

.h 中定义
FTimerHandle TH_VisibilityMessage;

#include "Engine.h"

GWorld->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TH_VisibilityMessage, this, &UUMGTipMessage::OnTimerHandleEvent, 5, false);

// 参数描述
 * Sets a timer to call the given native function at a set interval.  If a timer is already set
 * for this delegate, it will update the current timer to the new parameters and reset its
 * elapsed time to 0.
 * @param InOutHandle Handle to identify this timer. If it is invalid when passed in it will be made into a valid handle.
 * @param InObj Object to call the timer function on.
 * @param InTimerMethod Method to call when timer fires.
 * @param InRate The amount of time between set and firing.  If <= 0.f, clears existing timers.
 * @param InbLoop true to keep firing at Rate intervals, false to fire only once.
 * @param InFirstDelay The time for the first iteration of a looping timer. If < 0.f inRate will be used.



/** Delegate for callbacks to Tick */

FTickerDelegate TickDelegate;

/** Handle to various registered delegates */
FDelegateHandle TickDelegateHandle;

bool Tick(float DeltaSeconds);

// Register delegate for ticker callback
TickDelegate = FTickerDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UShooterGameInstance::Tick);
TickDelegateHandle = FTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker(TickDelegate);
