than ‘regress.awk’.

  • regression/view.pike

    Pike script to examine a single regression testcase through a graphical board. This gives an easy way to inspect many of the GNU Go internals.

  • interface/gtp_examples/twogtp

    Perl script to play two engines against each other. The script essentially sets up both engines with desired boardsize, handicap, and komi, then relays moves back and forth between the engines.

  • interface/gtp_examples/twogtp-a

    An alternative Perl implementation of twogtp.

  • interface/gtp_examples/

    Implementation of twogtp in Python. Has more features than the Perl variants.

  • interface/gtp_examples/twogtp.pike

    Implementation of twogtp in Pike. Has even more features than the Python variant.

  • interface/gtp_examples/

    Variation of twogtp which includes a graphical board.

More GTP applications, including bridges to go servers and graphical user interfaces, are listed at

19.4 The Metamachine

An interesting application of the GTP is the concept of using GNU Go as an “Oracle” that can be consulted by another process. This could be another computer program that asks GNU Go to generate future board positions, then evaluate them.

David Doshay at the University of California at Santa Cruz has done interesting experiments with a parallel engine, known as SlugGo, that is based on GNU Go. These are described in

The “Metamachine” experiment is a more modest approach using the GTP to communicate with a GNU Go process that is used as an oracle. The following scheme is used.

  • The GNU Go “oracle” is asked to generate its top moves using the GTP top_moves commands.
  • Both moves are tried and estimate_score is called from the resulting board position.
  • The higher scoring position is selected as the engine's move.

This scheme does not produce a stronger engine, but it is suggestive, and the SlugGo experiment seems to show that a more elaborate scheme along the same lines could produce a stronger engine.

Two implementations are distributed with GNU Go. Both make use of fork and pipe system calls, so they require a Unix-like environment. The Metamachine has been tested under GNU/Linux.

Important: If the Metamachine terminates normally, the GNU Go process will be killed. However there is a danger that something will go wrong. When you are finished running the Metamachine, it is a good idea to run ps -A|grep gnugo or ps -aux|grep gnugo to make sure there are no unterminated processes. (If there are, just kill them.)

19.4.1 The Standalone Metamachine

In ‘interface/gtp_examples/metamachine.c’ is a standalone implementation of the Metamachine. Compile it with cc -o metamachine metamachine.c and run it. It forks a gnugo process with which it communicates through the GTP, to use as an oracle.

The following scheme is followed:

             stdin             pipe a
  GTP client ----> Metamachine -----> GNU Go
             <----             <-----
            stdout             pipe b

Most commands issued by the client are passed along verbatim to GNU Go by the Metamachine. The exception is gg_genmove, which is intercepted then processed differently, as described above. The client is unaware of this, and only knows that it issued a gg_genmove command and received a reply. Thus to the the Metamachine appears as an ordinary GTP engine.

Usage: no arguments gives normal GTP behavior. metamachine --debug sends diagnostics to stderr.

19.4.2 GNU Go as a Metamachine

Alternatively, you may compile GNU Go with the configure option ‘--enable-metamachine’. This causes the file oracle.c to be compiled, which contains the Metamachine code. This has no effect on the engine unless you run GNU Go with the runtime option ‘--metamachine’. Thus you must use both the configure and the runtime option to get the Metamachine.

This method is better than the standalone program since you have access to GNU Go's facilities. For example, you can run the Metamachine with CGoban or in Ascii mode this way.

You can get traces by adding the command line ‘-d0x1000000’. In debugging the Metamachine, a danger is that any small oversight in designing the program can cause the forked process and the controller to hang, each one waiting for a response from the other. If this seems to happen it is useful to know that you can attach gdb to a running process and find out what it is doing.

19.5 Adding new GTP commands

The implementation of GTP in GNU Go is distributed over three files, ‘interface/gtp.h’, ‘interface/gtp.c’, and ‘interface/play_gtp.c’. The first two implement a small library of helper functions which can be used also by other programs. In the interest of promoting the GTP they are licensed with minimal restrictions (see section The Go Text Protocol License). The actual GTP commands are implemented in ‘play_gtp.c’, which has knowledge about the engine internals.

To see how a simple but fairly typical command is implemented we look at gtp_countlib() (a GNU Go private extension command):

static int
gtp_countlib(char *s)
  int i, j;
  if (!gtp_decode_coord(s, &i, &j))
    return gtp_failure("invalid coordinate");

  if (BOARD(i, j) == EMPTY)
    return gtp_failure("vertex must not be empty");

  return gtp_success("%d", countlib(POS(i, j)));

The arguments to the command are passed in the string s. In this case we expect a vertex as argument and thus try to read it with gtp_decode_coord()from ‘gtp.c’.

A correctly formatted response should start with either ‘=’ or ‘?’, followed by the identity number (if one was sent), the actual result, and finally two consecutive newlines. It is important to get this formatting correct since the controller in the other end relies on it. Naturally the result itself cannot contain two consecutive newlines but it may be split over several lines by single newlines.

The easiest way to generate a correctly formatted response is with one of the functions gtp_failure() and gtp_success(), assuming that their formatted output does not end with a newline.

Sometimes the output is too complex for use with gtp_success, e.g. if we want to print vertices, which gtp_success() does not support. Then we have to fall back to the construction in e.g. gtp_genmove():

static int
gtp_genmove(char *s)
  gtp_print_vertex(i, j);
  return gtp_finish_response();

Here gtp_start_response() writes the equal sign and the identity number while gtp_finish_response() adds the final two newlines. The next example is fromgtp_list_commands():

static int
gtp_list_commands(char *s)
  int k;


  for (k = 0; commands[k].name != NULL; k++)
    gtp_printf("%s\n", commands[k].name);

  return GTP_OK;

As we have said, the response should be finished with two newlines. Here we have to finish up the response ourselves since we already have one newline in place from the last command printed in the loop.

In order to add a new GTP command to GNU Go, the following pieces of code need to be inserted in ‘play_gtp.c’:

  1. A function declaration using the DECLARE macro in the list starting at line 68.
  2. An entry in the commands[] array starting at line 200.
  3. An implementation of the function handling the command.

Useful helper functions in ‘gtp.c’/‘gtp.h’ are:

  • gtp_printf() for basic formatted printing.
  • gtp_mprintf() for printing with special format codes for vertices and colors.
  • gtp_success() and gtp_failure() for simple responses.
  • gtp_start_response() and gtp_end_response() for more complex responses.
  • gtp_print_vertex() and gtp_print_vertices() for printing one or multiple vertices.
  • gtp_decode_color() to read in a color from the command arguments.
  • gtp_decode_coord() to read in a vertex from the command arguments.
  • gtp_decode_move() to read in a move, i.e. color plus vertex, from the command arguments.

19.6 GTP command reference

This section lists the GTP commands implemented in GNU Go along with some information about each command. Each entry in the list has the following fields:

  • Function: What this command does.
  • Arguments: What other information, if any, this command requires. Typical values include none or vertex or integer (there are others).
  • Fails: Circumstances which cause this command to fail.
  • Returns: What is displayed after the = and before the two newlines. Typical values include nothing or a move coordinate or some status string (there are others).
  • Status: How this command relates to the standard GTP version 2 commands. If nothing else is specified it is a GNU Go private extension.

Without further ado, here is the big list (in no particular order).

Note: if new commands are added by editing ‘interface/play_gtp.c’ this list could become incomplete. You may rebuild this list in ‘doc/gtp-commands.texi’ with the command make gtp-commands in the ‘doc/’ directory. This may require GNU sed.

  • quit: Quit
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • protocol_version: Report protocol version.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   protocol version number
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • name: Report the name of the program.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   program name
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • version: Report the version number of the program.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   version number
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • boardsize: Set the board size to NxN and clear the board.
    Arguments: integer
    Fails:     board size outside engine's limits
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • query_boardsize: Find the current boardsize
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   board_size
  • clear_board: Clear the board.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • orientation: Set the orienation to N and clear the board
    Arguments: integer
    Fails:     illegal orientation
    Returns:   nothing
  • query_orientation: Find the current orientation
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   orientation
  • komi: Set the komi.
    Arguments: float
    Fails:     incorrect argument
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • get_komi: Get the komi
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Komi 
  • black: Play a black stone at the given vertex.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, illegal move
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    Obsolete GTP version 1 command.
  • playwhite: Play a white stone at the given vertex.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, illegal move
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    Obsolete GTP version 1 command.
  • play: Play a stone of the given color at the given vertex.
    Arguments: color, vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, illegal move
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • fixed_handicap: Set up fixed placement handicap stones.
    Arguments: number of handicap stones
    Fails:     invalid number of stones for the current boardsize
    Returns:   list of vertices with handicap stones
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • place_free_handicap: Choose free placement handicap stones and put them on the board.
    Arguments: number of handicap stones
    Fails:     invalid number of stones
    Returns:   list of vertices with handicap stones
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • set_free_handicap: Put free placement handicap stones on the board.
    Arguments: list of vertices with handicap stones
    Fails:     board not empty, bad list of vertices
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • get_handicap: Get the handicap
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   handicap
  • loadsgf: Load an sgf file, possibly up to a move number or the first occurence of a move.
    Arguments: filename + move number, vertex, or nothing
    Fails:     missing filename or failure to open or parse file
    Returns:   color to play
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • color: Return the color at a vertex.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex
    Returns:   "black", "white", or "empty"
  • list_stones: List vertices with either black or white stones.
    Arguments: color
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   list of vertices
  • countlib: Count number of liberties for the string at a vertex.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   Number of liberties.
  • findlib: Return the positions of the liberties for the string at a vertex.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   Sorted space separated list of vertices.
  • accuratelib: Determine which liberties a stone of given color will get if played at given vertex.
    Arguments: move (color + vertex)
    Fails:     invalid color, invalid vertex, occupied vertex
    Returns:   Sorted space separated list of liberties
  • accurate_approxlib: Determine which liberties a stone of given color will get if played at given vertex.
    Arguments: move (color + vertex)
    Fails:     invalid color, invalid vertex, occupied vertex
    Returns:   Sorted space separated list of liberties
    Supposedly identical in behavior to the above function and
    can be retired when this is confirmed.
  • is_legal: Tell whether a move is legal.
    Arguments: move
    Fails:     invalid move
    Returns:   1 if the move is legal, 0 if it is not.
  • all_legal: List all legal moves for either color.
    Arguments: color
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   Sorted space separated list of vertices.
  • captures: List the number of captures taken by either color.
    Arguments: color
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   Number of captures.
  • last_move: Return the last move.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     no previous move known
    Returns:   Color and vertex of last move.
  • move_history: Print the move history in reverse order
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   List of moves played in reverse order in format: 
               color move (one move per line)
  • invariant_hash: Return the rotation/reflection invariant board hash.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Invariant hash for the board as a hexadecimal number.
  • invariant_hash_for_moves: Return the rotation/reflection invariant board hash obtained by playing all the possible moves for the given color.
    Arguments: color
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   List of moves + invariant hash as a hexadecimal number,
               one pair of move + hash per line.
  • trymove: Play a stone of the given color at the given vertex.
    Arguments: move (color + vertex)
    Fails:     invalid color, invalid vertex, illegal move
    Returns:   nothing
  • tryko: Play a stone of the given color at the given vertex, allowing illegal ko capture.
    Arguments: move (color + vertex)
    Fails:     invalid color, invalid vertex, illegal move
    Returns:   nothing
  • popgo: Undo a trymove or tryko.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     stack empty
    Returns:   nothing
  • clear_cache: clear the caches.
    Arguments: none.
    Fails:     never.
    Returns:   nothing.
  • attack: Try to attack a string.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code followed by attack point if attack code nonzero.
  • attack_either: Try to attack either of two strings
    Arguments: two vertices
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code against the strings.  Guarantees there
               exists a move which will attack one of the two
               with attack_code, but does not return the move.
  • defend: Try to defend a string.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   defense code followed by defense point if defense code nonzero.
  • does_attack: Examine whether a specific move attacks a string tactically.
    Arguments: vertex (move), vertex (dragon)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code
  • does_defend: Examine whether a specific move defends a string tactically.
    Arguments: vertex (move), vertex (dragon)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code
  • ladder_attack: Try to attack a string strictly in a ladder.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code followed by attack point if attack code nonzero.
  • increase_depths: Increase depth values by one.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • decrease_depths: Decrease depth values by one.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • owl_attack: Try to attack a dragon.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code followed by attack point if attack code nonzero.
  • owl_defend: Try to defend a dragon.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   defense code followed by defense point if defense code nonzero.
  • owl_threaten_attack: Try to attack a dragon in 2 moves.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code followed by the two attack points if
               attack code nonzero.
  • owl_threaten_defense: Try to defend a dragon with 2 moves.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   defense code followed by the 2 defense points if
               defense code nonzero.
  • owl_does_attack: Examine whether a specific move attacks a dragon.
    Arguments: vertex (move), vertex (dragon)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   attack code
  • owl_does_defend: Examine whether a specific move defends a dragon.
    Arguments: vertex (move), vertex (dragon)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   defense code
  • owl_connection_defends: Examine whether a connection defends involved dragons.
    Arguments: vertex (move), vertex (dragon1), vertex (dragon2)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   defense code
  • defend_both: Try to defend both of two strings
    Arguments: two vertices
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   defend code for the strings.  Guarantees there
               exists a move which will defend both of the two
               with defend_code, but does not return the move.
  • owl_substantial: Determine whether capturing a string gives a living dragon
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   1 if dragon can live, 0 otherwise
  • analyze_semeai: Analyze a semeai
    Arguments: dragona, dragonb
    Fails:     invalid vertices, empty vertices
    Returns:   semeai defense result, semeai attack result, semeai move
  • analyze_semeai_after_move: Analyze a semeai after a move have been made.
    Arguments: color, vertex, dragona, dragonb
    Fails:     invalid vertices
    Returns:   semeai defense result, semeai attack result, semeai move
  • tactical_analyze_semeai: Analyze a semeai, not using owl
    Arguments: dragona, dragonb
    Fails:     invalid vertices, empty vertices
    Returns:   status of dragona, dragonb assuming dragona moves first
  • connect: Try to connect two strings.
    Arguments: vertex, vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex, vertices of different colors
    Returns:   connect result followed by connect point if successful.
  • disconnect: Try to disconnect two strings.
    Arguments: vertex, vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex, vertices of different colors
    Returns:   disconnect result followed by disconnect point if successful.
  • break_in: Try to break from string into area.
    Arguments: vertex, vertices
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex.
    Returns:   result followed by break in point if successful.
  • block_off: Try to block string from area.
    Arguments: vertex, vertices
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex.
    Returns:   result followed by block point if successful.
  • eval_eye: Evaluate an eye space
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex
    Returns:   Minimum and maximum number of eyes. If these differ an
               attack and a defense point are additionally returned.
               If the vertex is not an eye space or not of unique color,
               a single -1 is returned.
  • dragon_status: Determine status of a dragon.
    Arguments: optional vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   status ("alive", "critical", "dead", or "unknown"),
               attack point, defense point. Points of attack and
               defense are only given if the status is critical.
               If no vertex is given, the status is listed for all
               dragons, one per row in the format "A4: alive".
    FIXME: Should be able to distinguish between life in seki
           and independent life. Should also be able to identify ko.
  • same_dragon: Determine whether two stones belong to the same dragon.
    Arguments: vertex, vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   1 if the vertices belong to the same dragon, 0 otherwise
  • unconditional_status: Determine the unconditional status of a vertex.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     invalid vertex
    Returns:   unconditional status ("undecided", "alive", "dead",
               "white_territory", "black_territory"). Occupied vertices can
               be undecided, alive, or dead. Empty vertices can be
               undecided, white territory, or black territory.
  • combination_attack: Find a move by color capturing something through a combination attack.
    Arguments: color
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   Recommended move, PASS if no move found
  • combination_defend: If color can capture something through a combination attack, list moves by the opponent of color to defend against this attack.
    Arguments: color
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   Recommended moves, PASS if no combination attack found.
  • aa_confirm_safety: Run atari_atari_confirm_safety().
    Arguments: move, optional int
    Fails:     invalid move
    Returns:   success code, if failure also defending move
  • genmove_black: Generate and play the supposedly best black move.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   a move coordinate or "PASS"
    Status:    Obsolete GTP version 1 command.
  • genmove_white: Generate and play the supposedly best white move.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   a move coordinate or "PASS"
    Status:    Obsolete GTP version 1 command.
  • genmove: Generate and play the supposedly best move for either color.
    Arguments: color to move
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   a move coordinate or "PASS" (or "resign" if resignation_allowed)
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • reg_genmove: Generate the supposedly best move for either color.
    Arguments: color to move
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   a move coordinate (or "PASS")
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • gg_genmove: Generate the supposedly best move for either color.
    Arguments: color to move, optionally a random seed
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   a move coordinate (or "PASS")
    This differs from reg_genmove in the optional random seed.
  • restricted_genmove: Generate the supposedly best move for either color from a choice of allowed vertices.
    Arguments: color to move, allowed vertices
    Fails:     invalid color, invalid vertex, no vertex listed
    Returns:   a move coordinate (or "PASS")
  • kgs-genmove_cleanup: Generate and play the supposedly best move for either color, not passing until all dead opponent stones have been removed.
    Arguments: color to move
    Fails:     invalid color
    Returns:   a move coordinate (or "PASS")
    Status:    KGS specific command.
    A similar command, but possibly somewhat different, will likely be added
    to GTP version 3 at a later time.
  • level: Set the playing level.
    Arguments: int
    Fails:     incorrect argument
    Returns:   nothing
  • undo: Undo one move
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     If move history is too short.
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • gg-undo: Undo a number of moves
    Arguments: optional int
    Fails:     If move history is too short.
    Returns:   nothing
  • time_settings: Set time allowance
    Arguments: int main_time, int byo_yomi_time, int byo_yomi_stones
    Fails:     syntax error
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • time_left: Report remaining time
    Arguments: color color, int time, int stones
    Fails:     syntax error
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • final_score: Compute the score of a finished game.
    Arguments: Optional random seed
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Score in SGF format (RE property).
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • final_status: Report the final status of a vertex in a finished game.
    Arguments: Vertex, optional random seed
    Fails:     invalid vertex
    Returns:   Status in the form of one of the strings "alive", "dead",
               "seki", "white_territory", "black_territory", or "dame".
  • final_status_list: Report vertices with a specific final status in a finished game.
    Arguments: Status in the form of one of the strings "alive", "dead",
               "seki", "white_territory", "black_territory", or "dame".
               An optional random seed can be added.
    Fails:     missing or invalid status string
    Returns:   Vertices having the specified status. These are split with
               one string on each line if the vertices are nonempty (i.e.
               for "alive", "dead", and "seki").
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
               However, "dame", "white_territory", and "black_territory"
               are private extensions.
  • estimate_score: Estimate the score
    Arguments: None
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   upper and lower bounds for the score
  • experimental_score: Estimate the score, taking into account which player moves next
    Arguments: Color to play
    Fails:     Invalid color
    Returns:   Score.
    This function generates a move for color, then adds the
    value of the move generated to the value of the position.
    Critical dragons are awarded to the opponent since the
    value of rescuing a critical dragon is taken into account
    in the value of the move generated.
  • reset_life_node_counter: Reset the count of life nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
    Note: This function is obsolete and only remains for backwards
  • get_life_node_counter: Retrieve the count of life nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   number of life nodes
    Note: This function is obsolete and only remains for backwards
  • reset_owl_node_counter: Reset the count of owl nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • get_owl_node_counter: Retrieve the count of owl nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   number of owl nodes
  • reset_reading_node_counter: Reset the count of reading nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • get_reading_node_counter: Retrieve the count of reading nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   number of reading nodes
  • reset_trymove_counter: Reset the count of trymoves/trykos.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • get_trymove_counter: Retrieve the count of trymoves/trykos.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   number of trymoves/trykos
  • reset_connection_node_counter: Reset the count of connection nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • get_connection_node_counter: Retrieve the count of connection nodes.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   number of connection nodes
  • test_eyeshape: Test an eyeshape for inconsistent evaluations
    Arguments: Eyeshape vertices
    Fails:     Bad vertices
    Returns:   Failure reports on stderr.
  • analyze_eyegraph: Compute an eyevalue and vital points for an eye graph
    Arguments: Eyeshape encoded in string
    Fails:     Bad eyeshape, analysis failed
    Returns:   Eyevalue, vital points
  • cputime: Returns elapsed CPU time in seconds.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Total elapsed (user + system) CPU time in seconds.
  • showboard: Write the position to stdout.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • dump_stack: Dump stack to stderr.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • initial_influence: Return information about the initial influence function.
    Arguments: color to move, what information
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Influence data formatted like:
      0.51   1.34   3.20   6.60   9.09   8.06   1.96   0.00   0.00 
      0.45   1.65   4.92  12.19  17.47  15.92   4.03   0.00   0.00 
      0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00 100.00  75.53  41.47  23.41
    The available choices of information are:
    white_influence (float)
    black_influence (float)
    white_strength (float)
    black_strength (float)
    white_attenuation (float)
    black_attenuation (float)
    white_permeability (float)
    black_permeability (float)
    territory_value (float)
    influence_regions (int)
    non_territory (int)
    The encoding of influence_regions is as follows:
     4 white stone
     3 white territory
     2 white moyo
     1 white area
     0 neutral
    -1 black area
    -2 black moyo
    -3 black territory
    -4 black stone
  • move_influence: Return information about the influence function after a move.
    Arguments: move, what information
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Influence data formatted like for initial_influence.
  • move_probabilities: List probabilities of each move being played (when non-zero). If no previous genmove command has been issued, the result of this command will be meaningless.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Move, probabilty pairs, one per row.
  • move_uncertainty: Return the number of bits of uncertainty in the move. If no previous genmove command has been issued, the result of this command will be meaningless.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   bits of uncertainty
  • followup_influence: Return information about the followup influence after a move.
    Arguments: move, what information
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Influence data formatted like for initial_influence.
  • worm_data: Return the information in the worm data structure.
    Arguments: optional vertex
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Worm data formatted like:
    color           black
    size            10
    effective_size  17.83
    origin          A19
    liberties       8
    liberties2      15
    liberties3      10
    liberties4      8
    attack          PASS
    attack_code     0
    lunch           B19
    defend          PASS
    defend_code     0
    cutstone        2
    cutstone2       0
    genus           0
    inessential     0
    color           white
    inessential     0
    If an intersection is specified, only data for this one will be returned.
  • worm_stones: List the stones of a worm
    Arguments: the location, "BLACK" or "WHITE"
    Fails:     if called on an empty or off-board location
    Returns:   list of stones
  • worm_cutstone: Return the cutstone field in the worm data structure.
    Arguments: non-empty vertex
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   cutstone
  • dragon_data: Return the information in the dragon data structure.
    Arguments: optional intersection
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   Dragon data formatted in the corresponding way to worm_data.
  • dragon_stones: List the stones of a dragon
    Arguments: the location
    Fails:     if called on an empty or off-board location
    Returns:   list of stones
  • eye_data: Return the information in the eye data structure.
    Arguments: color, vertex
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   eye data fields and values, one pair per row
  • half_eye_data: Return the information in the half eye data structure.
    Arguments: vertex
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   half eye data fields and values, one pair per row
  • start_sgftrace: Start storing moves executed during reading in an sgf tree in memory.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
    Warning: You had better know what you're doing if you try to use this
  • finish_sgftrace: Finish storing moves in an sgf tree and write it to file.
    Arguments: filename
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
    Warning: You had better know what you're doing if you try to use this
  • printsgf: Dump the current position as a static sgf file to filename, or as output if filename is missing or "-"
    Arguments: optional filename
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing if filename, otherwise the sgf
  • tune_move_ordering: Tune the parameters for the move ordering in the tactical reading.
    Arguments: MOVE_ORDERING_PARAMETERS integers
    Fails:     incorrect arguments
    Returns:   nothing
  • echo: Echo the parameter
    Arguments: string
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • echo_err: Echo the parameter to stdout AND stderr
    Arguments: string
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • help: List all known commands
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   list of known commands, one per line
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • known_command: Tell whether a command is known.
    Arguments: command name
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   "true" if command exists, "false" if not
    Status:    GTP version 2 standard command.
  • report_uncertainty: Turn uncertainty reports from owl_attack and owl_defend on or off.
    Arguments: "on" or "off"
    Fails:     invalid argument
    Returns:   nothing
  • get_random_seed: Get the random seed
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   random seed
  • set_random_seed: Set the random seed
    Arguments: integer
    Fails:     invalid data
    Returns:   nothing
  • advance_random_seed: Advance the random seed by a number of games.
    Arguments: integer
    Fails:     invalid data
    Returns:   New random seed.
  • is_surrounded: Determine if a dragon is surrounded
    Arguments: vertex (dragon)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty vertex
    Returns:   1 if surrounded, 2 if weakly surrounded, 0 if not
  • does_surround: Determine if a move surrounds a dragon
    Arguments: vertex (move), vertex (dragon)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty (dragon, nonempty (move)
    Returns:   1 if (move) surrounds (dragon)
  • surround_map: Report the surround map for dragon at a vertex
    Arguments: vertex (dragon), vertex (mapped location)
    Fails:     invalid vertex, empty dragon
    Returns:   value of surround map at (mapped location), or -1 if
               dragon not surrounded.
  • set_search_diamond: limit search, and establish a search diamond
    Arguments: pos
    Fails:     invalid value
    Returns:   nothing
  • reset_search_mask: unmark the entire board for limited search
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing
  • limit_search: sets the global variable limit_search
    Arguments: value
    Fails:     invalid arguments
    Returns:   nothing
  • set_search_limit: mark a vertex for limited search
    Arguments: position
    Fails:     invalid arguments
    Returns:   nothing
  • draw_search_area: Draw search area. Writes to stderr.
    Arguments: none
    Fails:     never
    Returns:   nothing

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This document was generated by Daniel Bump on February, 19 2009 using texi2html 1.78

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